There will be a super blue blood moon early tomorrow and in honor of that and my birthday and saturday:
I’m doing live donation – based readings.
I will be doing them tomorrow January 27th, from 2 pm CT – 3:30 pm CT. I might throw this out later but for now here’s what I think I’ll do:
Part I 2pm – Hello and warm up readings [approx 20 minutes]
Part II 2:20 pm ish – Donation based readings [approx 50 minutes]
Part III 3:10 pm ish – Last call and No more readings* [approx 10 minutes]
Part IV 3:20 ish – Feedback and Goodbye [approx 10 minutes]
Note* At about 3:10 pm CT I will not be accepting any more donations for live readings. If you donate to me after that time I will accept and consider that donation a random donation. I am offering mini readings for free or on a donation basis for a limited time. Please do NOT donate after [time] unless you just want to show your support just because. (In which case THANK YOU!)
My subscribers already know the deal but to those of you who are new to me and that might have questions, here are some answers so that the live feed can focus on readings.
Is there any question that you had that I’ve left out?
Ask it in the comments. I’ll answer then update this list for next time.
What's your Periscope handle?
How do I make a donation and what happens when I do?
Donate here and at Periscope tell me the first three letters of the email you used to send the payment. Or maybe more than three if you have one of those super popular emails… But NOT the whole thing! I’m not trying to get you spammed!
How much should I donate?
$5 is a good amount, $3 is good too. Or more than that if you feel called. PayPal charges me a fee for this donation, so please put at least the $3 so that I still see some of it. *chuckles
If, after the fact, it doesn’t feel like it was enough you can always visit my tip jar!
Where do the donations go?
If we raise more than $100 (which I don’t anticipate but you never know?!) I donate half or all of it to a cause I care about. At this time I’m partial to Counterbalance ATX The Texas Campaign for the environment Unidos for Puerto Rico Who should I add to this list? Contact me to let me know. If I make less than $100, more likely, I keep it and use it for the stuff listed at my tip jar.
I loved my reading! or That was awful! How can I tell you about it?!
You can tell me here. I’d love to hear about it in either case!
What do I do if I can't afford it but want to participate?
If you are not a subscriber of mine already, be there in the first 20 minutes and say “I don’t have the funds right now but would love a warm up reading.” If you are a subscriber already, do what I said to do in the last newsletter.
I will warm up with folks that were subscribed to my newsletter beforehand and folks that need a free reading, then I will switch to reading for those who donated.
If all my subscribers fill up that first 30 minutes, I don’t anticipate this but it COULD happen, there is a chance I may not get to your reading. The best way to make sure it doesn’t happen again is to subscribe to my newsletter
if you could use some guidance right away check out my free monthly tarotscopes.
How do the tarot work? Are they the work of the devil, etc?
I talk about what I believe about the tarot at my Philosophy page and a little bit more here. I am not a Christian or a Satanist so the devil isn’t a part of my world view. So in my case and from my perspective, no. I am also not a pagan or any other kind of secularist. But I respect your opinion and if YOU believe they are evil, useless, whatever, do YOU and don’t get a reading from me then. =D I’m not great for folks looking for proof of a subjective truth about tarot. Firstly, because I don’t believe in one and also because I use my tarot to give you the experience you are looking for, with the assumption we have compatible views about tarot. See my writing everywhere to get a sense of that. If you don’t have some concept of what you’re looking for and what you believe the tarot do for you in the first place it’s harder, if not impossible, to do that.
What kind of questions can you ask?
Firstly, you don’t have to have a question. If you don’t I’ll do a general reading asking something like “what do you need to know about eclipse season?” But if you’d rather ask a question, ask something that you don’t mind talking about in front of an audience. Sometimes readings hit on some personal things and I wouldn’t want this to take you buy surprise. Make sense? Before even asking a question consider what would the best reading in the world do according to you? You don’t need experience with tarot to answer this. Pretend anything is possible and answer that question first. Examples: “The best reading would… reassure me about… lay out the truth about… clarify… allow me to… give me confidence about… tell me if…” Once you answer this initial question you will have a sense of what your question should be. Timing questions are hit or miss for me with such short readings, but I will do them. They sound like “when will...” Bear in mind questions like that assume something WILL happen and if it’s something you can’t know will happen, it skews things. If you think the best reading will prove that I’m psychic in 5 minutes or less, let me save you the trouble and say, don’t get a live mini-reading. We may not believe the same things about tarot and so may not be compatible. I believe this is what someone focuses on when they want to distance themselves by focusing on me. It might happen in 5 minutes. Might not. I won’t care either way and here’s why. I tell my clients to prove my reading wrong. I tell them they control their destiny. I dare them to. I tell my clients it’s not about me and that any gift I may or may not have is a distraction. And I mean all that. Since I’m offering my service for almost free and distant folks aren’t juicy for me and aren’t what I’d choose to spend this time on, I’d just as well focus on the readings where people are willing to open up and ask a question that’s about them.
Who are you?
Hi! I’m Siobhan! I’m a New York transplant living in Austin, TX. I’ve been reading about 21 years and professionally about 3. I’m a Buddhist-leaning agnostic. By that I mean, I’m not secular but maintain a dedicated daily practice. Without a doubt, I talk about mindfulness more than anything else. I’ve studied ritual magick, facilitation, Toltec shamanism, Tantric Yoga, kink and polyamorous relationships in depth and all that informs how I read. For more see the bio below or my About me.
How long will readings be?
This will be relative to how many people are watching. I’ve not broadcasted in a loooonog time so I assume there won’t be many people. I have a terrible track record for anticipating support. I wouldn’t be surprised if 5 people showed up or if 500 people did. If only 5 people show up, that’s like 12 minutes a person. If more than than shows up I’ll try to hover between 3 and 5 minutes. And I’ll fail ‘cuz I’ll be having fun. FORGIVE ME IN ADVANCE.
When is the next eclipse/new moon/full moon and in what sign?
I doubt anybody wants to know this, but I made a Google Calendar with the info and I think it’s cool af so here it is: Astro Lunar Calendar GCal Astro Lunar Calendar ICal
How come some folks were talking about the best reading?
Those were my subscribers. They know from reading the newsletter that I’m trying give them the best reading so they helping me co-create that experience by telling me what that means to them.
This was fun, how do I know when you do something like this again?
I’ll be honest, I doubt I’ll do this often publicly. To get on Periscope with y’all I created a web page, a contact form, a newsletter, a timeline, and even did my hair. That’s a lot of stuff. I’m not really a keep-it-simple sort because I love how smooth things are when I put the effort in. At the same time, I don’t have a lot of spoons. In other words, I have limited time and energy to pull from for donation-based activity. Do I value staying accessible to those who can’t afford my readings? Absolutely. That’s why I’ll offer readings like this regularly in the membership area of my site. To both stay accessible and have an easy way to raise money for causes I care about. Here’s the wait-list for that space. Note that I’ll only take 50 people in that space. Again, limited spoons. I also offer other kinds of free readings seasonally to my newsletter subscribers.

Siobhan is a NYC-born writer, spiritual ally, and pro tarot reader living in central Texas. Her facilitative style is the blended result of over a decade of study of tarot as well as communication styles, shamanic ritual, sacred sexuality, and alternative relationships. She writes a column at and is the creator of these monthly ‘Scopes – the first ever collaborative tarotscopes. Liked what you saw? Work with me!