The Introvert Bubble


Membership Area



Let’s hang out…

a little bit…




I’ve created a space where we can ask for what we need.


I reserve my time for people who, though they enjoy being online, deep down know that they don’t need another reason to look at their cellphone or computer. I won’t be inundating you with impersonal content, generalized readings, or products to buy left and right. Instead, I invite you to share what you want to receive and over what you will and let’s trade.


If this sounds good, consider joining me in this smallish group. You receive access to archived content, a member’s only forum, first peek at stuff that I create, spaces to talk about tarot and other things with like minds and a place to trade readings. Easily worth upwards of $10 a month if not more.



For now, it’s free.

Here’s what’s inside (or will be): 


  • Restricted blog posts including updated pieces and the astrology series written for Ultimate ‘Scopes clients
  • Every Little Red Tarot piece including PDF versions
  • Worksheets I’ve created, updated to utilize what I’ve learned about design and retention
  • Snippets, or the entirety, of E books I’m writing that will eventually be available for sale to the public
  • Free Courses in all kinds of formats some of which will eventually be available for sale to the public

Other things you might ask for (or offer):


  • Audio versions of blog posts
  • Podcasts on certain topics
  • Answers to random questions
  • Virtual chats, facilitative circles, or ritual spaces
  • New worksheets
  • New kinds of readings
  • Chances to practice your tarot readings (or have them audited by peers)
  • Chances to practice your chart readings (or have them audited by peers)
  • A second pair of eyes on a tarot interpretation you did

Join the bubble

[mepr-membership-registration-form id=”3408″]

Cancel whenever.


Frequently Asked Questions


What happens when I Join?

You are granted immediate access to the space.

Anything out of place? Please contact me at siobhan [at] radicaltarot [dot] com

Why does it say "You don't have access to purchase this item"?

I don’t anticipate this coming up but if 300 of y’all sign up for this space and all start talking at once in the forum, I might have to cap memeberhip. This is here just in case. If that happens, sign up for my newsletter below to hear when registration opens again. You will be the first to hear when space opens up.

Oh no, it's full!


When this space fills up, sign up for my list and opt into my Offerings emails to be among the first to hear when a spot becomes available. Make sure you opt-in to Offerings or you won’t hear about when space opens up.



P.S. If this sounds like a giant experiment it’s because it is. The experiment works as long as we ask for what we need and let people give it to us and when we are willing to gift others. You ever participate in a gift economy? Where showing up and being authentic are the point rather than the capitalist price point and there’s magickally enough? Both have their place. Let’s try something different. You game? See you inside.


Questions? Contact me