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Tarot of the Crone, Ellen Lorenzi-Prince, 2002 (3rd ed. 2017) published by Arnells Art


Five of Cups | Shadow of Swords & Empress


It’s a funny thing, this business of desire. Of want, and need. Of Guilt. Of Shame. So often we believe that we want things because we feel we ‘should’ want them. And we deny that we desire other things…because we feel we shouldn’t. The result is usually a frustrating sense of disconnect, of energy and intention squandered.

Rarely do we stop and question where these perceived desires are coming from – or if they are truly ours at all. Rarely do we allow ourselves to be fully honest about what we truly, deeply desire.

Dear Aries, it’s time for a little midsummer shadow work, a little mindful excavation. To sort the wheat from the chaff so you can claim and take ownership of what you truly want…and let the rest of it melt into the earth.

Let’s begin with the clearing out which, as the fearsome Shadow of Swords reveals, takes place in the mind.

If your mind is anything like mine, it’s like a muscle. Once it digs out a groove for itself, it gets comfortable. It repeats the same messages, over and over, like a machine. “I should..”, “I can’t..”, ”nobody ever..”. An uncomfortable comfort zone.

This month, notice where and when you hear that little voice, and don’t be afraid to question it. Ask: Who says? Why? Notice where the ‘should’s arise, where you find yourself comparing yourself to others’.

What would it be like to just… let go?

Sitting opposite the spiky Shadow, the soft, rounded Empress emphasizes receptivity and embodiment, sensuality and desire. She is the very opposite of the mechanical mind and its worn-out grooves. She asks: what if, instead of chasing someone else’s wants, you allowed yourself to truly desire? What if you let your body tell you what it wants?

Aries, do you know – you are allowed to desire something simply because you desire it – regardless of ‘should,’ regardless of what anybody else is chasing. Whether it be a list or a meditation or a drunken conversation, give yourself space to find out what that might be. Allow yourself to be truly indulgent as you name your desires.

There is no shame in desire.

You get to choose, Aries. You get to own this. You’re not a machine, and your desires are not uniform. In the words of Mary Oliver, “you only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.” Put your energy and your intention there, and see what your desire brings forth.


[Tweet “#Aries. You get to own this. You’re not a machine, and your desires are not uniform. #tarotscopes by @littleredtarot”]

Beth Maiden is a tarot reader and writer and the founder of Little Red Tarot, an online tarot hub that centres queer and marginalised voices. She is the creator of two popular and accessible online tarot courses and the curator of the Little Red Tarot Shop, a treasure trove of gorgeous indie decks. She lives in the green hills of mid-Wales with one partner and two cats. Find her on Twitter and Instagram @littleredtarot!



The Illest Tarot, Kristi Prokopiak, 2017


Queen of Swords | Emperor Rx | 6 of Cups


Taurus, I’m going to tell you now, Cancer season is going to try to have you all in your feelings.

You’ve been doing some major work on yourself and trying to pull things together to gain some structure and order, but there are still some major lessons to be learned before you entirely upright yourself and start moving forward with confidence and conviction. Right now, you are wearing a very thinly veiled veneer of control that can be shattered at any moment if someone brings up a memory or someone from your past that you are trying to close the door on. And before you shout, “OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!!” Take a step back and assess the situation logically. Are you acting for your highest good or are you RE-acting to past trauma? There is some hurt in your heart that is causing you to react vs. lead, and that is where you need to start digging to turn the soil and plant new seeds. A good leader can cover ground while keeping emotions in check, but not ignore them. Sit with your memories, good and bad, and find the nuggets that bring you the most happiness. Contentment is found by searching for the gratitude in past experiences; protect your heart, but allow it to guide you to new endeavors.


[Tweet “#Taurus, Protect your heart, but allow it to guide you to new endeavors. @redlightreading”]

V. is a candle burning, hoop-dancing, manifesting, novel reading, word-loving, magic making Mistress of Cartomancy.  Forever a student and life-long learner of astrology, numerology, chakra healing, and all forms of psychic awareness, V. has been reading cards for 16 years and doling out nuggets of down-to-earth, “BFF”-inspired wisdom to anyone that crosses her path.  She can be found at:; Twitter/Periscope: @redlightreading; IG: @redlightreadings



Smith-Waite Centennial Tarot Deck, © 2013 US Games Systems
Slow Holler Tarot © 2016


Our Major Arcana energy for the month is Justice. This is a powerful reminder from the universe that we are all instruments of justice, in some way, and that we all have our part to play. Dear Geminis, you have a dual nature and a curious mind that allows you to find creative ways of working for social justice. This is an incredible asset to the collective.

You are being asked, invited, pushed by the universe to find a place for yourself in the movement.

The fact that the Justice card is coming up for you in the season of Cancer means that we’re looking at Justice for the home, justice for family, justice for emotional healing. Your two supporting cards come from the Stones suit, which is just a beautiful representation of that which Cancer supports.

Your ally for the month is the Student of Stones. I pulled this card to show you what energy, what kind of person, you need to embody in order to work best toward that energy of justice. This card pushes you to think deeply and explore the material realities and struggles of the collective. The Student of Stones is most concerned with making sure everyone has their basic needs covered. Does everyone in your community have access to enough food to eat? Does anyone need shelter? This season, you will be able to quickly come up with resources and figure out where they need to go. This is all about building on your own successes to bolster community. There is also an inherent curiosity for the Student – they are still building their catalogue and understanding of need in the community. This month, dedicate yourself to learning more.

Finally, the Ten of Stones is your advice card for the month. Legacy, family, celebration, unification. The Ten of Stones invites you to imagine a radical balance. What does it look like when everyone has exactly what they need? What does it look like when we share our resources equally without trying to hold on to things for our own sake? These are the questions you are seeking answers to this month. Celebrate community cohesion, and think about all the ways you can build that outside of yourself.

Most of all, Gemini, take Cancer season to imagine what it looks like for everyone to be supported in the ways they need.


 [Tweet “#Gemini, we are all instruments of justice, in some way. #tarotscopes by @northlightwitch”]

Abbie (she/her/hers) has been a practicing witch for almost 15 years, and has been studying and reading tarot for 12. She finds solace in story, and loves to connect one on one with clients. Abbie sees tarot and witchcraft as a way to make our lives better, to bring justice to the every day. She uses magical tools as a way to help people reach within themselves to find a new, beautiful way of being.

Abbie provides tarot readings and sells spell kits at her shop:

To connect with Abbie, follow her on Instagram @northern.lights.witch, Twitter (@northlightwitch) and check out her website



The Albano-Waite deck, created by Frankie Albano, US Games 1991


Oh, my sweet Cancerian moon-beings – Y’all have been going through some major changes and deep shifts lately, and now it’s time to re-set the stage internally and externally and get ready to plant exciting new seeds for this next turning. As you honor what has passed from your life recently, remember that when we experience loss, it often opens us up for something new – whether we feel ready for it, or not. In fact, you may very well be so deep in your emotions that you may interpret a new opportunity as a threat or challenge because even good changes can be disconcerting to those who have experienced much loss or trauma. Pick your battles wisely, and try to open up to the possibilities that are being offered up to you like gifts right now – you may find yourself in a more harmonious situation than the one you’re currently grieving. It doesn’t have to be a constant struggle or unending battle – change often hurts, but that’s how we know we’re growing.

Grief has its place, and it is absolutely necessary to feel it all – because what we don’t feel, we don’t heal! Let the tears fall, write the lovesick poetry, and get a little maudlin if you have to – but whatever you do, please don’t isolate yourself right now. Reach out to the people who have your back, talk it out, and share what you’re going through. It may be that a relationship of yours has gone through a transition, or that you’re moving or traveling away from a place that has held many memories for you – even if you’re at peace intellectually with these changes, the heart may not be totally on board. Acknowledge the truths your heart is whispering, even as you let yourself be carried forward by the winds of fate. 

There’s no place for logic in any of what’s happening for you right now, so honestly, the best you can do is diligently make your bed every day, clean and nurture your altars with candlelight, fresh flowers, and clear water. Make your living space sing like a bell, even if everything else in your life feels like utter chaos. Just doing these little things will help you feel so much more at peace – I promise. Don’t let stuff pile up. Treat every surface in your home like a little altar – from your kitchen table to your countertops. Have a few trusted friends over for a quiet dinner, or to play games or make music together. Light your favorite incense, and make the little jewel-box of your personal space shine with welcoming energy – for yourself, and for those you love. This will be healing for you, and help you feel a little more in control – like the calm center in the eye of the hurricane. 


 [Tweet “#Cancer, change often hurts, but that’s how we know we’re growing. #tarotscopes by @angeliska”]

Angeliska Polacheck was born at 11:11am on the 10th day of the 1st month of the year. She is an Austin, Texas based witch, tarot reader, writer, costumer, and silversmith. She loves: smelling things and remembering, the golden light of the magic hour, cobalt blue glass, and crescent moons. Her writing has been published in NILVX I(II): A Book of Magic, The Folk Horror Revival: Corpse Roads, Arcana: The Tarot Poetry Anthology, Coilhouse Magazine, Tank Magazine, and You can read her personal writing at:  and learn more about her divination and energy work at Sister Temperance Tarot:

Twitter: @angeliska
IG: @sistertemperancetarot




Textured Tarot – Lisa McLoughlin, 2018


Hey Lovely Leo,

Your cards are: Three of Cups, Ace of Cups and the Magician.

This moon cycle is all about filling your own cup.

You’re pretty good at helping other people fill theirs, or perhaps even filling their cups for them. It’s not unusual for you to be the one at the party making sure everyone has a drink, something to eat and someone to talk to.

You reign when making other people feel good, but don’t let your own cup run dry in the process.

This is a powerful time to check who you are surrounding yourself with. How many peeps in your crew would offer you the same kind of hospitality that you offer them?

There are some people who come to your parties for the free drinks. There are other people who come because they really enjoy spending time with you and would still turn up if your cupboard was empty. Make sure these are the people who are getting first dibs on your energy.

There are many ways you can fill your own cup, and while it’s nice to have friends who will pour some of their energy into yours, ultimately this is a job you need to do on your own.

Write yourself a list of ten things that make you feel “full”. Think of things that fill you up in different areas of your life. What fills you up mentally, physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually?

Do at least five of them this moon cycle and carve out some serious time in your diary for the stuff that fills you up moving forward.

The more you can keep your own energy in balance and make sure all your needs are met the more you will be able to really step into your power, manifest your wildest desires and become even more magical than you already are.

With so much love, light and magical filling up,


[Tweet “#Leo, Don’t let your own cup run dry. #tarotscopes by newagehipster3”]


Vix is a Spiritual + Biz mentor, intuitive Tarot + Angel Card Reader, Angelic Life Coach, Holy Fire Reiki practitioner, Celtic Reiki Mystic Master, Headmistress of Woo Woo School and the creator of New Age Hipster. Sent here on a divine mission to kick open the musty old spiritual wardrobe, Vix is all about bringing the new age into the now by making spirituality accessible to whoever wants in! Vix is an ex-high school and special ed teacher, she has written a tween and a YA novel and enjoys drinking decaf tea, making Pinterest vision boards and eating veggie pizza with pineapple while watching 80’s movies on Netflix.




Astral Tarot, 1969, Mont-Saint-Johns (OOP)


At this time, Virgo, your task is accepting the fact that cosmic energies ARE constantly in flux, and WILL require you to keep adjusting your approach. As much as you would prefer things to remain calm and controlled, there are certain lessons you can only learn by experiencing a little bout of chaos. Resisting the discomfort of this truth prevents you from internalizing important lessons. It is said that “what you resist persists” and this could not be more apt for you right now! You don’t get through this by fighting fire with fire; you get through this by learning to roll with the punches.

Both the Five of Pentacles and the Five of Wands have come up for you here. In some numerology traditions, five is a number of change. After the stability of four, fives present you with new factors, fives come in to mix things up and rearrange the status quo. This can be unpleasant, especially if you thrive in times of order – but know that these cards speak to relatively minor inconveniences that may be unwelcome, but are simply part of life. As such, keeping perspective is essential right now. Consider what will truly matter tomorrow, in one month, in one year, in ten years.

A key thing to know: it is very much not useful to succumb to drama right now. This goes for the internal drama of your thoughts, and it also applies to the external energies vying to throw you off center. The Queen of Swords represents the aspect of your psyche that can step into a perspective of non-attachment. Many wisdom traditions, including Buddhism, remind you that the universe is constantly changing; obsessing over this fleeting moment is a waste of your precious energy.

Instead of honing in on the unwelcome aspects of this experience, train yourself to actively look for the valuable lessons being offered. Because there ARE lessons here – as cliched as it is to say, it is true that you can only evolve by going through challenges. If things always stayed tidy and stagnant, you might be more comfortable, but you certainly wouldn’t be more alive.

If it speaks to you, perhaps try thinking of this not as a time of stress, but as a friendly cosmic riddle you have the honor of working through. You have what it takes to adjust, align and shift with what is. Sure, this cosmic riddle may at times be frustrating. But if you allow it, your experience of this riddle can also be invigorating, refreshing and even fun. You’ve got this!


[Tweet “#Virgo, obsessing over the fleeting is a waste of your energy. #tarotscopes by @carrie_mallon”]

Carrie Mallon dwells in the realm where psychology meets spirituality and logic meets intuition. She believes we are here to come fully alive and tarot is one of the most effective tools for spurring this process. Say hi on Instagram (@carriemallon) and explore her writing at

Instagram: @carriemallon
Twitter: @carrie_mallon





Featured Deck: Light Grey Tarot Light Grey Art Lab


You are winning this Gemini season! Celebrate it and relish the moment. Oh, the foundations you’ve built! You have made tremendous strides towards your growth in love and relationships. From what once began as nervous tension and insecurity have blossomed into wide smiles, bold laughter, and a dedicated commitment. Are you ready for things to move to the next level? If you’re not, your partner may be. They understand how much work you both have put into making this relationship sturdy and tangible. How hard you’ve tried and how patient you’ve been. (Know that this does not necessarily have to be a romantic partnership, it can also be platonic or business).

Who in your life has become your rock? What or who has changed your life forever in a way that cannot be explained in words?

Honor this gift in your relationship. This isn’t the kind of love and respect you find every day or in every relationship! Now it’s time to take charge! Go for it. Don’t be afraid to ask for the adventure. Hold it close and cherish it. You are nurtured as to nurture. You are both supportive of each other as individuals and as a team. You find shelter and safe haven in each other’s embrace. You discover the world together with adventurous spirit and curious soul!

What seeds do you wish to plant here? Yes, you may still feel like you need to be sure of your footing or to step onto the more solid ground, but you are already there my dear Libra. Love wins, and truth prevails. Persistence, teamwork, and compassion have saved the day and come out on top! Be a champion for the love you deserve and the love you already have this Gemini season. It takes two baby! This dynamic duo has grown into a solid venture. The relationship is fertile – it is lush, healthy, flowering, and green. Your life and your love are ready for expansion. Are you?

From my soul to yours,
xo Ariel


[Tweet “#Libra, Be a champion for the love you deserve. #tarotscopes by @mavenunmasked”]

Ariel is a Certified Psychic Medium and Tarot Reader in the greater Annapolis, MD area who has been practicing since 2014. She uses her psychic ability and intuition to guide her in her readings, providing loving, healing guidance to others. As the creator of Maven Unmasked, she encourages others to take off their mask and allow their innermost wisdom to shine through in a true, authentic expression of themselves. Ariel offers high vibe guidance, readings, videos, & blogging with a focus on healing, spiritual growth + development, creativity, and empowerment – all from her soul to yours.

Instagram: @mavenunmasked




Next World Tarot by Christy C Road 2017


Completion. Security. Creation.


How great does it feel to hear those words? To see yourself complete that project and finish exactly what you set out to do. How wonderful does it feel to be secure and stable for the time being? To allow yourself to be held and cared for. How does it feel to hold this passion in your hands? To give yourself over completely to it all.

Feel. How does it feel? My seeker, my diver, my mystic. It feels like we are set, and feeling even more with all of this expansive energy.

Two cards here speak of completion, securing yourself, resting and honoring that moment when you realize “I did this.”

Yes, love. YOU did this. You trusted and allowed yourself to get help, seek advice, try and fail and try again. You did this.

And now, you have the space. You have the receipts. You have the knowledge. To get it done. What you desire most: to be filled. And in return, you can fill others and be the support they need now.

Temperance is such a reassuring energy to have coming into the new half of the year. You’ve been worried, wondering if you’ll make it, desperate for a shift. And here it is. In all your hard earned glory.

We have such potential energy for our upcoming Cancer season. We have been pushing through a lot, seeking solutions, finding paths that worked (and didn’t), never-ending our search. And now we can allow ourselves to feel into it.


[Tweet “#Scorpio, How does it feel to hold this passion in your hands? #tarotscopes by storybytarot”]

Ashley Story is a queer femme, moon witch, writer, and virtual assistant. Reading tarot, staring at the moon, and taking baths are her favorite form of magic. Currently, you can find her on Instagram and her monthly-ish newsletter.

Links: Newsletter
Instagram: @_ashleystory




The Mary-el Tarot. White. Schiffer Publishing, 2012.
Sacred Rebels Oracle. Fairchild. Morrison. Blue Angel Publishing, 2017 (2nd Edition).
The Wisdom of Trees Oracle. Struthers. Allwood. Watkins Publishing, 2017 (2nd Edition).



Oracle Cards: 31. Trust Yourself + Gingko | Memory

Where Cancer Season Finds You: Queen of Swords reversed
Best Way Forward: 3 of Swords

Jumper Card: 2 of Cups



Happy Cancer Season, Sagittarius – you’ve made it through your Sun-Opposition during Gemini Season, requiring you to really measure your vision of yourself against your actual reality. While you’re not altogether unscathed, you have a keen sense of what you have working for you and what new directions you can take your vision now that things are feeling more balanced, more settled, more grounded. You’re ready to move on.

“Move on” indeed – the past month felt like a torrent of memories, leaving you restless and quite literally chomping at the bit! Wallowing is not your style and heaviness is not your bag, and you’ve finally come through that time where you wished you could drop everything and dash but you had to stick it out. Mmhm, the time has come to rip off the band-aid and allow that delicious, healing energy that comes with personal freedom to rush in and fill the gaps. Yes, in one way or another you’ve been freed from what was holding you back, trapping you in your head instead of out adventuring the way you like to be – you are free.

Sagittarius, you have been gifted the ultimate present: the opportunity to meet yourself renewed, to fall back in love with your own inner fire, to ease back out into the world and back towards following your travelling heart’s true song. You’re ready to get creative with the hand you’ve been dealt, and you are inspired to regain your personal balance on your own terms. You’re seeing from a new perspective, one that required a dip in the pool of “what really matters,” but ultimately has you back in touch with your Unicorn-self, your sparkly side, the side of you that knows how true it is that anything is possible!


 [Tweet “#Sagittarius, you have been gifted the ultimate present. #tarotscopes by @tarotscopemim”]

Miriam is a Pisces/Scorpio Rising, a Tarot Reader and an Astrologer from Southeastern New Brunswick, Canada. With a spunky Scorpio/Aries Rising daughter, a sunny little charmer of a Libra/Leo Rising son, and three big yellow cats, she merrily casts Tarotscopes on the banks of the Tantramar Marsh. Miriam saw her calling in the 8 of Cups, started a blog, and hasn’t looked back! That initial vision has expanded to find Miriam and her husband as the proud owners of a used bookstore (Blind Forest Books) and the firm belief that with focused intention and following your intuition, anything is possible. Check out Tantramar Tarotscopes, the Facebook pageTwitter, Etsy page, and Instagram @tarotscopemim




Fountain Tarot, 2014.


The next coming days are calling on you to shift away from your usual ways of being proactive, dear Capricorn. You’ve been doing so much, awash in go-getting, dynamic energy that’s taken you far along your path. What’s more exhilarating than feeling the wind in your hair as you charge forward, bravely checking tasks off your to-do list?

Not much, it turns out, and this season you’re being called on to settle in a bit and really take in the world you’ve created for yourself.

When you act in the spirit of adventure and creativity, making something new with fluid ease, it’s sometimes difficult to change paces. To stop and smell the roses. Your challenge in the days to come is to learn how to slow down a bit, shifting your rhythm from “breakneck” to calm and cozy.

And there’s so much coziness in your world right now! New forms and flavors of warmth, connection, and stability. If you run with this shift, you’ll find that you’ve created the perfect circumstances for yourself: a safe harbor for your intrepid self to return to and rest.

Sure, rest doesn’t have the same glamorous connotations as action and adventure. But, as we can see here, it’s far from simple or boring. This season’s big lesson is that the journey can continue inward with the same excitement as it does outward. You are shifting and changing right now, and your shiny, emerging self has a lot to tell you.

The Page of Cups is your inspiration in this reading. Letting yourself relax where you are and allowing the comforts and caretakers in your life support you are freeing up your curiosity and insight. If you look at this time as an opportunity to discover something new about yourself, you’ll be greatly surprised at the riches and adventures held within.

Make space and quiet in your life from which your intuition can flow freely. Listen to what it has to say. See how you’re changing into something much more complex and delightful. The time is coming when you’ll have to get back on your horse and ride forth with a new set of goals. Until then, use this peaceful time to connect with the true source of this meaning: yourself.

 [Tweet “Ah, #Capricorn, Your emerging self has a lot to tell you. #tarotscopes by @inctarot”] 



Gina Wisotzky is a tarot reader and natural perfumer based in Durham, North Carolina. She offers warm and insightful readings at With fourteen years’ experience reading cards, her goal and passion are connecting others to their inner wisdom through tarot. You connect with her via Twitter @inctarot and Instagram @incandescenttarot.



The Mesquite Tarot 2017


“The greater the artist, the greater the doubt.
Perfect confidence is granted to the less talented
as a consolation prize.”

Robert Hughes


Theme | Ungroundedness

How to work it
Decan 1 | Decan 2 | Decan 3


In this card pull Aquarians share the theme card, those of us born at the first ten degrees of Aquarius, sorta like the first ten days, those born at the second ten and the third. But each of us three kinds of Aquarius has a card for how to work with this theme. What do you think of this format? I’d love it if you told me in the comments.

This first card is in memoriam of the you that was rooted. It remembers the route to the earth, the back door to the ethereal and eternal. This card is you is sleeping. This month, we dream of holy places, of a beautiful service, with music and poems, and outfits; of art things employed to help us process pain. You know that’s what collective means, right? That if one single star goes out the entire night gets darker. We, All. Feel. It. No one get’s this more than the Aquarian, champion of the collective. To honor the hurt is to stay with it. With action. With anger. With infinite tenderness. With limitless art.

This darkness is home, and we’re all in it.

I know you don’t want to hear this. Even if I’m not saying to pretend everything’s is pretty. Even if there’s room in my story for outrage and being broken and calling sh*t out. You still won’t. It’s easy to feel owed a good time, the good life, the preservation of an idea of a compassionate world that’s going to take care of us.

We know better. Those that didn’t are now learning. With each travesty, we get closer to being on the same page. Some of us never got the chance to be mothered. Some of us had that stolen from us. And there’s nothing about self-mothering that you want to hear.

That’s valid.

Pretending is for the birds. Instead, hold a service for the you that was rooted in a false sense of security.

First decan star siblings, you don’t have to like what everybody else likes. You don’t have to do what everyone else does. It might be hard but look for the celebration. Look for your “yes.” Give yourself that thing you felt entitled to. If you can’t, give yourself something that feels similar. Don’t wait for an audience to celebrate (and don’t wait for the handout). You are the audience (and it’s not coming).

Second decan twins, doesn’t it feel good to be validated? Something in you was waiting for permission to create, request, receive. Permission granted. Circumstances may not be ideal, but you reap anyway. You set up a table to hawk your wares, a sea of cups containing your sweat and your dreams. A lemonade stand. Stay thirsty and stay making your art.

Third decan step-children. Your month has that ground zero flair. I hope you’re here for all these “major card” shifts. I hope you can be honest about your needs and who’s responsible for meeting them. Spoiler alert: it’s you. You will be getting a memo. The odds look good that you’ll be receptive to this wake-up call. Open your eyes. We at the memorial but it’s not your service. Stand up and take your second chance.

All us Aquarians might feel some kinda way; more emotional and like there’s more is at stake (what if there is?).

Remember to play.

Remember you need softness and joy, and the world may not provide it for you.


[Tweet “#Aquarius, hold a service for the you that was rooted. #tarotscopes by @siobhansmirror”]

Siobhan is a NYC-born writer, spiritual ally, and pro tarot reader living in central Texas. Her facilitative style is the blended result of over 15 years of tarot study as well as communication styles, shamanic ritual, sacred sexuality, and alternative relationships. She writes a column at and is the creator of these monthly ‘Scopes – the first ever collaborative tarotscopes.

Like this ‘Scope? Join my membership area. Members have access to personalized Ultimate ‘Scopes created from their birth charts all year round.





Sacred Rebels, Oracle Deck, Alana Fairchild, 2017 
The Psychic Tarot, Oracle Deck, John Holland, 2009


4 Of Swords: Rest & Rejuvenate
5: Follow Your Own Rhythm
7 Of Cups: Choose Wisely


Pisces is the 12th sign that spans February 19th – March 20th, and it is the reminder of rebirth and moving from the dark and cold winter months into spring. It is an emotional time that often brings sadness and your insecurities to the surface. Allow yourself to feel what you haven’t yet honored on your path, and take time to reset and reconsider what you desire to experience next time around. Pisces is a water sign and is represented by two fish that hold the balance of our dual nature; so honor both, the shadow and the light.

Following your own rhythm means being gentle to yourself and not judging yourself for what you think you should have accomplished already. Instead, allow yourself to have gratitude for your willingness to explore and feel every nuance of life.

When the darker months have passed, your excitement rises and a feeling of hope sets in. Now is the time to choose wisely from a place of nourishment when deciding how you want to invest your time and which elements you want to explore. There are many things to choose from, and there can be a pull in opposite directions, but the more time you spend nourishing your physical, emotional, and mental bodies, the more clarity and confidence you will have concerning which actions you want to take.

These factors are important, even if your connection to the spiritual plane is strong. You have an expansive imagination, but you also need to have a strong foundation to play on this earth; otherwise, you will be pulled in too many directions, and your energy will drain quickly. 2019 is the perfect time for new experiences, so be courageous.

Dare to leap into something new.

Much love on your journey,


 [Tweet “#Pisces, Dare to leap into something new. #tarotscopes by @sunreitarot”]

Based in Austin, Texas, Asara has been an Intuitive Counselor, Energy Healer and Tarot reader since 2010. She merges the reflection of your true desires with your connection to that place of wisdom within yourself, past all the stories that hold you back. We go as far as you are willing to go. You choose which door to enter through your question and the Universe will answer.


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6 years ago

Love the song — very apt for me right now in trying to set better boundaries as a Cancer empath.

6 years ago

thank you so much for these! i look forward to them every month and always find such comfort and empowerment in my aqua scope <33

6 years ago

I’m one of the crickets from the email list, lol.
Thanks, Vix, for the Leo ‘scope. Definitely how I’m feeling right now and have been feeling for a while.