’15 Winter Solstice Blog Hop: Prompts & Progress
This post first appeared at siobhansmirror.com
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A Tarot Round Robin that happens eight times a year. AKA blog collaboration. AKA Variety ftw!!
WHAT IS A Tarot Round Robin???
A group of bloggers + one question or topic + links* to the blog before, master list, & the blog after = Tarot Train
*use the links at the top and bottom of this post to navigate the Hop.
There once was as tarot geek who was a member of a mystical group called the Hop Intuitive Initiative, a place for lightworkers and writers alike. One Winter solstice, one of the grand hop wranglers, Arwen, said “Let’s have a Solstice Office Party! Come and bring gifts to share with everyone!” And so the intuitives gathered their gifts and assembled at the party. All but one… The tarot geek was uncertain. She hadn’t chosen a gift to bring. She wondered:
“What do people want for the holiday season?
What might someone need?”
She was loitering outside the party when a bell rang nearby. She searched for the source of the sound and stumbled on Scottie Hill’s blog about Trumping the Year, a list of questions. Curious as always, she asked, why are you writing a list?
And the blog said, “I write this list every December to light the dark end of the year with memories, lessons, and love.” The tarot geek then said “so the list is a prompt to light the fire in a writer’s heart. The prompt inspires and requires awareness. The prompt tracks the progress for the year.” The tarot geek smiled. She had found the seed of her Office Party Offering. What a fabulous gift for the writer wanting to end the year with awareness, wonder, and words. The tarot geek offered gratitude to Scottie Hill’s blog and set off to return to the Office Party.
On the walk back to the party the tarot geek felt doubt once more. How should she prepare this gift? She wondered again:
“What do people want for the holiday season?
What might someone need?”
She loitered outside the party again, looking for inspiration. She heard the shrill little bark of a tiny dog. This bark led her to two guests near the entrance of the party. The first guest wore fancy boots and carried a satchel so full it looked ready to spill it’s contents. Inside this over-filled satchel was the tiny barking toy dog. This first guest watched the second guest tell a joke while juggling and gasped and laughed every few seconds in response to the story/performance.
The tarot geek was leaving to explore the party when the two guests reached for her. The first yelled over the sound of the barking, “I have an exciting! idea! for your gift!” The second said more quietly, “I have a useful idea for your gift.” And before she could question how they knew, the dog fell silent and they whispered in either of her ears. Her eyes grew wide as she listened. She recognized them as the Fool and the Magician and thanked each of them for their wisdom. She set off to find rest of the Major Arcana since it seemed that their insights were the key to her holiday offering.
Onward the tarot geek went, absorbing the stories and temperament of the 22 “strange guests” of the tarot. She collected and continued to the center of the party where other lightworker guests had already been sharing their various gifts. Eventually the other attendants asked her “What do you offer on this longest night, to warm the hearts of our guests for the Winter Solstice?” She answered:
“I bring an offering of prompts and progress, reflections of this year’s light and dark to illuminate the path of the coming year. I bring you 22 questions, messages and wisdom from our “strange guests of the tarot,” the Major Arcana. Use these prompts however serve you. May they light the way to your hopes and highest wishes for 2016.
0. The Fool asks, In 2015, when did you feel like a beginner? What did you begin?
- The Magician asks what tools did you use?
- The High Priestess asks, what did you dream about this year?
- The Empress asks, who or what did you nurture? What nurtured you?
- The Emperor asks, what did leadership mean this year?
- The Hierophant asks, what did you study?
Who did you study with?
- The Lovers ask, what was your most difficult choice?
- The Chariot asks, what led you this year? What did you harness?
- Strength asks, when were you brave?
- The Hermit asks, who did you inspire?
- The Wheel of Fortune asks, what was one fortunate thing that happened? One challenging thing?
- Justice asks, what decision weighed on you this year?
- The Hanged one asks, what was the hardest part of the year?
- Death asks, what will never be the same?
- Temperance asks, when did you feel most balanced?
- The Devil asks, when did you abstain? When did you indulge?
- The Tower asks, what utterly shocked you?
- The Star asks, what communities were you a part of?
- The Moon asks, what were you most afraid of?
- The Sun asks, what were you most enthusiastic about?
- Judgment asks, what did this year awaken within you?
- The World asks, what did wholeness mean to you this year?
How do you reflect on your year?
What is your experience with journaling prompts?
Please share your thoughts below.
– About the Author –
Siobhan is a NYC-born writer, intuitive, and professional tarot reader living in central Texas. She moonlights as an aerialist, poet, educator, circle facilitator, and alternative relationship coach. She delights in diverse spaces and writes a Radical Tarot newsletter with tarot tools, ritual, and geekery, to foster awareness and empowerment with tarot. Read about her or contribute/subscribe to her freakishly relevant Tarotscopes, where she features a kaleidoscope of tarot readers. Variety ftw!