Overwhelmed with prioritizing lately?
You know you need focus. But after a day full of supporting other folks and taking care of you, the task of exploring the lesser known edges of your own self-care is daunting.
Your time is precious.
You want to ground, focus, and be heard. Most importantly, you want to make sure your time and money are put to the most efficient use. These days, none of us have the energy to waste. We have work to do. Communities to support. Travesties to process.
Let’s derail the travesty train.
The Ultimate ‘Scopes help you Process and plan with confidence.
Astrology is the navigation system that lets you know there’s traffic before you’ve even gotten into your car. Tarot is the style guide for the soul, highlighting attitudes, experiences, and ways of being that help and hinder you.
The Ultimate ‘Scopes are a tarotscope that blends the foresight of a horoscope and the nuance of tarot reading. So you can get back to your life recharged. Every. Single. Month. For 12 months.
You will use this all year.
Honor Your Time
Recognize Patterns
Intuitive Advantage
How it works
Each month you receive a PDF file with upwards of 1500 words as well as high-quality photos. The file includes an interpretation of your two Cards of the Month and a chart of personal Astro-events packed with astrological and lunar information. Depending on the tier you purchase you will also recieve additional bonuses.
The ‘Scopes don’t start until I gather a bit of info about who you are and they evolve as I get to know you better. Since it’s tailored specifically to you, the contents will vary. This is not a generalized reading for a sign. This is a year of increasingly intimate readings direct from me to you.
Because a lot can happen in a year, you also have opportunities to comment or inquire about your reading via email. Email me as many questions as you have about your ‘Scopes or tell me the areas of your life where you have a particular interest. Your feedback customizes the reading.
Quality takes time.
This offer is available to just six people in 2019.
No really. Once six people sign up, I will not accept others unless one of the six decides to end their trial. These six will receive the highest quality attention and the benefit of working with me over an extended period of time. Ever wonder what’s it’s like to get read by a tarot pro that actually knows you? Intimacy takes time.
Let’s get to know each other.
The Basic tier includes all 12 readings for the year, acess to the Ultimate Archive, a blog series created just for Ultimate clients that’s all about astrology, and a chart of personal Astro-events.
The Bonus tier includes the same as the Basic plus your Astro-climate, a write up of your transits for the month, an audio recording of your tarot reading and Astro-climate, as well as a 10 – 15 page summary of the patterns in your cards for the year that you can use to set intentions.
The Premium tier includes the same as the first two tiers plus a live walkthrough of the face-up tarot ritual that inspired this reading. This last option is the closest you can come to joining me in ritual space. The live walkthrough from the Premium option is appropriate whether you read tarot for yourself or not. However, it will be customized to suit your experience with tarot. I.e.: If you own a tarot deck, expect to be pulling cards with me.
I start work on your tarotscopes after you submit payment.
Limited quantity available
The Ultimate Trial Guarantee
If you don’t love your tarotscopes after three months, let me know and I’ll cancel your subscription. Your slot will go to another person. Easy peasy. The Ultimate Trial.
I wanted clarity around all the thoughts swimming in my head, as well as helping me trust my gut instincts again.
I feel much more clear-headed when I approach the scopes. I use them as a mirror, and use the cards that come up as a way to help stay focused on the issues the cards highlight instead of me trying to control and figure out everything all at once. I’m able to quiet my monkey mind when it comes to things and focus on one thing at a time instead of becoming overwhelmed.
It was a reminder once a month to sit down with myself and think. I really liked being able to print them out. (I absorb better reading from paper….) I can highlight words, phrases. I can also easily refer back to previous months to help track the journey that I have in fact made this year. Often times I feel like I haven’t made any progress on myself and in life, but being able to reflect back on old readings and have notes to myself has helped immensely in being able to recognize how far I have come, even if there is still far to go.
You have the overall reading done, with two cards representing each month of the year. You’ll get an overall breakdown of the cards, but then each month you get a personalized tarotscope that highlights two cards, as well as any themes or recurring things that Siobhan picks up on. She is thorough, and will even research recurring themes/card patterns if she does not know enough about it.
Siobhan is very insightful. She knows a lot, but she’s also curious and seeks further knowledge which I think is very important when it comes to tarot reading. She’s also extremely thoughtful.The tarotscopes really force you to focus inward. To think about what you want and how you feel. I learned a lot. I thought astrology just consisted of birth charts and mercury in retrograde, but I’ve realized that there’s always a sign that is an influence…
They are a great way to force (maybe not the right word) you to look inward and take time for self-care. They really helped give me clarity in regards to situations in my life and helped me trust myself more. I read them when they arrive in my inbox, and then refer to them about 1-3 times a month, depending on the month. So far they’ve all been useful and I don’t see myself breaking the pattern.
Make sure not to have the expectation that the cards are necessarily going to foretell your future. One of the things I’ve learned from Siobhan is that the future is not set in stone and that the cards are used to reflect and keep you focused on what is happening that you may not be realizing.
They have forced me to really sit down and figure out what it is that I want in life: career, relationships, friendships, and even myself. They have also taught me to not be so hard on myself, that I am doing the work.
Rebecca FeldbinBasic
3 available- Cards of The Month interpretation
- Access to The Ultimate Archive for a year
- Chart of personal Astro-events
- Write up of Astro-climate
- Audio file
- Summary of themes for the year
- 120-minute live video meeting
2 avalable- Cards of The Month interpretation
- Access to The Ultimate Archive for a year
- Chart of personal Astro-events
- Write up of Astro-climate
- Audio file
- Summary of themes for the year
- 120-minute live video meeting
1 available- Cards of The Month interpretation
- Access to The Ultimate Archive for a year
- Chart of personal Astro-events
- Write up of Astro-climate
- Audio file
- Summary of themes for the year
- 120-minute live video meeting
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens when I start my trial?
Once you select your tarotscope you are taken to PayPal.com where you can pay via PayPal or credit card.
After you pay you will receive a short questionnaire asking for your name, pronouns etc. This is how I know where to send your tarotscopes. I cannot begin until I receive the answers.
Once you’ve answered the questionnaire I use this information to start creating your first ‘Scope and any supplementary materials such as themes for the year.
The date you receive your first ‘Scope may correspond to your birthday or timing significant to you so it will vary from person to person. I will email an estimate for when you will receive your first ‘scope.
If you don’t hear from me within 7 days of completing your questionnaire please email me at siobhan [at] radicaltarot [dot] com
What if everything is sold out?!
Enter your email below to get on the waiting list. If someone decides to give up their spot, I will contact you. Otherwise, you will be the first to hear when the next round of ‘Scopes begins toward the end of 2019.
Do I pay all at once?
Nope. When you click the button to pay you are taken to PayPal to set up a subscription that automatically charges the amount for three months worth of your ‘Scopes at a time. The subcription onIy lasts a year and will not auto-renew. I am unable to give refunds for services that have been rendered. If you’d like a sample than pay the Trial amount which covers your first three months and you can decide after three months if you’d like to continue.
When is the second payment Charged?
The second payment is charged after your third tarotscope. For example, the first tarotscopes of the 2019 season will go out in late October in 2018. The second payment for that round would be charged at the beginning of January. Please note that this is just an example and the date will vary depending on when you purchased your Ultimate ‘Scopes.
How much are the Ultimate 'Scopes in total?
Check back here for prices closer to the launch of this offer in September.
Last year, this offer sold out in less than 24 hours.
Sign up for the Radical Tarot list and opt-in to “offerings” to be among the first to hear when a spot becomes available.

P.S I’m the sort of person that likes to keep my word. I won’t promise more than I can deliver and that is why once this offer sells out I won’t offer anymore. Not to be a jerk. Not to create scarcity. These tarotscopes are basically six novella sized tarot readings. I can only lavish six lucky people. That’s why there are only six.
Questions? Contact me
While the Ultimate ‘Scopes will be packed with astrological information, this offer will not include a detailed analysis of your birth chart.