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The Voyager Tarot, Wanless, Fair Winds Press 2017
In this card pull, Aries share a theme card. But each of the three kinds of Aries, those born at the first decan or the first ten degrees of the sign, those born at the second ten and the third each have a card for how to work with this theme. Don’t know what decan you are? Here’s a decan calculator. What do you think of this format? I’d love it if you told me in the comments.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
— Albert Einstein
Theme | 8 of Crystals
How to work it |
Decan 1 – 9 of Worlds
Decan 2 – Ace of Worlds
Decan 3 – 3 of Cups
Admit it. If you found a door with a sign hanging on it that said “mystery room, DON’T ENTER,” you’d go in wouldn’t you? You’d go in before you’d finished reading the sign.
Let’s say when the door swings open you see everything you ever wanted in that room.
You’d like to think that you’d have no second thoughts. You aren’t the type to dally when you find something good. The truth you’re less likely to admit, Aries friends, is that sometimes even you hesitate.
The theme for all Aries folks is the eight of Crystals. This card is akin to that scene in every tomb raider/pirate movie ever where they find THE JEWELS, and everyone in the audience is all like BUT WATCH OUT FOR THE BOOBY TRAPS THO. You’re the audience, holding your breath in the face of everything you want.
There are two types of Aries. (Have you heard this?)
For the rams among you, this will be a new and uncomfortable feeling. You aren’t used to second-guessing or sitting still. Maybe it’s harder for you to recognize the bounty ahead because it’s more subtle. Less diamonds and jewels and more secret scroll that you can’t decipher yet.
For the lambs, this may feel familiar. You’ve already lived with doubt. You rarely feel like you get to charge forward, even though you want to. You recognize bounty but maybe are still in the habit of assuming that it’s not for you.
Both kinds of Aries need to know, that even if you might feel uncomfortable, you stand on the precipice of a better way of being. So new that it might actually scare you. Responsibility will do that. So will recognition. Advancement implies new territories, new tombs to raid.
Aries, you live for this so, live for this! You can’t deny your anxious thoughts but take them with a grain of salt. You can’t deny discomfort but trust that it’s temporary. All Aries folks are in for a treat this month. Here’s why:
First decan Aries friends, all the circles in this card’s imagery are like the grapes being fed to you by the universe. These are luscious, practical, real-world grapes: you get paid, are more financially secure, you close the deal on that place to live, you get the promotion. But this isn’t random luck. This is for those who hustled up to now. The bigger the hustle, the bigger the banquet.
I don’t have to tell you to enjoy it, you’ve probably already jumped the gun in that department. Check out this squirrel though. It stays fed because it has the good sense to squirrel away a few nuts for the months ahead and it does this long before it’s obvious that it’s a good idea…
Second decan Aries friends, looking for a change? You should be. It’s time to shake up your world. What new ways of being call you? New food? New fitness? New finances? It’s time to do what you do best and start something. Normally, you sludge through mud (and folks more sluggish than you) to get to the “new thing.” Not this time. The universe is on your side co-creating this plot-twist. Be ready to initiate and/or seize as needed.
Third decan Aries friends, your season has the most celebratory feeling out of all decans. It looks as though your glory might span across multiple dimension at once, money, emotions, socializing. Maybe you finally feel recognized. You are emotionally sated in a way that exceeds your expectations. Especially big since you might not be the type to go out of your way to meet emotional needs. Don’t worry; there’s more where this came from.
Aries folks, while all this looks amazing, the theme shows you fretting about something anyway. Which begs the question, just what’s bogging you down? What are you afraid to commit to?
[Tweet “#Aries, What are you afraid to commit to? #tarotscopes by @siobhansmirror”]

Siobhan is a NYC-born writer, spiritual ally, and pro tarot reader living in central Texas. Her facilitative style is the blended result of over 15 years of tarot study as well as communication styles, shamanic ritual, sacred sexuality, and alternative relationships. She writes a column at and is the creator of these monthly ‘Scopes – the first ever collaborative tarotscopes.
Like this ‘Scope? Join my membership area. Members have access to personalized Ultimate ‘Scopes created from their birth charts all year round.
Everyday Witch Tarot by Llewellyn
Seven of Cups, Devil, Eight of Wands and Ten of Swords
Affirmation for Libra season:
“I abandon unhealthy habits, release things that no longer serve me and fill my life with positive actions.”
“I open myself to the excitement that each day can bring.”
The theme for you this season is to break free of any unhealthy bondage and self-imposed limitations because it will create feelings of hopelessness and fearfulness. These emotions and negative thinking are going to hamper your life. Ask yourself, what is it that’s holding you back? Are there any patterns, relationships, and behaviors that you need to let go?
You may find yourself in an oppressive situation but know that it will be of your own making rather than external factors contributing towards it. It’s time to confront your demons along with reviewing your bondage to unbridled passions. By facing your fears and shadows, you will be able to give a much-needed push to your own personal growth. I’m saying this because you definitely possess the power to overcome the challenges showing up in your life currently.
On the contrary, I’m sensing that your unwillingness to deal with your circumstances is going to give birth to delays and stagnation. This could result in uncertainty, confusion and unrealistic expectations. At this time wishful thinking is your worst enemy. If you’re going to sit idle, you will lose out on fresh opportunities and new initiatives.
The cards are advising you to seek professional assistance as it will help you with clarity of perception and direction. Weigh matters carefully to reach a thoughtful and focused decision. You need to come to terms with something that has ended and that you can’t do anything to salvage what is passing out of existence.
Overspending, overeating, and overindulgence are something you need to avoid this season. Try to do everything in a balanced manner rather than going to just one extreme. There might be some delays in your travel plans, flight schedule or perhaps cancellation of a trip. Anyway, bring back enthusiasm and meaningful excitements in your life. Start an exercise program for physical fitness.
The focus for Taurus season needs to be swift action, inner strength and letting go of false beliefs.
[Tweet “#Taurus, Focus for Taurus season needs to be swift action, inner strength and letting go of false beliefs. myunconventionalmusings”]

Serena is a Capricorn Sun and Aries moon. Her purpose is to assist clients with spiritual growth, personal development, and empowerment. Through her readings, she encourages clients to look beyond their fears and blockages to allow their inner wisdom to shine through so that they can better understand their circumstances and therefore can genuinely express and comprehend themselves. She offers readings using the Tarot and Lenormand combined with oracle cards, her intuitive and mediumship capabilities as well as a mix of numerology and astrology. She does monthly Tarotscopes on her page so check them out.
Cards of Wellbeing. Stocco. Alligo. Lo Scarabeo, 2006.
Crystal Reading Cards. Charman. Sterling Ethos, 2015.
Zillich Tarot. Zillich. U.S. Games, 2018.
Oracle Cards: Emotional Healing + 31.Trapped reversed
Focus this Season: 9 of Wands | Strength reversed
Way Forward: 2 of Swords | Peace reversed
Geminiiii <3<3<3 It’s been a summer and a half, with the very real sense that all that was happening carried a certain importance, an almost foundational weight; you passed through a Major personal gateway, one that made you horrifyingly aware of the “ugly” remaining in your reality, but fully illuminating the path to making your life far more beautiful. <3<3 It’s not easy for you to feel so disconnected for so long, to feel “in the dark” and unable to throw open the curtains, but you realized what needed to be done, you sat tight, and now you are poised to step into a space of fresh new creative opportunity.
Indeed, the point of this summer’s quite literal insanity was to break open the old wounds that you’d avoided addressing-leading-healing — well, darn if they haven’t been addressed now, and mercifully, the healing process has begun <3<3 You are free from what wanted to steal your shine — trapped no longer. Things are changing, moving quickly now, and you’re being forced to pick up the pace in spite of still reeling from being split wide open, sliced in half!! Well, you’ll have to stitch on the go, and maintain perspective on the fact that “peace” will have to remain a future goal for the time being — you have no other choice right now but to stay in action!
There’s good reason for this urgency, this need to snap out of the inner world and back out into reality: the opportunity knocking could see, feel, understand the potential of your personal Shine even when you were trying your best to hide it — impossible! Your sparkle is communicated whether you’re projecting it consciously or not <3<3 And now a path to uniting your inner visions of “wealth” and “happiness” with real-world possibilities is on its way down the pipes. Maintain the energetic boundaries you had to set to protect your mental health over the summer, but it’s no longer the time to close off. Stay open, get excited, and keep an eye on your inboxes — summer may be over, but the heat is on, and your passions are about to be ignited!
[Tweet “#Gemini, the heat is on, and your passions are about to be ignited! #tarotscopes by @tarotscopemim”]

Black Moon Astrology Cards. Sheppard. Blue Angel Publishing, 2017.
Connected and Free: The Alchemist’s Oracle. Aletta. Swyny. Inner Hue, 2014.
Spiritsong Tarot. Cassidy. U.S. Games, 2017.
Oracle Cards: 27. Third House | Messages + Sacral Chakra +
Two jumpers: Feeling & Form + Higher Knowledge
Focus this Season: 3 of Wands | Foresight, Exploration
Way Forward: XIX – The Sun | Vitality, Joy
Oh Cancer, I’m so fully excited for you! Your cards were so lively, with the two jumpers from Connected and Free powerfully indicating that you’ve heard a “call you can’t ignore” — you’re releasing the old and moving on, moving forward. It’s not that you’re going far — this is more a culmination on a Soul level, bringing closer to “home” in your own life than you’ve yet felt. You have a deep need to answer a creative urge, one which occurred to you during a time of profound darkness that you’re healing from through the knowledge that you must do this. This past cycle was one of being forced to let go, to be sure, but you’re far more aligned with your overall goals for yourself and your legacy than ever. What’s next is Releasing yourself from what you once felt others expected of you; you have the world’s support!! This is a time of finding major self-empowering balance, all flowing into the knowledge that now is the time to leave behind outdated career structures, instead pursuing a new educational/creative path towards fulfilling a long-held desire. Cancer, for you this Libra season is all about living a dream!
I get the strong sense that many of you are considering or already in the process of leaving jobs or cutting back on work that just “pays the bills” in favour of taking real action on a long-held passion idea. If you’ve been wondering if this is the right direction to take, the answer is Yes, yes, Go for It — reach up and taste how it feels just to do what your heart has been telling you will make you happy. That’s such a pure goal, and with all the personal growth this summer slammed you with, it’s absolutely within reach! You’re exactly where you need to be in the creative process — start setting energetic boundaries as though you’re already living the new life you’re headed for. Embrace this — it will be so emotionally healing and find you making comfortable, friendly interpersonal connections that provide you with even further support for your goals! Let what no longer serves you fall away, most especially releasing any self-judgment surrounding this transition, and face the glowing horizon you’ve been awaiting — you are ready.

Mary-el Tarot by Marie White
« Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. » ~ The Dalai Lama

Offering Information • Insight • Empowerment • Enlightenment, HiC is a Tarot Conversationalist, Coach, and Ritual & Magic Consultant who has been working with the Tarot for over 16 years. His readings have been described as “a tarot reading, therapy session and life coaching session all in one.” He offers his services using the Tarot combined with healthy doses of numerology and astrology, a splash of i-Ching, a taste of Feng Shui, and practical application. Along with a heaping spoonful of magic and ritual, HiC assists you in crafting what can enhance and manifest your life in the fullest, most beneficial and blessed way possible by discovering practical, useful information that can be used to change your life for the better. HiC’s approach to readings is creating a space that honours the person and allows them to open the door to, ultimately, have a conversation with him- or herself. Find out more about HiC’s offerings and how to contact him for a private session at
IEAN DODALI Tarot (Lyon c. 1701-15). Traditional edition. Handmade & hand painted tarot deck restored by Sullivan Hismans. Published by: TarotSheetRevival
Photo: Sullivan Hismans
Letting go is hard, no matter what anyone says. Even at the best of times, when it feels like the only right thing to do. Who hasn’t taken one last look over their shoulder when walking away from the memories, for better or worse? Sometimes there’s time to linger, ease the shock, and prepare for the new. Sometimes the universe just shoves you out of your familiar shell and there you are, ready or not, out of the old world and into the state of birth.
The thing about transitions is, they don’t last forever. And thank goodness. Sooner or later, your feet will find solid ground. Even if it seems impossible right now that things could ever be back to normal. They will, in good time. Make room in your travel plans for the unexpected. Resist the temptation to do your darnedest to plan for the unknown. Going with the flow may feel daunting. But rest assured that Virgo’s legendary common sense and resourcefulness won’t steer you wrong.
Trust is important now more than ever. Trust that the path unfolding now leads to your highest good. Trust in an abundant universe that always brings you home. Trust in Spirit, in whose grace we are cradled. Trust in yourself – in your own, true, warm and beating heart, where you are always home.

Phoebe Tsang is a tarot and Lenormand card reader. Her reading style is influenced by Buddhist meditation, and inspired by nature
To shed: 5 of Pentacles
To step into: The Queen of Wands
Happy birthday, Libra! This season asks you to shed your doubts around your ability to create the life you want and step into the sovereignty of your creativity.
The five of Pentacles depicts two people looking destitute as they walk through a snowstorm; the medicine of this card asks about your relationship to scarcity and unconventionality. I observe that folks who draw this card live a life much different than what they or their parents or guardians expected. The five of Pentacles asks how we frame that difference. Do you embrace your unconventionality as an expansive blessing and opportunity? Or do you trap your own nature with programmed shame and guilt that actually belongs to someone else? Do you bind your wild heart with the “shoulds” of the past?
The Queen of Wands says “Don’t ‘should’ on yourself! And don’t let anyone else ‘should’ on you either.” The Queen asks you to embody the ownership of your passions with courage; the Queen challenges you to receive and realize the fullness of your visionary power. Do you set aside time to vision and create? Do you allow yourself to update your dreams to reflect who you are in the present?
This world desperately needs the medicine of brilliant beauty and colorful unorthodox thought. You, Libra, ruled by Venus, possess these possibilities in spades. This season, your natural magnetism is magnified; use this potent energy to leave behind your pity party and reclaim your imaginative vision as what it is: the antidote to despair.
[Tweet “#Libra, “your natural magnetism is magnified. #tarotscopes by @lamysticatarot”]

Elise Entzenberger is a writer, teacher and artist living in Austin, Texas. She uses archetypal and Jungian wisdom to help psychospiritual practitioners move through their blocks around visibility and fear and discover the potency of their unique medicine.
[Tweet “#Libra, “You have the space. Trust yourself to let it be known. #tarotscopes by _ashleystory”]

Ashley Story is a queer femme, moon witch, writer, and virtual assistant. Reading tarot, staring at the moon, and taking baths are her favorite form of magic. Currently, you can find her on Instagram and her monthly-ish newsletter.
•Vessel Oracle by Mary Elizabeth Evans of Spirit Speak, 2014
•Collective Tarot, 2009 (Out of Print)
Dearest Sagittarians, it’s time for the mask to come off. This Libra season is presenting itself as an opportunity for Liberation from Fear, but it’s not without the dedicated work that comes from acknowledging shadows, sitting with discomfort, and recognizing out of date values. This means not just some swift changes in your life, but rather deep life altering transformation. The Plutonian cycles of death/re-birth are on your side, but it’s your choice whether you shed your skin with curiosity or kick, scream, and fight.
Fear is the red flag of resistance; fear is subjective and systemic, fear can also be stories that we’ve told ourselves as a coping mechanism to stay small. What would it be like to drop into those feelings of resistance? What would it be like to acknowledge and name the fears that are coming up for you instead of running away? The Hermit is inviting you to do some meditating on your inner world to come to your truths and your own definitions of self.
Sag, I feel like you’re going to have an incredible opening with your spiritual connections and abilities. All this is to say, seeking inner guidance puts you in touch with your truest, highest self.
This is a very potent time to be considering your personal practice; daily rituals, physical body integrations, being of service, intuitive insights, new ways of communicating with yourself and others.
The inner dialogue you’ve established with yourself as The Hermit is continuing to be fine-tuned by the Artist of Feathers (reversed) with boundaries rewritten and personal truths emerging from the state of Liberation.
Towards the end of Libra season, you might find that all the inner work you’ve tended to and held gently has unlocked the flow of Abundance! Rejoice in this but, remember, part of the mask still needs to be pulled off. What residual energy has still got you tethered to the very fear you reckoned with at the beginning of the season? There’s a need to continue to assess and move forward from how you’ve covered your authentic self. Remember, you can always return to the energy of The Hermit to help guide you.
[Tweet “#Sagittarius, Seeking inner guidance puts you in touch with your truest, highest self. #tarotscopes by soulcontracttarot”]

Nic Alea is a queer/non-binary writer with offerings of intuitive counsel using tarot + oracle + spiritual knowledge. They co-create with tarot to assess desires, fears, creativity, and innate wisdom to access empowerment and resiliency. Their practice is informed by trauma healing, inner child/teen work, the spiritual linking with the political, and deep compassion for the fragmented self. From the canyons of California, Nic is now based on Wurundjeri land (Melbourne, Australia) where they offer in-person and online readings. Find out more at
Steampunk Tarot Moore & Fell
To My Seagoats:
Now is not the time to dwell over past mistakes, POTENTIAL problems or kick yourself during a time that should be heralded as your period of reconstruction. You’ve allowed too many outside forces (though I’m sensing more chatter from people than anything else) into your headspace and now you can’t seem to find your way back to your center. We all doubt ourselves at some point or another, but there simply isn’t a manual for completely avoiding the knocks we all must endure during our time on this side of the veil. Constantly seeking counsel asking “But how do I..?” or “Where’s the book that tells me how…?” keeps you in an endless loop of searching for self externally rather than consulting your ultimate authority on the matter – you! But where’s the fun in that, right (lol)?! Along the way, you may have been taken by someone promising to “teach you how to…” only to find that the blind was leading the blind – in this case you. There’s no way of changing the past, but when you can learn from it, adjust accordingly and respect it for what it was, you’re never doomed to repeat it. Always remember that you are more than the sum of your failures. Though it may be difficult for you to see beyond your current state of angst, boredom, and disillusionment, you will soon begin to see the parting of clouds and sense the shifting of the winds once again in your favor. Try as much as possible to use this time for self-care in the forms of restorative affirmations, cooling baths to soothe minds that’s that are hot from over-use, healthy/productive periods of solitude and (most importantly) GET BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD!!! You haven’t lost your mojo/touch – you’ve merely forgotten it was YOURS in the first place. Dust off those old plans you chalked-up to being childish or impractical and remember that all empires are created from imagination. The challenge, however, will be for you to remember that simply because you have the project completed in your mind doesn’t mean that it’s completed on the material plain – STAY. THE. COURSE! Don’t romanticize anything but do fall in love with recreating yourself on your terms and sharing the fruits of a job well done with those worthy and of proven loyalty. It’s the beginning of a brighter era if you choose to shift your focus on growth and abandoning destructive tendencies (i.e., self-sabotage). In short – the voices will stop shouting once you realize they were never there in the first place. The cycle will end once you are reunited with you! #keepyourgazesforward
[Tweet “#Capricorn, Now is not the time to dwell over past mistakes. #tarotscopes by @choseneyes9”]

ChosenEyes is a teacher, creator, and truth-teller. Organizing and executing such courses as Magikal Ethics, and Learning Tarot for Beginners. Along with her passions in teaching, ChosenEyes completed her Doctorate in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine at Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine with research interests in burn rehabilitation, because “The healing process is NEVER pretty, but it is always BEAUTIFUL.” ChosenEyes works diligently to transcend the negative stereotypes surrounding black witches in the mainstream media, and society at large, by speaking openly about her gifts, sharing her powers with those who seek answers, and inspiring other young women to pursue their passions unapologetically.
@choseneyes9 at IG and Twitter
photo: @tierra.dennae
Tarot del Fuego, Fournier, 2014
Well, well my Aquarius friends! Libra season is pushing you to new heights, animating your life with healthy doses of ambition and energy.
You’re being given a unique chance to recommit to your larger growth as a person. It’s a juicy period of expansion that will take you to unforeseen places. You won’t feel like you thought you’d feel and it won’t look like what you imagined. And that’s a good thing.
Entering into this strange new land of possibility and freedom will tempt you to be led astray by familiar old distractions. And distraction is the key term here. What shiny things do you choose to dangle in front of yourself when you know something big is just around the corner? Coming into this season with an awareness of your usual tricks can help you vault over them towards this new opportunity.
In some ways, you’re not quite content to let things go smoothly. In fact, ease might make you feel suspicious. Can things really feel this good? Can I truly be comfortable and secure in what I’m doing and who I am?
As you may have guessed, the answer is a resounding yes, and this really bears repeating! The Lovers indicates that you’re tapping into your pure and wild uniqueness. The world feels bright and inviting, and you are bright and inviting!
This is not a time to shrink yourself or get lost in hedonistic distractions. You know the higher path, go and take it! And when you get to the stability and comfort of the Six of Pentacles, stay there for a while. The Lovers is giving you lots to experience, appreciate, and process.
Yet you’ll feel a need to stretch further out, looking for more when you have more than enough. The Seven of Pentacles illustrates the active temptation to be dissatisfied with what you’ve got or even to overlook the strange magic of what’s already there in front of you.
Because underneath it all, you’re cultivating a strange and wonderful life for yourself. Once you commit to this vision, take some time to explore the new terrain you’re now occupying. There’s riches everywhere, and it’s better than you imagined it would be.
[Tweet “#Aquarius, The world feels bright and inviting, and you are bright and inviting! #tarotscopes by @inctarot”]

Gina Wisotzky is a tarot reader and natural perfumer based in Durham, North Carolina. She offers warm and insightful readings at With fourteen years’ experience reading cards, her goal and passion are connecting others to their inner wisdom through tarot. You connect with her via Twitter @inctarot and Instagram @incandescenttarot.
The Marigold Tarot by Amrit Brar ©2018
More than anything else, dearest Pisces, it is imperative you prioritize peace for yourself right now. You give too much too often and forget to return all that back to yourself. Locate the spaces in which you are struggling right now. Whatever that feels like for you.
Is it the places where you are holding on too tightly to people ready to move on? Is it that you’ve been taking on too much to prove you can handle it? Is it being hard on yourself for the little failures and forgetting your achievements? Libra season puts all that mess front and center for you and asks you to make better choices.
In amongst all the tempestuous wands is the Eight of Swords at the beginning of it all. All the other cards are distractions caused by an imbalance of self. It is this imbalance that leaves you feeling tied down and committed to people, places, and things that have ceased to be nourishing.
When we begin from imbalance, we end with imbalance. This may be why you may feel you have to push even harder to get through it. Most times, however, the best course of action is to stay still a while and release. Let it all happen the way it was going to anyway- just that this time it’s not dragging you along behind it. Instead of trying to control the outcome, manage the process instead. This gives you time to step back if need be, approach these spaces bit by bit, adapt and reroute as necessary.
All these wands, my dear, but you are not meant for the fire, and that is just as well. Give in to your nature and sink into the water. Close your eyes and let it muffle all the other nonsense so that you can listen to yourself instead. Your heart is too wise to bind with restrictions of expectation, over-thinking, and self-doubt. Believe what you feel so much more than what you see or hear.
[Tweet “More than anything else, dearest #Pisces, it is imperative you prioritize peace for yourself right now. #tarotscopes by @asaliearthwork “]

Asali is a black queer femme healer. She uses tarot for the everyday and the unusual, seeking the cards for herself and her querents to clarify practical paths to what is sought. She is Reiki certified and an avid student and practitioner of the Ifa tradition. A spiritually called Earthworker, all her healing creations, and tools are born of the earth and the divine, created with the vision of radical self-care as community healing work.
Request a tarot reading and check out her healing earthwork on Etsy & Big Cartel!
Follow along with her journey in healing, tarot, and lots of tea on her blog at Asali Earthwork.
Also, check her out on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
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YAY!! Glad you think so!!
I really love Tarotscopes, and look forward to them each month. I am a Scorpio Sun, Libra Moon and Aquarius rising and this month, all of you hit the mark that I am in a period of transition! I am on my way to becoming and exhibiting my most authentic self, as well as living the life I’ve dreamed of and have been crafting for the past several years. It’s scary and exciting all at the same time! And as Gina the Aquarius reader said, I find myself distracted with minutia. I really appreciate her calling this out and reminding me specifically not to get caught up in nonsense that will take me from all the good change that is happening.
Thanks to all the readers and practitioners, but especially to Elise (Libra), Ashley (Scorpio) and Gina (Aquarius) for such great insightful work.
As an Aquarius sun, I can totally relate to this distraction point for this season. I’m happy to see your name here, Darline! You are often in my thoughts. <3
What´s happening with Capricorns? They´re coming through a tough period, sad to say I´m a Capricorn Sun 🙁
Two thoughts came to mind when I saw your comment. Normally I’m ALL in the Capricorn readings since my moon is Capricorn but I’m pulling up blank for the last few months of readings. I will say tho that for this particular reading, it could be a matter of perspective. When I see those three cards for Cap, I see that they might have A LOT on their mind this season. But bear in mind lots of positive things can give folks lots to think about, life changes that have been needed for a long time, new work or responsibilities. The sea goat needs mountains. That’s how they get their climb on. If there is any sign that I expect to make something out of “restrictive” thoughts or situations, it’s this one. So are they coming through a tough period? That depends on the sea goat. *grins What’s been on your mind lately?
I’m an Aquarius Sun and found mine to be so affirming and accurate. I read aloud to 3 of my friends last night, Taurus, Virgo and Cancer and they all found theirs to be sound as well! This is such a beautiful collaboration!!! Feeling an abundance of gratitude ✨