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Smith-Waite Tarot Deck by US Games (Borderless Edition)
Prism Oracle by Iris Eyris (Full Spectrum Edition)
Tarot Cards: Death, Nine of Swords, Nine of Wands
Oracle Card: Intuition
Affirmation for Capricorn season:
“I am consistent, focused and move forward in spite of any setbacks.”
“I make rational decisions and eliminate all tasks and aspects of my life that no longer serve my highest good.”
Capricorn season brings you transformation and a profound change. This season you may have to end a cycle and prepare for entering a new way of life. This change could be pertinent to marriage, divorce, parenthood, shifting careers, relocation or leaving a loved one behind. It doesn’t necessarily have to be gloomy although it may be so to an extent, but the change will be significant nonetheless.
This is a season for endings and new beginnings. Now is the time to rid yourself of attitudes and circumstances you have outgrown to pave the way for new and fresh experiences. Allow purging to take place because it will not only enable you to shed off an unnecessary and outdated aspect from your life but will also lead to empowerment and expansion.
You may find yourself in emotional anguish and turmoil which could be due to the matters at hand. On the other hand, it could be that you are spending time imagining the worst of a situation which might not be as bad as you perceive it to be. It’s also likely that you have nothing to fear. So you should wait until the situation unfolds so that you can learn more and act accordingly rather than feeling depressed and demoralized. If you’re going to allow guilt, fear or criticism to get the best of you, then it may further create unneeded challenges and obstacles in your path.
You may go through metamorphosis, and there will surely be something you can salvage from this experience. As the new year is just around the corner, it’s a great time for liberation and to leave the unproductive ways behind you. Try and look at the brighter side of things. Health issues such as hormonal imbalance could come up for some of you. There can be flight delay or cancellation of a trip for a few of you.
The advice for you this season is to stand up for yourself and defend your reputation or decision you have made. Be observant and stand firm for what you believe in. Don’t allow any setbacks or upsetting news to weigh you down. Know that you have the strength, determination, and capacity to tackle any problem. Follow your inner knowing to guide you through any difficult times and upheavals. Pay attention to your intuition and observe what it is trying to show you.
Focus for Capricorn season needs to be renewal, fortification, and adaptability.
[Tweet “#Aries, Focus for Capricorn season needs to be renewal, fortification, and adaptability. #tarotscopes by myunconventionalmusings”]

Saba is a Capricorn Sun and Aries moon. Her purpose is to assist clients with spiritual growth, personal development, and empowerment. Through her readings, she encourages clients to look beyond their fears and blockages to allow their inner wisdom to shine through so that they can better understand their circumstances and therefore can genuinely express and comprehend themselves. She offers readings using the Tarot and Lenormand combined with oracle cards, her intuitive and mediumship capabilities as well as a mix of numerology and astrology. She does monthly Tarotscopes on her page so check them out.
The Textured Tarot by Lisa McLoughlin Art (self-published)
“Let’s take a long walk around the park after dark
Taurus, your affirmation for this month is, “I enjoy satisfaction, passion, and inspiration in relationships and with the work of my heart.”
Dear Taurus, Capricorn season is asking you to address the feelings of dissatisfaction that have taken hold of you as of late. Maybe the thrill is gone. Or things aren’t lighting your fire the way they used to. Maybe you find yourself daydreaming about something more exciting or fulfilling. This may be touching personal relationships and/or your work – the kind of work that is fueled by love.
Your allies this month are The Lovers, the Four of Cups, and The Star.
The Four of Cups in the center is the heart of the matter for you in Capricorn season. Things are not as uninspiring, bleak, dull or boring as they seem. You can wallow in dissatisfaction, or you can lift your gaze and take notice of seemingly less shiny opportunities. They may become brighter if you take a closer look. Take a second look at relationships or creative projects that you feel have lost their luster. Can you take notice of the bright spots? What’s good about them? What’s worked before? What might need more of your attention to give it more life and energy?
At the root of all Four’s in the minor arcana is The Emperor. As the chief architect of their world, The Emperor is asking you to invest (focus, time, energy, attention) in yourself and what you desire. Up your game in the realm of the heart (cups).
Taurus, The Lovers, know you love big and deep. The card in this placement represents where you are now. Notice where you are settling and ask for what you really desire. Ask this of your partner, your art or your sacred work. Seek wherever you invest your heart and passion and ask more of that investment. Remember also to ask what it needs of you. The Lovers, after all, is about collaborative partnerships.
The reward for investing your attention, intention, time and focus on reigniting anything that feels lackluster in your life is renewal! The Star is here to remind you that there is a wellspring of goodness and abundance at your feet and fingertips. But you must water the ground of your life for it to grow into the garden you desire to exist in.
Taurus, you are a sensual sign. We know you crave luxury and fullness in life. A remedy to address what has become stale is to invest in your sensual reality.
Think about what your relationships and creative projects need in the way of an infusion of sensual sparks. Could you add more color to your writing practice? Does your office need some art that inspires you with words, colors, and imagery? What if you made a sensual gesture in a relationship? A hug, a touch of kindness, a long walk, intimate conversation, or sharing an ice cream sundae or hot cocoa under a tree adorned with lights?
If you know it’s renewal you need, ask yourself what would turn YOU on in life? Some simple things could be choosing to wear colors, fabrics, accessories that make you feel adorned and adored. Or you may want to choose foods that are even more rich, flavorful and adventurous. You may also want to surround yourself with people and beings that can adore you and regard you the way you want to feel. Finally, you may want to get your hands dirty creating things that delight you – art, music, a flower bouquet, a meal, dessert, clothes, poetry, furniture, sculpture…there are so many options to activate your inner muse.
[Tweet “#Taurus, there are so many options to activate your inner muse. #tarotscopes by @embodiedtarot”]

Jennifer has 30 years of mastery working with the tarot and nearly two decades of experience facilitating somatic movement and body wisdom with people of all ages and abilities. She is the creatrix of ArcanaDance, a transformative somatic divination practice that brings the tarot to life through the oracle of the body. Each of us is a living archetype, in ArcanaDance, you access your own wisdom via the intelligence of your body. Jennifer’s goal is to support you in living a more self-aware and self-determined present and future. While she hails from the boogie down Bronx, she currently lives in Southern California. Jennifer reads for clients and facilitates ArcanaDance experiences all over the country and soon, guided by her birth card, the world!
Twitter: @EmbodiedTarot
Instagram: @tarotandmovewithjennifer
Oracle of Oddities Charity Edition © 2016
Black and the Moon
Spirit Keeper’s Tarot © 2018 Benebell Wen
Dearest Gemini, your primary theme for this month is Knowledge. You always have a thirst for knowledge, are always looking to expand your base and to learn more and more and more. Capricorn season is a good time for you to seek more of this knowledge – the tenacious Earth sign is relentless in their pursuit of goals, and you can be too. The rest of your reading will point you towards the knowledge you need to seek out, whether it is a deeper knowledge of yourself or a study of something intellectual.
The card I pulled for your Self this season is the Seven of Orbs. The sevens in this deck represent the realm of Reasoning. The Gardener is the spirit of reasoning in nature. Now is a very good time to take a look at your own life, at the ways that you are interacting with the natural world and the ways that you could be doing things in better alignment with the rhythms of nature. There’s a reason you plant certain vegetables at certain times, and there’s a reason you harvest at different times. No matter where you live, it’s likely that you have seasons. Look at the ways that you can place yourself in better alignment with these seasons and natural cycles. Read about herbal allies, about your own changing landscape.
The card challenging you is the Nine of Chalices. It seems to be beyond reason that you might get exactly what you want. This year you’ve been focused on doing the work, on making sure you’ve crossed all the t’s and dotted all the i’s. We all have a bit of fear of success. Sometimes this can be a good thing – it drives us to innovate, to push ourselves beyond our own skill sets and seek new knowledge. It keeps us fresh; it keeps us expanding. But when this underlying fear becomes overwhelming, when it pops above the surface to paralyze us and hold us back, it is no longer useful. Again, balance this fear with logic. Write out gratitude lists, look back at all of the work you’ve done to get to this point, permit yourself to feel ok, give yourself permission to stop and rest. You deserve to have your wishes granted.
Finally, an action step for this season: The Apocalypse/Last Judgement. Before you can move on into the gifts of the next year, you need to account for your actions and fulfill any final obligations from 2018. This is a card of self-knowledge, of reflection, of understanding exactly how far you’ve come on your spiritual journey and figuring out what you need to do to release yourself into the next transformation. This season, hold yourself accountable to the work you’ve done and reap the rewards.
[Tweet “#Gemini, hold yourself accountable to the work you’ve done and reap the rewards. #tarotscopes by @northlightwitch”]

Abbie (she/her/hers) has been a practicing witch for almost 15 years, and has been studying and reading tarot for 12. She finds solace in story, and loves to connect one on one with clients. Abbie sees tarot and witchcraft as a way to make our lives better, to bring justice to the every day. She uses magical tools as a way to help people reach within themselves to find a new, beautiful way of being.
Abbie provides tarot readings and sells spell kits at her shop:
To connect with Abbie, follow her on Instagram @northern.lights.witch, Twitter (@northlightwitch) and check out her website
Rosenwald Tarot (Perouse 1501-02). Restored by Sullivan Hismans. Published by:
Photo by Sullivan Hismans
What better card to ring in the new year than The Magician? Perhaps uncharacteristically for sentimental Cancers, you’re probably already out there and raring to go rather than holed up in front of your Facebook Year in Review. Not that forward-thinking means hasty – whatever your game, you’re already polishing your tools and loading your ammunition. Let’s take a look at your new year’s supply of each of the four elements:
Earth: Six of Coins. Your key to success lies in securing your base of operations. Now’s the time to beautify your environment, not just with seasonal décor, but through any home-improvement project that will bring you lasting comfort and satisfaction. Not that you need help managing your holiday spending, but how about holding back a healthy portion of your paycheque for that beach vacation you’ve been putting off?
Air: Ten of Swords. This card is all about taking care of business. Tie up loose ends. Get repairs done, bills paid, and year-end accounting out of the way. If you’re drawing up a new contract, take the time to get a second and third opinion. Read the fine print and be as thorough as you need to ensure your security. Streamline your affairs and cut out the deadwood – you can’t win them all.
Water: Two of Cups. Time to invest in quality time with those key relationships in your life. Social gatherings aside, do carve out one-on-one time with loved ones. Grab that drink with your best friend. Schedule a coffee meeting with a trusted colleague. Now’s the time to establish partnerships based on shared interests, especially in the fields of spirituality and the healing arts.
Fire: Ace of Wands. Strike out and make a splash with that new goal or project you’ve been putting off. Time to reignite old passions and explore fresh ones. Beginnings can be scary, but you’ve got the experience and the resources to back you up. Success is assured. This is your year to turn heads, so get ready for the attention!
[Tweet “#Cancer, Your key to success lies in securing your base of operations. #tarotscopes by @savakayoga”]

Phoebe Tsang is a tarot and Lenormand card reader. Her reading style is influenced by Buddhist meditation, and inspired by nature
Starchild Akashic Tarot – Danielle Noel, 2016
Work Your Light Oracle – Rebecca Campbell + Danielle Noel, Hay House, 2018
Hey there lovely Leo,
It’s time for a bit of an energy shift.
It’s been a bit of a busy year for all of us, but you especially have been caught more than once burning the candle at both ends.
The Play card encourages you to find some time to stop “doing” and just “be” this cycle. You’ve been working hard all year, and you deserve some time to just rest and relax. In fact, you don’t just deserve it; you desperately need it. I know you have some big dreams for 2019 and to make those things happen, you need to take some time out now to let all the lessons and blessings from this last year integrate.
It’s easy for Leo to get a little too busy. You have so much passion for life, and you’re lit up by so many things! But, in the words of the master Ferris Bueller, “life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
The Seven of Crystals invites you to slow down and get your energy, dreams and all areas of your life back into alignment. Meditation is the key for you right now. Even if you just get quiet and still for one minute every day, it will make a difference. And if you’re already meditating – up it.
The Eight of Swords is a sign that you’re not seeing the big picture right now. Some of you gorgeous Leos are on a bit of a hamster wheel right now, and the only way off is to start asking some of the hard questions and to start lifting some of the veils on the illusions of your life.
You have an opportunity now to stop and ask yourself some big questions. What have you been working for? What have you been hustling for? Has it all been worth it?
When you choose “doing” over “being” who wins?
Do you want to keep moving forward in this same way? Or do you want things to look different moving forward?
I think you’re ready.
With so much love, light and re-alignment,
[Tweet “#Leo, In the words of the master Ferris Bueller, “life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” #tarotscopes by @newagehipster3″]

Vix is a Spiritual + Biz mentor, intuitive Tarot + Angel Card Reader, Angelic Life Coach, Holy Fire Reiki practitioner, Celtic Reiki Mystic Master, Headmistress of Woo Woo School and the creator of New Age Hipster. Sent here on a divine mission to kick open the musty old spiritual wardrobe, Vix is all about bringing the new age into the now by making spirituality accessible to whoever wants in! Vix is an ex-high school and special ed teacher, she has written a tween and a YA novel and enjoys drinking decaf tea, making Pinterest vision boards and eating veggie pizza with pineapple while watching 80’s movies on Netflix.
Tarot Mucha. Lunaea Weatherstone. Illustrated by Giulia F. Massaglia and Barbara Nosenzo. Torino, Italy: Lo Scarabeo, 2014.
Seasons Spread
Spring: What needs creative expression? XIX – The Sun reversed
Summer: What can relax and slow down? 5 of Swords
Autumn: What’s ready for harvesting? 7 of Swords
Winter: What needs shelter and care? X – The Wheel of Fortune + Page of Pentacles (jumper)
Hi, Virgo <3<3<3 Here we are at the end of 2018, poised to step into the New Year – stop quaking!! It’s true that last year was a real mental battle, a struggle between maintaining the balance you need and resisting allowing yourself to be controlled by the needs of others. But that also forced a ton of deep soul-searching, a rediscovery of your decision-making skills, and at this point, you’re entering the space of finally knowing what you need to Do to complete the cycle. <3<3<3
Indeed, you’re so close to having just what you need and feeling exactly the way you want – it’s time to put words to your remaining needs, knowing you’ve given so much of yourself already that the people who love you will be happy to meet you halfway. That’s all you want – you’ve made your peace with the conflicts of the recent past, and you’re ready to pick up the pieces and move on unfettered. In fact, this personal settlement is paving the way for a breakthrough, one that will finally allow you to lay this thing to rest for good – a Truth will soon be delivered that allows you to stop beating that dead horse, that allows you to fully turn and face your extremely bright new horizon <3<3 Keep your sunglasses close and accessible!
You have made so much progress regarding realizing what you do have, relaxing into the massive changes this past year affected, expanding your comfort zone beyond what you ever thought it could be. You feel young again, reconnected with the best of the values you held so close when you were free from all that’s now on your plate. Hold on to this, indulge your new curiosities, continue to learn about who you are and what you want from life, because Believe It Virgo – this is a new time, and your life is changing for the better as a direct result of your dedication and perseverance. <3<3<3
[Tweet “#Virgos, this is a new time, and your life is changing for the better as a direct result of your dedication and perseverance. #tarotscopes by @tarotscopemim”]

The Voyager Tarot, Wanless, Fair Winds Press 2017
In this card pull each of the three kinds of Libras, those born at the first decan or the first ten degrees of the sign, sorta like the first ten days, those born at the second ten and the third, each have a theme card and a card for how to work with this theme. Don’t know what decan you are? Here’s a decan calculator. That card on the left is a theme for 2019 for all three kinds of Libras.
Art was, seriously, the only thing I’d ever wanted to own. It has always been for me a stable nourishment. I use it. It can change the way that I feel in the mornings.
— David Bowie
2019 Theme | Sage of Cups
Libras, I pulled an extra card for your theme for the upcoming year. The Sage of Cups highlights tenderness, vulnerability, and nourishment. You are no stranger to emotions having Venus as your ruling planet. Love. Art. Next year will focus on that which moves you (and those that matter to you).
What (or who) will you tend? Next year is a spiritual garden calling for your hands. It’s a year to mobilize the most compassionate bits of yourself. Remember the difference, and it may be subtle at times, between intentionally tending yourself and others and unconsciously acting. Where the heart is concerned, rote actions, empty rituals, and assumptions fall short of providing the kind of substance that you need; the same goes for others. Honor yourself and others by listening deeply.
First decan Libra friends, The Sage above plays well with your theme for Capricorn season The Hermit. These cards are an invitation to explore your inner landscape. Maybe you’ve had trouble with this in the past – looking to others to decide where you belong and who you are – but no more. You have the answers; you are the guru; you are the trailblazer.
The way to work this theme is the Man of Crystals. Ride the tension between turning inward and turning outward. Take all the resolve, stillness, and wisdom of the Hermit and use it as fuel for your new “thing.” Let your reflection inform a new understanding of your values, your art, your self. The building blocks are there waiting for synthesis.
Second decan Libra friends, The Sage above challenges your theme for Capricorn season Three of Wands. The Wand wants you wandering. It wants you making your way into the hearts of those around you at the forefront of interconnectedness. It pushes you outward, into other people’s business.
The way to work this theme is the Woman of Crystals. You can flirt with knowing the unknowable; to harvest the data that others miss. Careful though. Temper the temptation to assume you know all just because you showed up and went all in. If you don’t tend your inner landscape, you’ll never be able to trust your impressions of others.
Third decan Libra friends, The Sage above destabilizes your theme for Capricorn season Two of Wands. This card has some fight in it; similar to the second decan folks; it is a call to act, start, go. But the call is fresher than in the case of Three wands and not as well formed. Paired with the emotional Sage, there is room for doubt and disillusionment.
Work this tense theme with the Ace of Wands. Be willing to turn completely into a new direction or take a detour. Be willing to hear the soft messages of the heart and switch gears. Yes, it’s nice to be able to feel confident charging forth and that pull to begin will still be there when it’s clear where you need to charge. As much as you’re able, enjoy the whimsy of being the beginner.
Libra folks, you have a lot of connections ahead of you. Soothing is your thing, but this strength will only show when you manage your feelings. You need ritual. You need joy. You may even need to mind your business some. Love you first than delight the world.
[Tweet “#Libras, What (or who) will you tend? Next year is a spiritual garden calling for your hands. #tarotscopes by @siobhansmirror”]

Siobhan is a NYC-born writer, spiritual ally, and pro tarot reader living in central Texas. Her facilitative style is the blended result of over 15 years of tarot study as well as communication styles, shamanic ritual, sacred sexuality, and alternative relationships. She writes a column at and is the creator of these monthly ‘Scopes – the first ever collaborative tarotscopes.
Like this ‘Scope? Join my membership area. Members have access to personalized Ultimate ‘Scopes created from their birth charts all year round.
Spolia Tarot 2018
Try not to invest in sorrow lest you want to end up in a constricting and sorrowful place!
You’re ready and raring to go this Capricorn season, my dear Scorpio! A period of imagination, planning, and preparation has come to an end and now is a time for doing. You’re galvanized to make a path for yourself and, armed with a grand vision; you’re ready for a challenge. Everything points to the future… until your thoughts get in the way, that is.
The Chariot shows the charismatic motivation you have at your command as we begin Capricorn season. What card better illustrates the epic force of a specific goal when we rise up to pursue it? You’re not one to shy away from difficulty, but there are some tendencies that need to be deal with: The Six of Swords represents an important clash with reality that threatens to send you into the dangerous scarcity mentality of the Five of Coins.
So before you take up the reins and charge full steam ahead, it would be wise to take a beat and consider your pitfalls. What has popped up for you in your past – negative thoughts, ideas, self-sabotage, etc. – and blocked your progress? Are there any pernicious fears or self-limiting thoughts that can block you from the greatness you’re ready to embody?
Looking at these demons can serve to prepare you for the inevitable challenges that await. Instead of buckling under their pressure, you’ll be able to see them for what they are. Imagine a party guest showing up unannounced, barging through the door, and causing a disruptive scene. Thinking ahead and identifying sticking points will help you recognize this guest when they ring the doorbell so you can send them the other way. Self-doubt and stalling aren’t welcome here!
Because you have the grand adventure of The Chariot – a Major Arcana card – at the front of your reading, it’s important to realize the power of its energy. That is, you don’t have to take the path following the Six of Swords to the Five of coins. It’s only making you smaller, taking you from the expanse and growth of The Chariot to the disempowerment of the Five of Coins. In this case, your thoughts can turn against you if you’re not careful to be aware of them. Lean into the motion and growth of The Chariot by keeping your actions aligned with your goals. It’s both satisfying and rewarding. Doing this will propel you far beyond any imagined fears or constraints into a much different and much more beautiful landscape. It’s much too wonderful to let pass you by.
[Tweet “#Scorpio, Lean into the motion and growth of The Chariot by keeping your actions aligned with your goals. #tarotscopes by @inctarot”]

Gina Wisotzky is a tarot reader and natural perfumer based in Durham, North Carolina. She offers warm and insightful readings at With fourteen years’ experience reading cards, her goal and passion are connecting others to their inner wisdom through tarot. You connect with her via Twitter @inctarot and Instagram @incandescenttarot.
The Magician + The Tower + Ten of Rods
There is something bittersweet about coming out of your own season. A little bit of relief, the Sun’s eyes aren’t on you. But, there are the other several planets to contend with (right now Mercury AND Jupiter are making their way through Sagittarius) and so let’s get right to the reading.
The Magician reminds you that you’ve got this shit. Seriously. This is nothing you haven’t had to do before. It is common to cycle through similar difficulties, but each time provides you with a new layer to uncover. You have new resources, new intuitive muscles to flex. Don’t be afraid to call it up; you aren’t the same person you were last time. You’ve learned more.
The Tower asks that you prepare for a ground shaking shift. One that will test you, but ultimately prove to be for the greater good for your purpose, for your path. And it might very well feel unexpected. But if you can, try to allow some space for this. Allow for something to fall, or shift, or crumble.
Lastly, the Ten of Rods (or wands, in traditional decks) cautions against taking on too much. You don’t need to completely overhaul your entire life. The Magician has given you what you need; the Tower will create space, the Ten of Rods says “Do not fill that space too quickly.” Take some time to feel into whatever is here, whatever is coming this Capricorn season. You don’t have to have all the answers.
[Tweet “#Sagittarius, You don’t have to have all the answers. #tarotscopes by @_ashleystory”]

Ashley Story is a queer femme, moon witch, writer, and virtual assistant. Reading tarot, staring at the moon, and taking baths are her favorite form of magic. Currently, you can find her on Instagram and her monthly-ish newsletter.
Margarete Peterson Tarot
« Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. » ~ T.S. Eliot
[Tweet “#Capricorn, There are big changes in store… #tarotscopes by @tarotbyHiC”]

Offering Information • Insight • Empowerment • Enlightenment, HiC is a Tarot Conversationalist, Coach, and Ritual & Magic Consultant who has been working with the Tarot for over 16 years. His readings have been described as “a tarot reading, therapy session and life coaching session all in one.” He offers his services using the Tarot combined with healthy doses of numerology and astrology, a splash of i-Ching, a taste of Feng Shui, and practical application. Along with a heaping spoonful of magic and ritual, HiC assists you in crafting what can enhance and manifest your life in the fullest, most beneficial and blessed way possible by discovering practical, useful information that can be used to change your life for the better. HiC’s approach to readings is creating a space that honours the person and allows them to open the door to, ultimately, have a conversation with him- or herself. Find out more about HiC’s offerings and how to contact him for a private session at
Gina Thies’ Tarot of the Moors (Red Feather, and imprint of Schiffer Publishing)
In this season that bridges the old year and the new, the cards point to the greatest success coming to those Aquarians who focused their attention and energy on the love relationships that support them. Of course, these could be romantic or partnership-oriented, but they just as well could be with friends or those who share your vocational interests or societal visions. The reward for this work can be a transformation that serves the self and others.
Soul Path Card – The Lovers: The Tarot of the Moors Lovers show the way to love. These lovers stand holding each other but looking out into the world. When you take them as guides for walking the path of your life, the support you receive from your relationships helps you to look with love and compassion beyond yourself and those you know. This may inspire a choice to serve others and spread that love you are receiving around generously.
Action Card – Six of Wands: Act like you believe you can reach your visions – no matter how far you seem from them now – and open yourself up to offers of help. Your enthusiasm for this work of love you are undertaking is contagious in the best way. Seeing your shining example, others will want to join in. There is a saying that applies here: the answer to how is yes. Say yes to your love-inspired visions, and you are on your way to victory.
Advice for How to Walk the Path of Action – Malika (Queen) of Swords: The Malika adds analysis to support your enthusiasm – not knock it down. Still, the Malika tells truths about the strategies and tactics you are considering. With her as your inner counselor, you could hear “No, not this way. Do this harder thing instead. Don’t let fear stop you from reaching past your limits. Seek Justice for all. You can do it.” This figure’s elemental correspondence is the water of air, a quintessential card for you Water Bearers in an air sign. So there is a message here to be yourself, act on your understanding of love, not anyone else’s. Aquarians know that love is vaster than the happily ever after of one couple. Let your expansive view of love lead you into a transformation that is personal and collective.
[Tweet “#Aquarius, say yes to your love-inspired visions, and you are on your way to victory. #tarotscopes by @ACTarot”]

Carolyn Cushing is a Sagittarius with Scorpio rising and three planets in the eleventh house. She facilitates Soul Path Sanctuary where each week you can find Tarot inspiration for practices to support you in walking your unique Soul Path and around the Solstices e-retreats to commune with the wisdom of the season. She is a regular columnist for The Cartomancer and co-founder of the Massachusetts Tarot Society. The best way to keep up with Carolyn’s offerings is to receive her new moon e-news where Tarot, nature, and poetry all mix together for moonthly readings and musings on themes of love, grief, justice, joy, and beauty.
FB: IG: @carolyn_cushing Twitter: @ACTarot
Aquarian Age Tarot U.S. Games System 1970 Artist – David Palladini
Wheel of Fortune, Queen of Rods and Temperance
To My Day Dreamy Fish:
You are entering a time of rejuvenation, reconstruction, and reassessment – noticing a theme here? Despite the feeling of “swimming up-stream” I assure you, you ARE progressing… just in a new, uncharted direction. You may feel as if you are being whisked away from your original passions or being punished for some prior behavior, and to be completely honest the latter may hold some truth.
When we squander opportunities, lack integrity or take those around us for granted the karmic forces that be have a funny way of stepping in and teaching us the error of our ways. It’s our job, however, to seize these teachable moments and use them as opportunities to temper ourselves and propel our evolution. True, you will feel uncomfortable (bad time for the ‘fish outta water’ analogy?), but this discomfort is intentional.
How long have you stewed and festered over past losses and regrets rather than appreciating what’s in front of you? How long have you chased the idea of what you have wanted instead of savoring the reality you have already created? When was the last time told yourself ‘thank you’? In short, it’s time to get real and time to get healthy – in THAT order! Dreams and passions serve a purpose, but when unrooted they mean almost nothing. Many of you will find that this period feels like an intervention – Yeah… it is lol. We all have at least one moment in our lives where we need to be saved from ourselves, and this is yours, dear Pisces.
Once you can, essentially, “get over yourselves” you will find that the path clears, things smooth out and new forms of abundance flow naturally. Your job is to remember your humanity, stay focused on what is healthiest for you and DO NOT get sucked into your ego! By no means is anyone implying you are a terrible human being! However, the idea of what you are versus the realities of said are vastly different: don’t get caught up. Instead, allow yourself to be the best version of self for each day and continue this in perpetuity. With this type of leveling-up, you will show and instill in others resilience, character, integrity, and compassion. Honesty with one’s self is always the most difficult, but once perfected it moves mountains and eradicates barriers. #keepyourgazesforward
[Tweet “We all have at least one moment in our lives where we need to be saved from ourselves, and this is yours, dear #Pisces. #tarotscopes by @choseneyes9 “]

ChosenEyes is a teacher, creator, and truth-teller. Organizing and executing such courses as Magikal Ethics, and Learning Tarot for Beginners. Along with her passions in teaching, ChosenEyes completed her Doctorate in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine at Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine with research interests in burn rehabilitation, because “The healing process is NEVER pretty, but it is always BEAUTIFUL.” ChosenEyes works diligently to transcend the negative stereotypes surrounding black witches in the mainstream media, and society at large, by speaking openly about her gifts, sharing her powers with those who seek answers, and inspiring other young women to pursue their passions unapologetically.
@choseneyes9 at IG and Twitter
photo: @tierra.dennae
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An amazing gathering as usual. Thanks so much for doing this!
This is my first time commenting but I had to this time as Miriam’s readings are always so spot on for what’s going on with me. Thank you Miriam!
Also grateful for that 2nd decan Libra reading. I’ve been anxious about spending the holidays with my brother’s in-laws for the first time and was in two minds about going but I knew deep down it was for my benefit, data gathering so to speak. I now feel armed and ready to go all in with this experience so thank you for the advice Siobhan.
I´m Capricorn Sun and Scorpio Rising, I contend with an incurable disease and I´m so sick and tired of the place where I live. How can I call it home? This place never brought me happiness. I only keep going around in circles: the interviews that never turn to be successful, the friends who never asnwer the phone and all the loser´s game of life stuff.
So lately I´ve been thinking about it all and the overall result is that something has to change. What if I left it all behind and went for a beautiful holiday without coming back? What if I bought my small and cosy house by the lake and started writing the books to help other people experiencing the same pain?
Thanks for your ´scopes as usual. I think that all the Capricorns already know that if they want a change, they have to be that change. If you´ll stay in your four walls safe and far away from the outer world, nothing will ever happen and that´s the point of it.
I wish you all merry Christmas and a welcome change in a new year!
Thank you so much for this Virgo tarotscope! It was affirming, validating and hopeful! So many things and encouragements I needed to hear for the coming year!