by Siobhan | Sep 1, 2016 | LRT
Last month I tried to write some pieces in bulk to free up some extra time. No one ever tells you bulk writing can be dangerous. Maybe not for most, but for me, writing a ton at once to save the trouble of writing later comes with risk. Freedom has a cost and that...
by Siobhan | Aug 18, 2016 | LRT
I love journaling. Have since puberty. Night after night I’d clutch the binding of a journal and scribble furiously for hours. There were things I needed to say. It was my way to say them. I wasn’t always willing to talk to people. But I wrote until my finger joints...
by Siobhan | Jul 21, 2016 | LRT
Some nights sleep is a joke. You’ve been there, the place where you don’t know what will ease you. Or even when you do know – the right snack, time to journal, conscious breath – knowing doesn’t help you do these things. A few nights ago...
by Siobhan | Mar 17, 2016 | LRT
Aquarian Tarot by David Palladini Light & Shadow – A Fresh Look at #DifficultCards What happens when we pull difficult cards? By difficult, I mean cards with uncomfortable scenarios or challenging themes. Cards that inspire dis-ease. Responses to difficult...
by Siobhan | Mar 3, 2016 | LRT
Margarete Petersen Tarot, Osho-Zen Tarot, Tarot de St. Croix What is Face Up Tarot? When we lie face up, we are exposed. With our bellies facing the sky we lay open to whatever may befall us, be it travesty or ecstasy. With our backs against the ground we limit our...
by Siobhan | Nov 16, 2015 | LRT
This essay is one of a short series of guest posts exploring the topic of entrepreneurship, and how on top of the usual challenges faced by anyone who starts a small business from scratch, some of us also experience blocks and obstacles arising from mental or...