Scopes 19: Virgo
Happy Birthday Virgo! This is the final Radical Tarotscope. Thank you for reading all these years. Thank you for contributing all these years. Thank you for loving these Scopes with me.
Happy Birthday Virgo! This is the final Radical Tarotscope. Thank you for reading all these years. Thank you for contributing all these years. Thank you for loving these Scopes with me.
Happy birthday Leos! Goodbye eclipse season. *waves
Happy birthday Cancer!
This Scope was made possible with awesome contributions from Scopes’ readers!!
Happy birthday Gemini!
This Scope was made possible with awesome contributions from Scopes’ readers!!
Happy birthday Taurus!
This Scope was made possible with awesome contributions from Scopes’ readers!!
Happy astrological new year! Equinox! Happy birthday Aries!
This is the first Scope with help from the readers and y’all are AWEsome.