Final post at siobhansmirror, gratitude, and news!

This post first appeared at
Final post at!
Obviously, Y’all knew this was coming.
I’ve been slowly disappearing all posts and pages and posting links to the new site.
I haven’t said anything there in ages, and I’ve gotten quiet via email too. Can you hear the gears grinding in my office from there? I’ve made a ton of changes since migrating to the new site, and now that I’m almost done (SO CLOSE!) I figured I should let you know.
To everyone who read the blog or visited siobhansmirror, Thank You.
Most months for the past three years or so, upwards of 1,000 of Y’all made your way there and hung out. A few of you commented, and some of you shared my posts. You met tarot readers through my ‘Scopes and supported them. You networked with tarot peers. You wrote a tarotscope for me. Some of you wrote a gazillion. A small army of you signed up for my newsletter, and a slightly larger army followed me on Twitter.
I’ll never stop being grateful for the connections I made there.
*feels gratitude
I wanted to take a moment like this before siobhansmirror goes away completely in the next few weeks.
As with all change at this point, you may (or may not) have some questions.
I’ll try and answer those and if I miss any, let me know in the comments.
Is it any different here than it was at siobhansmirror?
Yes! The siobhansmirror archive is here
What else is new? – Separate kinds of blog posts notifications
- LittleRedTarot column post notifications via email (you have to opt-in this isn’t automatic)
- Tarotscope post notifications via email that you can opt out of
Lot’s more awesome on the way:
- Audio versions of all the most popular posts from siobhansmirror
- Members Area with even more recordings, readings I don’t do for the public including year-round donation readings and other exclusives.
How often will you post here?
I usually post one thing a month and occasionally I max out at four posts, but that’s rare. At LRT I post no more than twice a month. There’s never more than one tarotscope a month. And my newsletters have been sporadic at best with one every other month.
That’s it! Thanks for reading! <3