This is a special edition of the Scopes!
For my birthday, for black history month, because it’s fun, because we aren’t always visible in tarot community, these tarotscopes feature 12 black tarot readers. And because I’m excited about black excellence, I’ve included a playlist of all the songs used in 2018. Enjoy this special edition and support these amazing contributors!
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The Steampunk Tarot By Barbara Moore 2012
My Glorious Rams,
Your take charge, can do attitude will serve you well this year! You are, however, searching for what it truly means to live, breathe, think and hold space for yourself. Can you say COMPLETELY new territory for many of you?! Because of this you may be feeling as if you are crossing into some strange, uncharted void and you are correct! But rather than trying to rebuild with pieces from the past it’s time to embrace new horizons and new soil – my loves it is time for you and all of your loveliness to move on. You see, you have been caught in a holding pattern of holding space for others around you to do their best while utilizing your know-how as a springboard/launching pad. That Midas touch of yours deserves to shimmer and shine ALL FOR YOU this year, sweet Aries! True, the road ahead will be filled with a bunch of new things but try not to see the unknown as a hardship for you are the RAM! Life is a never-ending adventure which you were built to plow through. The name of the game henceforth is sustainability.
Unfortunately, this means making some very difficult choices as it pertains to the “clutter” in your life as you are now faced with cutting ties with all connections that no longer nourish you healthily. Be open to creating space for creative outlets you’ve let go of in the past and allowing them to resurface in the present: painting, singing, writing, quilting, cooking… something fun that gets your juices going. Whatever you choose, know that it will be in the picture for quite some time (as I type this I see the number 14 pertaining to time) so strap in and get comfortable. It is unfair to call this period a dark night of the soul because there’s nothing dark about it. This is more like you approaching the light at the end of the tunnel and choosing to walk through it yourself rather ushering the masses ahead of you. This is your time, your way – OWN IT! And for those who may need to hear it, I’m already SO proud of you! You are powerful, you are mighty and you are bold.
[Tweet “That Midas touch of yours deserves to shimmer and shine ALL FOR YOU this year, sweet #Aries! #tarotscopes by @choseneyes9”]

ChosenEyes is a teacher, creator, and truth-teller. Organizing and executing such courses as Magikal Ethics, and Learning Tarot for Beginners. Along with her passions in teaching, ChosenEyes completed her Doctorate in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine at Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine with research interests in burn rehabilitation, because “The healing process is NEVER pretty, but it is always BEAUTIFUL.” ChosenEyes works diligently to transcend the negative stereotypes surrounding black witches in the mainstream media, and society at large, by speaking openly about her gifts, sharing her powers with those who seek answers, and inspiring other young women to pursue their passions unapologetically.
@choseneyes9 at IG and Twitter
photo: @tierra.dennae
Lumina Tarot, Inner Hue, 2015
[Tweet “#Taurus!!!!! Aquarius season is kicking off with some AMAZING energy! #tarotscopes by @redlightreading”]

V. is a candle burning, hoop-dancing, manifesting, novel reading, word-loving, magic making Mistress of Cartomancy. Forever a student and life-long learner of astrology, numerology, chakra healing, and all forms of psychic awareness, V. has been reading cards for 16 years and doling out nuggets of down-to-earth, “BFF”-inspired wisdom to anyone that crosses her path. She can be found at:; Twitter/Periscope: @redlightreading; IG: @redlightreadings
The Tarot of Gemstones and Crystals by Helmut G. Hofmann
The Herbal Tarot by Michael Tierra and Candis Cantin
The African American Tarot by Jamal R. and Thomas Davis
SUN | 4 of Pentacles (R)
Your ideas cannot appreciate, be appreciated or collect interest if you are sitting on them. Not acting on them. Not doing them. Not living them out. Imagination is fun, but it has more than one dimension. Attempt to live your imagination and see what’s real. Your ripe ideas will nurture and sustain through osmosis. Your unripe ideas will wither and die no matter what you give to them. You trust your attitude but you don’t trust . . . life to guide you through it?
Don’t let the Invention of Humxnity fool you. There is an order here. Your visions are your blueprint. Free will means you decide what and how you go about building. Don’t resign yourself to disengagement or apathy because you see other people foregoing opportunity. What you believe is what you choose to believe. You know you are your own. Don’t overthink it. Maybe fate is just the order of chaos.
RISING | King of Swords
The truth can sting, but it cuts clean. Having integrity means saying what is. What you observe as well as what you may not know. Claiming your own words, using your own force. Giving nothing more to something than it deserves. Adjusting accordingly. It is enough that you know. Don’t try and convince, don’t try and talk your way into something that very well may not be for you.
For you are becoming something else. Something more. Something stronger, but also more mutable as a result. No insisting now. This isn’t inertia. It’s building momentum. This is a sweet spot. A rest before the gong. A calm before a righteous storm. The truth will let out and if you be knowing, act like there is no alternative worth acting upon. You don’t need cosigners, you need to stay the course.
MOON | The High Priestess
Sweet intuition. What a comfort. What a motivation. A warm bed, a cozy blanket. It’s good to feel well led. Even better when you are doing the leading but not trying to get too far ahead. This is a good time to incubate. Hibernate. Take stock and cultivate what has already come to your attention. There is generosity in peace that benefits everyone. If it feels a bitter balm yee have the incorrect definitions of peace, neutrality or equilibrium.
If you know better, do better. If you do better, trust in the investment. If you want a better world, be the reflection you insist there isn’t enough of. It is sufficient to do your work and sit back. Don’t go totalitarian just because you finally arrived somewhere you very much once weren’t. Be generous in your experience, reserved in your judgment, still in your observation, cool in your learning. It is enough to be confident of your own worth. Your regard should be enough to fuel your whole world. To love as deeply as freedom is wide. This I will for your existence.
[Tweet “#Gemini, Don’t let the Invention of Humxnity fool you. There is an order here. #tarotscopes by sanyuestelle”]

Deck: Tarot of The Orisha by Zolrak
Aquarius Season Affirmation for Cancer: I deserve reciprocity and abundance in every area of my life.
Cards: 3 of Earth & Yemoja
The numerology of 2019 puts us in a 3 year, and in the tarot this corresponds with the Empress. Empress energy speaks to Cancer in a firm and loving way through the Mother archetype of the Goddess. Yemoja comes with another 3 as a reminder to get in formation and align with the current Universal energies that can be alchemized for our level up. We are supported through the North Node in Cancer for the next year and a half, but we are also being pushed. We are being pushed towards a new love ethic that prioritizes Self and Love of Self, instead of martyrdom.
No one else can give us what we need to thrive, so we are asked to mother ourselves consistently so that we can have the energy to engage in the transformation we are experiencing. When we commit to Self Love, we are able to show up for our communities and networks in profitable ways. The overflow of love and creativity that comes when alignment is our priority, results in effortless abundance. This is important, because in Aquarius season we are being asked to identify who we can build with.
Cancer can no longer give in BUSINESS SETTINGS without boundaries or expectation. We deserve to be paid for our skills and gifts. Reciprocity doesn’t have to be in currency, but it must exist. Yemoja nudges us to evaluate our relationships to look for untapped opportunities. Collaboration is a source of soul fulfillment, but its tangible rewards are not to be ignored. This is not about exchanging love relationships for transactional ones, but re-evaluating existing connections that can be further cultivated to help everyone thrive. When we engage with others in this intentional way, we open another channel of blessings to flow to us in ways that are as refreshing and as life giving as water. Be confident and bold in your asking. You bring so much to the table, and now it’s time to eat.
Yemoja nudges us to evaluate our relationships to look for untapped opportunities. Collaboration is a source of soul fulfillment, but its tangible rewards are not to be ignored.
[Tweet “#Cancer, Collaboration is a source of soul fulfillment, but its tangible rewards are not to be ignored. #tarotscopes by @timiljones”]

Timil Jones is an Austin-raised Atlanta transplant raising three boys with her husband and partner of 12 years. She’s an intuitive entrepreneur whose work resides at the intersections of wealth and wellness. Her practice centers spiritual and religious black women and femmes. Timil is a Cancer Sun, Leo Rising, and Pisces Moon.
You can book a reading with Timil here:
Instagram: @theintuitiveempress
Antique Anatomy Tarot by Claire Goodchild ©2018
Well at least you won’t be bored, lovely Leos!
This season brings in energy that matches what mixing air and fire feels like- quick and wild.
The Queen of Rods and Knight of Rods seem to sit in challenge with one another, but Temperance assures you that you do have it within you to work with both, and that these energies are two sides of the same (Ace of) Coin right now.
The Queen of Rods has a deep understanding of the power they carry within them and are neither afraid nor ignorant of what they can do with it. When the Queen starts a fire, they know exactly how to put it out when they are finished with it and want to start anew. The knowledge that fire is a destroyer is as deep as the knowledge of fire as creator. The power of choice and action are their tools and are subject to the Queen’s will. They don’t stay still for long but neither do they rush into anything without Temperance.
What the Queen of Rods starts, they finish. What you start with them, they’ll finish that too.
On the other hand, the Knight of Rods is familiar with their fire but still figuring out what is to much and too little. Which means they spend quite a bit of time getting burned. But most burns heal- even if they leave scars- and they carry on, never developing a fear for the fire. Their motto is “Great Risk, Great Reward” and when the Knight of Rods makes a decision it is quick, and they are all in- an energy which could prove both useful and detrimental to you. Eventually they’ll understand that fear and respect are not the same thing. Or they’ll get burnt trying because their gift is also a curse of putting themselves so deep into something and not be able to adjust or leave it when it becomes unsafe. Hence the burns.
So which of these two fire starters will you choose for yourself this season? Which would serve you best?
Whatever your choice, the message is clear. You have to start the fire if you are going to reach the bounty teased in the Ace of Coins, just remember to move with Temperance.
Light ‘em up, Leos!
[Tweet “#Leo, This season brings in energy that matches what mixing air and fire feels like- quick and wild. #tarotscopes by @asaliearthwork”]

Asali is a black queer femme healer. She uses tarot for the everyday and the unusual, seeking the cards for herself and her querents to clarify practical paths to what is sought. She is Reiki certified and an avid student and practitioner of the Ifa tradition. A spiritually called Earthworker, all her healing creations, and tools are born of the earth and the divine, created with the vision of radical self-care as community healing work.
Request a tarot reading and check out her healing earthwork on Etsy & Big Cartel!
Follow along with her journey in healing, tarot, and lots of tea on her blog at Asali Earthwork.
Also, check her out on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Prisma Visions Tarot, 2016, James R. Eads Illustration
Earth. Momentary disorientation. Virgo, you feel like you have lost your footing, but rest assured this is merely an illusion. In reality, you are doing just fine. Ten of Pentacles represents what’s actually happening. It acknowledges the work it took for you to get here. It affirms that you are effectively nourished by your own attempts to cultivate emotional and financial stability. You are sustaining meaningful connections that will energetically restore you in your time of need. You have everything you asked for, and yet you are still unsatisfied. Why? No matter what stories your mind weaves, ground yourself in this truth; life is actually going well, and you are doing just fine. Accept this rest as the universe’s way of honoring your efforts.
Wound. Do not get lost in the wound. Two of Swords represents growing pains that materialize as self-imposed limitations and perfectionism. Two of Swords is like trying to start a new life with old thoughts. You have two choices: you can continue the transformative work that got you here, or you can defend the way of thinking that kept you from getting here. We live in a society that has capitalizes on the same imperfections they teach us to be ashamed of. A society that creates the illusion that resources are scarce. That you are not enough. Liberation is intended for those who can somehow conjure love in a world that thrives on deficit. Who you are and what you’re capable of is more than enough to change this world. Start with your perception and build outward. Make decisions aligned with who you want to be.
Medicine. Imperfection serves a creative purpose. Empress medicine initiates the healing of your wound associated with perfectionism. Imperfection is the reason you are able to nurture others. Think about it: imperfection creates the imbalance that highlights your nurturing abilities. Others embracing their imperfections enough to trust you is how you are even able to serve your life’s purpose. The medicine is in accepting your own imperfections. Learn to advocate for those things that make you real. Human error is an organic trait. To go against it is to go against nature herself. It helps to see imperfections as a dynamic, living energy. In one situation, a specific trait can fail to meet your standard of approval. This doesn’t mean the trait cannot be useful elsewhere, and labeling it a blemish prevents it from developing into an idea, a source of income, a way of relating to others, A purpose. The Empress present the idea that in order to gain control you must let go. Trust the magic.
[Tweet “#Virgos, Liberation is for those who conjure love in a world that thrives on deficit. #tarotscopes by @invertedmelody”]

Get Read Wednesday is an online tarot project created by Austen, a black & non-binary tarot reader, spiritual medium, and writer. You can catch Get Read Wednesday every week at 8pm on Instagram and Facebook.
Facebook: Get Read Wednesday Tarot
Ascension Cards by Diana Cooper, published in 2012 by Findhord Press
Libras! In addition to the oracle message of The Sun card (shown in picture), I received a profound directive for those focused on accelerating their ascension journey and/or leveling up their skills as a lightworker.
The new higher timeline Christ/Crystalline level Human templates are available to come online and be integrated for those ready, willing, and able souls. The Sun through Aquarius transit in particular gives you unprecedented access to your etheric DNA and to the support of the Star Races to facilitate this “software upgrade”. Your true divine nature as a soul, an individuated spark of the great Nameless One, can express more fully, more clearly now, with less of the former encumbrances in place, e.g. karmic relationships, ancestral patterns, spiritual warfare, etc. Work with your Spirit Team and ask them to help you with the integration of the DNA templates for your soul’s evolution.
Lord Maitreya, Buddha, and the Arcturians in particular can help as needed.
The massive clearing we have just completed with the closing of the long Scorpio cycle (approx 6 years) as well as the Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius (happening literally on the Sun’s entry into the sign which officially closes the long North Node through Leo transit) has made way for a larger embodiment of the Divine here in the physical realm. It is incredibly important that at this time you hold fast to the vision of the future placed on the altar of your High Heart.
You are consciously writing a new Akashic contract. You already know what doesn’t work, where your “hiccups” have been in the past, what you don’t want…now it’s time to put that energy into what can be! Continuing laying the foundation for something more: more integral to your soul purpose, more empowering, more community-driven.
You are divinely protected by the Council of 12. This opportunity is your birthright. Step through the open door of initiation and embrace your next level of ascension!
[Tweet “#Libras, Embrace your next level of ascension! #tarotscopes by innersunalchemy”]

Jynnette specializes in operating as an oracle, energy healer, and spiritual life coach.She channels information through Tarot, Astrology, the Archangels, and Higher Dimensions. She works heavily with the Crystal Kingdom and has a natural affinity for working with the elementals and Star Races. She also facilitates classes & workshops on astrology, tarot, and spiritual & personal development.
Website: www.innersunalchemy
What a time to be sweet to yourself, Scorpio. This month, we are being invited to turn towards the world with our hearts open so that we may know ourselves better, and so that we can more freely give love to ourselves. This experience isn’t all fluff – the energy of Aquarius season is quite fruitful for Scorpio, because it encourages us to be present with that which makes us truly special; it’s a time that rewards a sharp mind, deep processing, and joyful, eager learning.
Indeed, we are being asked to look the world less with suspicion and more with patience, genuine curiosity, and wonder. Every time that we are tempted to judge ourselves or others harshly is an opportunity to love ourselves, to care for ourselves, and to practice being kind. Kindness tends to be regarded with suspicion by Scorpio. What’s the endgame of this generosity, we wonder? A question that is truly important to ask, especially in our very human reality where we are constantly sold images and stories that intentionally obscure the truth. We are deeply hurt when we feel betrayed or like we have been lied to – this comes from a penetrating eye that belies a profound and prideful sensitivity. We often let that refusal to take things at face value block us from seeing both the good in the world and the softness within ourselves; this mindset gets us wrapped up in a Me vs. Everyone Else kind of mentality that punishes our vulnerability and sees it as weakness. We are being asked to use our strong wills in conjunction with our sensitivity and passion to open ourselves up as opposed to further obscuring our truths. The more present we remain with this passion and wonder, the greater our sense of fulfillment, and the more comfortable we feel in our own skin.
This is a time to get clear on what love actually means to you. How does your love manifest in this world? How does it manifest in you? Do you use the idea of it as a weapon? Is your possessiveness a way to keep yourself from looking at your own pain? Scorpio, we have often told ourselves that only some deserve our love, or that we should only receive it if we check off certain boxes on our ever-growing internal authenticity checklists. But love is not conditional – it is or it isn’t. We step forward with our hearts fully available or we perpetually keep one foot in hurt. There’s no gotcha moment when it comes to self-love – the only thing that is being hidden or obscured is you. When we allow ourselves to have our hurt live in our hearts unexamined, we miss the gold, the real message of our experience hidden in the depths of the earth, among the dark roots and soil. And we can’t have a Scorpio be caught slipping on the truth, right? Allow love in this month so you don’t miss out on what is already yours, the love that is your birthright.
[Tweet “#Scorpio, this is a time to get clear on what love actually means to you. #tarotscopes by @yungcrone”]

Alia Walston is an intuitive channel of Christ-consciousness working primarily with tarot and astrology. The intention of her work is to help liberate us from old paradigms of victimhood, scarcity, and fear through facing our traumas and transmuting pain into empowerment. Her healing practice centers on intuitively channeled writings and conversations with her followers and clients in order to give them the tools to take nurturing, authentic action in alignment with their soul’s path.
Dear Sagittarius,
You are on a winning streak this season, Sagittarius. Congratulations! There is a feeling of you finding a true match of yours during this time. And this feels like you becoming part of a larger COMMUNITY. So, you are definitely on the right path. And if you had any doubts about it, you will for sure be receiving plenty of confirmation reassuring you about your steps and choices. There is a nice coming together during this time that feels ceremonial or ritualistic. In some way this feels like an answer to a prayer of yours, where perhaps you have asked for more inclusion, or an increase in social activities and invitations, or a support group, or to be more understood… This feels very traditional or established or custom, so this could also be attached to something your ancestors did or still do, or generational, or cultural, where there is a long line or an organized, passed down, structure, system, or regimen. Like in fraternities or sororities. There is a bittersweet facet to this season for you as well. And the example that comes through is like when a mother loses her baby, but in the aftermath her family unit is strengthened to the max as they protectively gather around her, cradle her, love her, and become that shoulder or that ear for her and each other. So, this feels like sharing in an experience that may have at one time caused you great pain, but now is a safe haven source of help, or offering, to another or others. The bigger picture here, drawing from the “community” theme you have, is one of CONTRIBUTION. And this feels like tapping into all that you have been through, both the highs and the lows, and offering it to the collective. This season very much feels like what is coming through as “your time”. So, embrace it and do not shy away from it. You may be called into the forefront or limelight or center stage in some way. But it is not to shame or judge, it is to highlight, to raise and uplift otherwise unheard voices. Yours and others. This will have a rippling effect of inspiration for many to come after you.
[Tweet “You are on a winning streak this season, #Sagittarius. Congratulations! #tarotscopes by @blessedb333”]

Nisha believes in fairy tales and dreams coming true. It is her ultimate goal to help others achieve their personal Happily Ever After-whatever that may be, and she does so by incorporating everything she has ever learned, with the help of her Ancestors, Astrology, Tarot, Counseling, Behavior Analysis & Modification. You can most often find her on Instagram, with her tribe on Patreon, or adding new things to her Linktree.
The Brady Tarot by Emi Brady. Published in 2018.
Prominent Capricorn in a natal chart — like having the Sun, Ascendant, or a cluster of planets huddled under the Sea Goat’s auspices — can often make it feel like working hard enough is the answer to every possible problem, even when hard work is the equivalent of trying to push over a brick wall with your bare hands.
Here’s the thing: despite what capitalism trains us to believe, hard work isn’t actually the only solution to every problem, and sometimes — heresy, I know — attachment to working hard makes things worse.
The real solution in such horrifying circumstances?
Admit defeat. Back down. Ease off. Open up.
Consider this: it’s nearly impossible to grow anything in hard ground. But once the soil yields, it accepts seed and water and compost with gladness, bringing forth fruits and flowers as earth concedes to the power of collaboration.
The beginning of Aquarius season might very well feel like an earth-breaking reckoning as we begin the solar month with the last eclipse of the Leo-Aquarius axis. We’ve been in this process since May of 2017; for Capricorns, this has been a period of re-assessing value, worth, and debt, often at chronically deep levels. Consider how much has changed for you in the past 18ish months: is your relationship to money different? How about your relationship to the actual value of your work in the world? Which debts matter to you now, and which are you releasing as no longer solvent?
More importantly, consider how any changes in your self-worth have impacted your tolerance for unbalanced energy exchanges. You’ve been asked to view your own value more realistically — honoring your gifts and deflating any false superiority — and now, with this Aquarius season, you’re being invited to put that learning into action through softness and trust.
Know that growth is happening whether or not you’re willing it into existence with dedicated hard work. Know that abundance is present and available, and not exclusively in the ways you’re used to defining “abundance.” Know that you are not alone on your path, and that inviting others along might actually be the opportunity you’ve been seeking.
The results of softening won’t show up overnight. Just as a bulb planted in October won’t bloom until April, your flowers will need time to show their faces. In the meantime, allow yourself to explore the sweetness of relinquishing a little bit of the responsibility that was never yours to begin with; spend more time asking your heart what it needs; let go of enough shame to ask for help in tending to your heart/garden; let go of enough ego to know when help might be more than just “nice,” but properly nourishing.
[Tweet “#Capricorn, Know that growth is happening whether or not you’re willing it into existence. #tarotscopes by @ddamascenaa”]

Diana Rose Harper is a Capricorn-dominant Sagittarian in love with myth, symbol, stars, and magic. Her work aims to support others in finding and following their deeper truths. Through tarot, reiki, bodywork, astrology, and lovingly candid conversation, Diana’s practice centers honest integrity as a path towards fulfillment, connection, abundance, and joy. Currently based in central Vermont, she serves clients and students from all over the world using two of the great wonders of the internet: email and videoconferencing.
Twitter: @ddamascenaa
Dust II Onyx Tarot by Courtney Alexander
In this card pull Aquarians share a theme card. But each of the three kinds of Aquarius, those born at the first decan or the first ten degrees of the sign, sorta like the first ten days, those born at the second ten and the third each have a card for how to work with this theme. Don’t know what decan you are? Here’s a decan calculator.
I’m grounded in joy; I’m not grounded in the trauma anymore.
— Tarana Burke
Aquarius Season Theme | The Sun
Fellow scientists, supernovas, and weird warriors, our theme for our birthday season is The Sun. As the sun marches into our sign we are warmed, elevated, and enlivened. We are looking at who we are, our big whys, our childlike gooey centers and ways we adorn our crowns.
The fire-affiliated Sun is super friendly to the earth cards below, nudging us lovingly toward intense groundedness and inviting us to ask the most practical questions – What makes us feel like we own the world? What ignites us? How do we trust, allow and ratify our Joy? How do we shine? This is our birthday homework assignment. The cheat sheet for each decan and a summary for all of us follows.
First decan Aquarius fam, the earth is talking to you via Papa Coin. To listen closely is to follow the thread of its story from the fullness of the present moment into the future. To shine, be in your body. Be in your business. Make the choices that only the wisest version of you would make.
What does future-you think your body needs right now? What does future-you think you should do with that money? Master the practical or find a mentor to emulate to get you on that mastery path. Your dreams will stay dreams if you can’t live on and in this physical earth.
Fellow Second decan Aquarians, This six of Coins is the ladder up to higher consciousness and a nod toward interconnectedness. It can seem like we’re in our own planet a lot. Just as the moon in this card hovers light years away from the watery earth below. It feels like we need space jets or miracles to touch down, link up, connect with our communities.
To shine, trade coin.
Let folks pay you, touch you, help you. Show your ideas to some people. Shake some hands. Money ‘aint real but because we believe it in it, it makes things happen. Be like money. Believe in you, believe in others, and make things happen. I know, it feels weird and small to focus on make-believe things (like money or bodies or whatever). Do it anyway, show up. Bless folks and be blessed.
Third decan Aquarius friends, This Hermit is either calling you out or calling you in. Either way, shine methodically. Maybe the plan is ready and you know it and just need that final kick out the cave. Maybe you are waiting for someone to tell you that you can be the wise one (you can). If you know who you are, don’t stall, share your light with the others.
If however you’re feeling lost, maybe that cave is for you. Maybe what you need is supreme stillness so you can remember who you are. Your work is in silence, shadow, away from prying eyes. Only you know when this work is done. Do not rush it. To serve your community you will need a solid foundation that begins with your relationship with you.
Fellow Aquarians, we have a slow and deliberate season ahead of us and we don’t always feel at home at that pace. It’s ok. If we’re honest, we know it will take work to deliver our messages to others, they won’t always understand us. Don’t lose heart. The future depends on what we have to say.
[Tweet “#Aquarius, Bless folks and be blessed. The future depends on what we have to say. #tarotscopes by @siobhansmirror”]

Siobhan is a NYC-born writer, spiritual ally, and pro tarot reader living in central Texas. Her facilitative style is the blended result of over 15 years of tarot study as well as communication styles, shamanic ritual, sacred sexuality, and alternative relationships. She is the creator of these monthly ‘Scopes – the first ever collaborative tarotscopes.
Like this ‘Scope? Join her membership area.
Lumina Tarot (Inner Hue, 2015)
The Magick and Mediums Oracle (Running Elk LLC, 2018)
The Magician | Six of Pentacles | The Sun
Sweet, dreamy, and bubbly Pisces,
This Aquarius season, uncover the many ways you can bring joy and happiness to yourself as well as others. You have the power to share your gifts, talents, and many blessings to those around you in need of inspiration and empowerment. Share the gifts of your sweet and sacred heart. Use this opportunity to give back through charitable deeds. How has daring to dream given you the tools you need to make them a reality? Share this knowledge, this wisdom with others. Give fully, with whole, true, and honest heart. Expect nothing in return. A gift given from the heart is a gift given in earnest. A gift that keeps on giving by paying it forward if you will. This can help you to feel more full of love and open your heart to receive more. As you give, so too do you receive.
How can you bring balance between your personal will and taking the actions necessary to make your goals a reality? How can you ground them into the physical plane? It takes more than just good intentions. Action is essential to back up the desires that burn in your heart. Nurture them, be kind and gentle with them in order to help them to grow. Are you giving them enough love and attention or are you being distracted by triviality? You know what needs to be done however, where is the motivation to do it? Open your sleepy eyes from dreaming Pisces. What do you desire to bring back from the dream realm? What do you wish to see made manifest around you?
Work on taking grounded, inspired, creative, and passionate action this Aquarius season. You can help to prep your energy for this by strengthening your root, sacral, and solar plexus chakras this month. This will help you to bring the ideas down from the sky, deep into the earth, and into your physical body. Help yourself by turning day dreams into waking dreams – into tangible reality.
From my soul to yours,
xo Ariel
[Tweet “#Pisces, A gift from the heart is given in earnest. #tarotscopes by @mavenunmasked “]

Ariel is a Certified Psychic Medium and Tarot Reader in the greater Annapolis, MD area who has been practicing since 2014. She uses her psychic ability and intuition to guide her in her readings, providing loving, healing guidance to others. As the creator of Maven Unmasked, she encourages others to take off their mask and allow their innermost wisdom to shine through in a true, authentic expression of themselves. Ariel offers high vibe guidance, readings, videos, & blogging with a focus on healing, spiritual growth + development, creativity, and empowerment – all from her soul to yours.
Instagram: @mavenunmasked
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Wonderful wisdom all through out this ‘Scopes! Overall, the cards point to a big month. There were 9 Major Cards appearing 12 times. The pentacles ruled with 6 different cards appearing 9 times. The cards that came up the most were the Sun and the 10 of Pentacles, both 3 times. And I felt there was an undercurrent of the Empress because of all the 3-ness and because she appeared twice directly. Personally a message about the importance, possibility, and timelines of collaboration came clearly because of all the resonating offerings here. In Scorpio/Alia, my rising sign, I heard the invitation to be in why bother to collaborate: toe serve love. In Sag / Nisha, my sun sign sign, community and collaboration as part of work I am already doing resonated. I don’t have a big connection to the sign of Cancer but my cards of the year are the 3 of Pentacles and Empress so I resonated with Timil’s wisdom that collaboration is a source of soul fulfillment. And my since my Imun Coeli (the point in the chart where we meet the deepest part of ourselves) is in the 3rd decand of Aquarius, I had to listen to Siobhan calling me out of the Hermit cave! Thank you all!
Thank you thank you for the important Capricorn message. I think I really needed to hear that right now.
I look forward to the tarotscopes each month! Thank you, Asali, for a beautiful reading for Leo.
You are very welcome! Many blessings for the season!
As an Aquarian 3rd declan Siobhan’s reading came at the exact time I’m thinking about taking a solo trip for my 50th birthday. Looks like this is exactly and precisely what is called for. Thanks!