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Prisma Visions Tarot by James R. Eads 2017
In this card
Aries Season Theme | Judgement
Children of spring, warriorfolk, takers-of-no-sh*t, your theme for your birthday season is Judgement.
An Aries with intuitive insight is a powerful thing. With art in your hands, with a hunch, with the right word from a trusted friend, you can know just as much as your watery opposites. You follow your own brand of intuition. What’s great about your way is your willingness to act.
With the arrival of spring, the rest of the signs are getting the memo about getting into action. But you’ve never needed an invitation to move. That’s been your thing. You only hesitate when something is
Like the fertile earth you will fully awaken. Spring brings you revelations.
First decan Aries fam,
What you have in your hands is an opportunity to sit with the truth under your masks. You will want to rage when the revelation comes. If you can, treat even the difficult moments like messengers of the truth.
Second decan Aries,
Worthiness is the oldest hunt. Since the first heartbeat, we’ve needed to know that we matter, that we belong. It gets easier and easier to forget this about ourselves until we’ve lost something, we doubt something, or we crave. We forget we care until we care.
You will feel a sense of belonging and worthiness when the revelation comes. If you aren’t used to it, it’s safe to lean into structures outside of you and if you’re used to looking to others for shelter, it’s safe to cultivate the safety within. If you can, lean into your edges.
Third decan Aries friends, this High Priestess is showing us behind the veil. You have not one, but two vantage points from which to view an important issue. The macro and micro are available to you. You may be used to pushing through without feeling grounded or certain. Not so this month.
You will be so open to messages from the universe and those around you that you might need some caution. You aren’t used to being swept away like this. You aren’t used to
Aries, the sign of Pisces is your polar opposite, hanging back where you plunge, melding where you stand alone, intuiting where you charge. Last season was packed with old wisdom for the perpetually young Aries spirit. Use it. Integrate it. Own it. It’s your time to shine.
[Tweet “#Aries, Like the fertile earth you will fully awaken. Own it. It’s your time to shine. #tarotscopes by @siobhansmirror”]

Siobhan is a NYC-born writer, spiritual ally, and pro tarot reader living in central Texas. Her facilitative style is the blended result of over 15 years of tarot study as well as communication styles, shamanic ritual, sacred sexuality, and alternative relationships. She is the creator of these monthly ‘Scopes – the first ever collaborative tarotscopes.
Like this ‘Scope? Join her membership area. Members have access to personalized Ultimate ‘Scopes created from their birth charts all year round.
The Dust || Onyx Tarot by Courtney Alexander and The Living Wheel Astrology Cards by Patrick Fogarty.
CARD FOR Taurus • PAPA STAFF Reversed
• If I can’t stand the heat, why am I not getting out of the
• Who is so overbearing that I need to distance myself from them
• How can I stop pushing so
• Can I wait for the right time rather than trying to force it all right
« The trick to not being discovered until it is too late is to become part of the expected surroundings. Stealth is more the art of blending in with the background than sneaking through dark shadows. » ~ King of Foxes, Raymond E. Feist
Neptune is in his home sign of Pisces – any planet in a home sign becomes much more powerful, for better and for worse. Conjunct Mercury retrograde in Pisces, this is a double shot of confusion and potential trouble cautions us to keep it simple over these ten days. While these two planets, quite opposite in nature, hang out together in the heavens, errors in thinking and judgment are likely. This is a poor time to make major decisions or purchases unless you have previously studied the matter or purchase well. Many people will be completely checked out during this time – some may avoid the truth or greatly exaggerate the facts, especially during the first week of April. Communication problems may be common, so be very certain that instructions and details are clearly recorded and understood, especially if a matter is critical.
Mercury ends his retrograde on 28
11 April Jupiter goes retrograde – be careful not to go overboard in the months ahead
24 April Pluto goes retrograde – notice where we can improve and heal the area of life signified by the house he is transiting through
29 April Saturn goes retrograde – time to review your choices, actions, and how well you are fulfilling your mission
Head down, stay out of the spotlight, be willing to follow rather than lead, stay focused on where you’re at and what you need to be doing, giving not a care or worry about what others are doing or may think.
Blend in … standing out may mean we get caught in the crossfire or being the scapegoat where blame is cast and (
We may be dealing with some deeply narcissistic people. Instead of engaging, back away, avoid, or perhaps even use this as an opportunity to purge them from your life once and for all.
Let’s make sure that we are not trying to manipulate and get what we want at all costs, steamrolling over others and burning bridges along the way.
Energy regulation is necessary this month if we don’t want to pop off, blow a gasket, have something blow up in our face. Let’s take our time and give everyone and everything around us some space to breathe.
Generosity needs to be directed towards ourselves, doing what we know is best to make us feel safe. This is not the time for that Taurean bullheadedness to kick in as the blowback could be consequential.
Rest and taking a break are extremely important for you this month. Tiredness, exhaustion, burnout can lead to inept actions, misguided decisions, or be the tipping point from not feeling up to snuff to serious illness.
Vision is cloudy and the future is fuzzy. This isn’t the time to make any concrete plans or decisions for the future.
Let’s not do hardcore intention work or be goal oriented and driven by ambition to accomplish.
Instead, meander in the realm of imagination, tiptoe
The end of April will provide an energetic reset that will bring a far more auspicious time to re-emerge, renewed, ready – and understanding how to – start stepping towards and into the destiny that is ours for the taking.
[Tweet “#Taurus, This is not the time for that Taurean bullheadedness to kick in as the blowback could be consequential … #tarotscopes by @tarotbyhic”]

Offering Information • Insight • Empowerment • Enlightenment, HiC is a Tarot Conversationalist, Coach, and Ritual & Magic Consultant who has been working with the Tarot for over 16 years. His readings have been described as “a tarot reading, therapy session and life coaching session all in one.” He offers his services using the Tarot combined with healthy doses of numerology and astrology, a splash of i-Ching, a taste of Feng Shui, and practical application. Along with a heaping spoonful of magic and ritual, HiC assists you in crafting what can enhance and manifest your life in the fullest, most beneficial and blessed way possible by discovering practical, useful information that can be used to change your life for the better. HiC’s approach to readings is creating a space that honours the person and allows them to open the door to, ultimately, have a conversation with him- or herself. Find out more about HiC’s offerings and how to contact him for a private session at
Goddess Power Oracle. Baron-Reid. DellaGrottaglia. Hay House, 2019.
Isis Oracle. Fairchild. Manton. Blue Angel Publishing, 2014.
Ostara Tarot. Applejohn, Cooke, Gibbard, and Iredale. Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 2017.
Oracle Cards: High Priestess | Mysteries revealed in the eyes of Isis + 40. Oshun | Generosity
Challenge being released this Aries Season: Queen of Wands reversed
Energy being Increased: VIII – Strength
Best Advice: Page of Wands reversed
Happy Astrological New Year, Gemini! And oh my, things really are starting to feel fresh and new – it’s been a long, cold winter, filled with confusion and darkness, but the days are getting longer and brighter, and for you, things are starting to look up <3<3 Indeed, important illuminations are happening now, and long-standing mysteries are being revealed. You are receiving the answers you need to proceed, the missing pieces from the puzzle are being found and filled in, and you are ready to get back into action and follow the passionate drives that have been roiling deep in your soul as you put in that necessary hibernation-time. Now you’re stretching out, getting ready for your feet to hit the floor over the side of the proverbial bed – Gemini, you are awakening, and you are ready to step back into your full Strength <3<3
You have had lots of time to consider where your past fears were still getting the better of you, and that important self-reflection now finds you ready to integrate all that’s happened in such a way that you are now totally open to receiving all the good that’s on its way now <3<3 You are ready to be happy, and the revelations that are pouring in will both help to steer you firmly away from what threatens to continue those past patterns, in turn nudging you pleasantly towards what will fulfill you so much more. You’re ready to see how, well, ready you are to take on what’s next – there’s a strong sense that you will receive an opportunity to do something you thought you wouldn’t be able to, that something you didn’t have the skillset for in the past will return as an opportunity that you are more than prepared for now. An important spark is poised to be lit in you, Gemini – allow yourself to be charged by the fiery energy of Aries Season, springing forth to seize all the opportunities that await <3<3
[Tweet “#Gemini, allow yourself to be charged by the fiery energy of Aries Season. #tarotscopes by @tarotscopemim”]

Ostara tarot, Schiffer publishing, 2017
4 of pentacles
Queen of cups reversed
9 of cups reversed
King of wands
Dear Cancers,
First off : thank you. Thank you for your care, your wisdom and the way you have of making us feel an unconditional sense of belonging in this world. It really wouldn’t be the same without you here.
That said, this early spring is calling you to explore ways of being that may not be so usual to you. You begin at the 4 of
This Aries season, you seek to cover fresh ground. A pile of big cats to cuddle with might seem like the ultimate Cancerian paradise, but not this time around. Been there, done
You want to individuate, King of wands style. There’s an idea, a project, a vision, you are excited and proud about, that you are called to explore and express. Whatever resources you have beyond what is needed for survival, this creative exploration and expression are where and how you want to channel it. What you’re carrying and creating might be something concrete, or a way of being, of interacting with the world, of moving. You are called to being bolder in the ways you show up. Activism can look a thousand ways, from internal healing to relationship building to direct action to
Looking at this spread, I am reminded of a french feminist song by France Gall that goes :
« Resiiiiiiiiiiiiist, prove that you exiiiiiiiiist/ Look for your happiness everywhere, go/ Refuse this egoist world/ Yeah, yeah, yeah, resiiiiiist / Follow you heart that insist/ This world isn’t yours/ Fight, sign and persist/ Yeah, yeah, yeah, resiiiiiiist » (give it a listen if you can, the tune alone will get you in the spirit !).
So cancer, go, resist, prove that you exist ! Dance, for the beginning of the world, dance, for all those who are afraid, dance, for the thousands of hearts that deserve happiness.
(And, hum, no need to be mean about it either… Just a friendly reminder, given the 4 of pentacles, reversed queen of cups and king of wands all point toward a risk for callousness and carelessness. :D)
[Tweet “#Cancer, So cancer, go, resist, prove that you exist! Dance, for the beginning of the world… #tarotscopes by @ife_kin”]

Ifé is a neurodivergent mixed race bi fem who seeks a revolution rooted in belongingness and purpose. She would love nothing more than to meet other people living in France or close by who pray and play at the intersection of spirit, justice, and healing. You can reach her at her brand new twitter, or via email at
Slow Holler (2017) Published by Slow Holler
The theme for Aries season, dear Leo, is breaking free. Now is the perfect time for it. Aries is a sign of asserting your will in the world and what better way to harness that energy than by bucking your constraints and stepping into your power.
The Chariot reminds us that parting ways with what no longer serves us is only the first step in cultivating our agency. We must also reflect and decide where we’re going. The world is full of infinite possibilities when we first get our freedom.
Fortuna highlights this time as an opportunity. Where odds may not have been in your favor before, you will find what you need naturally arising this season. The challenge this time will not be with the forces outside of you but rather with the narrative within.
Reversed Strength points out that self-doubt will be the biggest obstacle. In that moment of freefall after we’ve broken away, either we will trust in ourselves and land safely or panic and risk hurting ourselves and others. The key to moving past this is not to compare our power to others. We each have a unique flame that warms, nourishes, and transforms us. Trust in it, and your path will become clear.
The Three of Branches offers this suggestion: let hope be your guiding light. Hope is what allows us to endure fear. It allows us to perform amazing feats in the face of overwhelming obstacles. Whatever you hope for most, let it propel you down your new path, certain in the knowledge you are capable.
With so much fire energy going on in this reading and your natural inclinations as a Leo, you will have no problem embracing the transformative nature of self-expression inherent in the season as you journey toward your new life. The stars – and the cards – are truly in your favor.
[Tweet “#Leo, now is your chance to break free of fear and self-doubt! Let hope be your guide and walk confidently in the direction of your dreams. #tarotscopes by @hillbillyoracle”]

Marz Corbeau has been reading tarot cards for over a decade and teaching tarot to others for two years. They believe in spiritual interdependency – that we need both our personal practices and community practices to be spiritually whole. Their mission is to make both practices more accessible by creating free materials and tutorials for the community at large. You can find their materials and support their work at
The Illustrated Herbiary by Maia Toll (c) 2018
Slutist Tarot, 1st edition by Morgan Claire Sirene (c) 2017
headshot by Jessica Britton of
Warmest greetings Virgo kindred; you’ve been initiated- into the light.
This past season you Virgos have been soulfully hibernating, immersed in a looking glass of “I am she is you are me.” It’s shadowy in there! Now it’s Aries time, and appropriately, St. John’s Wort would like to collaborate and show you how to drink the Sun, see and be seen, thy creative will be done. In tandem with the King of Coins, it’s a message to release some of whatever you’ve been holding reins around too tight, and do what you can to worry less.
Medicine from the Grandmothers of North/Earth is celebratory. Moving out of Pisces season the relational fog in your aura begins to clear. Go outside, look out your window, and breathe deep the air. Notice the shift. You’re at the tail end of an arduous emotional cycle with the X of Cups and my goddexxx, you’ve emerged sovereign and totally stunning.
Medicine from the Grandmothers of South/ Fire would see you surrounding yourself with loving, and fun energy III of Wands style. Who do you look up to? Who do you care for and who cares for you? Who/ what makes you laugh HARD? Do that thing, get with those folx and just bask in the energy that naturally arises in your shared presence.
Medicine from Grandmothers of East/Air gives us The Witch. They remind you how sharp you are! You have all the tools, put them to use. A pinch of that and a dash of this… Harness your intellect toward your desires, for self, and for the collective. Literally, take a day soon and call in all your resources, your Spirit team, your plant, and more-than-human allies: “this is where I am. This is what I need to do
Medicine from the Grandmothers of West/ Water brings forth Knowledge, for your consideration. Take stock of your experience from the past year. Hold, tend, and
[Tweet “#Virgos, drink the Sun, see and be seen, and thy creative will be done! #tarotscopes by

Brianna Bliss Gardner (she/her) is an artist,
Zed Em
Wild Unknown Kim Krans, 2016
Welcome to Aires season, Libras! It’s the beginning of the astrological new year, but in this fiery season, the cards are reminding you to keep your cool. The Ace of Swords is here to tell you that it’s a time to kick your logical side into high gear. Tap into your logical side, and you’ll find that your mind is open and your head is clear. Now’s the time to start making plans to manifest as the year goes on.
Perhaps those things are close to your heart, soul-deep needs, because the Mother of Cups shows you in your emotional element – calm, poised, and knowing both what you need and what you have to offer to others. Mother Cups both protects and gifts from the well of love, and the influence of Aires is offering a little extra fire to your emotional side. The Lovers support this being a time of give-and-take of the heart, and I don’t necessarily mean this in a romantic way. Tend to yourself and your friendships. Take the time to strengthen the bonds with those who feed your heart and soul, dear Libra, and consider whether those who don’t are worth your precious loyalty and emotional energy. Those things are precious, and you deserve to have your cup filled in equal measure to what you pour out for others. It may be against your natural inclinations, but the Lovers is a card not only about love but about choices, and you not only have some choices to make but the discerning eye with which to make them. Harness the energy from the Ace of Swords to look with clarity on who and what receives your emotional energy, and whether you are rewarded in turn. Now is your time to do a little spring cleaning of the heart and soul, and while it may not be easy, it is both within your power and absolutely worth doing. You can’t please everyone all the time, and the people who need your love, light, and safety are the ones who give the same in return. Follow the truth of your heart, my dear Libras, and it will not lead you astray.
[Tweet “#Libras, you not only have some choices to make but the discerning eye with which to make them. #tarotscopes by @spoonnoises”]

Zed Em is a queer, disabled cryptid whose tarot reading style tends toward the practical and grounded, looking to the cards for clarity about the present and what steps to undertake to improve the future. They believe in the miraculous impossibility of all things, the comfort of our smallness in the grand scheme, and the importance of intersectionality in all things. Find them on Etsy at
Strength + Embrace + The Moon
My dear scorpionic hearts, Aries season is challenging you in the best way possible. Asking you to find strength, to embrace what is, and undo those illusions that may have entered your sphere.
Underneath the dive site, beneath the shallows. A transformation awaits. As always, you dear Scorpio, you can find the evolutionary path to make the most out of what is hidden. What does this look like for you this month? Perhaps you are still shedding skin from the last one. Maybe you are itching to begin the shedding process now. No matter what phase you are in, embrace it. Allow yourself the grace and intuitive understanding that it takes many layers and many transformations to find self.
When you are in the throes of transformation and excavation, be cautious of the illusions that have been laid out; of the dreams that have stalled or changed course. You do not need to be beholden to anyone else’s truth or path. You always have your own. Harness the power of Mars (don’t forget Mars is your ruling planet too) and burn away those false promises that do not belong to you.
Bringing your inner strength to outside transformation requires your attention, dear hearts. Using the blazing fire of Aries and your ever-deepening waters, you will be starting this astrological wheel with a renewed and fortified commitment to self.
[Tweet “#Scorpio, Bringing your inner strength to outside transformation requires your attention, dear hearts. #tarotscopes by @_ashleystory”]

Ashley Story is a queer femme, moon witch, writer, and virtual assistant. Reading tarot, staring at the moon, and taking baths are her favorite form of magic. Currently, you can find her on Instagram and her monthly-ish newsletter.
6 of Wands, Queen of Pentacles, Knight of Pentacles, The Tower, Ace of Wands
To My Sweet, Sweet Archers:
Aim true! This season you may appear to be a bit all over the place, but believe me, your trajectory couldn’t be anything BUT precise and right on course! You’ll feel a bit foggy in the brain, your 3rd eye may be a little cloudy, and you’ll for sure want to drop your bow and scream out of frustration: but DON’T! For a while, it may seem as if it is the world around you that is falling it is actually the illusions that have held you back that are melting away allowing you to see things and yourself as they truly are
[Tweet “#Sagittarius, Aim True! If you’re looking for your eyes to be the bearers of truth, think again. #tarotscopes by @choseneyes9”]

ChosenEyes is a teacher, creator, and truth-teller. Organizing and executing such courses as Magikal Ethics, and Learning Tarot for Beginners. Along with her passions in teaching, ChosenEyes completed her Doctorate in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine at Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine with research interests in burn rehabilitation, because “The healing process is NEVER pretty, but it is always BEAUTIFUL.” ChosenEyes works diligently to transcend the negative stereotypes surrounding black witches in the mainstream media, and society at large, by speaking openly about her gifts, sharing her powers with those who seek answers, and inspiring other young women to pursue their passions unapologetically.
@choseneyes9 at IG and Twitter
The Dark Exact Tarot Deck
Ӓkta Spåman Podcast: “Touch the Sky”
It’s happening! It’s all happening. In the Northern Hemisphere the ice layers that built up over Winter are beginning to crack. Color and sensation rush through as if those months of blood stasis never happened. Pink-cheeked and wide-eyed, we realize we’ve been building something big all along. Spring is here; the release impending.
You are the King of Pentacles, Capricorn. You know this. The King shows up for you here to affirm this part of you. You are creating your life according to your most honest self. With the 2 of Wands right next to it, that King is alight with the feeling of finally owning their innate power. Power that need not carry shame and guilt, because it is held by one who has learned how to hold. This power is inherent and you are the right one to offer it to the world. And you will need it where you are going.
As you cross the brink of your power between the two wands, you’ll be in another land. One that seems familiar because you’ve seen it in your wildest visions time and time again. But once you are actually standing on the other side the sensations in your body may feel wonky. Don’t confuse what feels unfamiliar for being wrong. It’s just new and so are you. You’ve given birth to yourself, again. It’s Aries season and you are a raw, squalling babe.
Being born again may make you feel like you know what that means; it’s not your first time through the shoot! Do not be seduced by knowing everything, even though you kind of
In the morning, you’ll go out to the fire with a cup of joe, kick around the ashes and dig in the dirt a little with a stick. You might need to brood a bit. Take your time. In the quiet, you may feel a quivering inside your belly. It’s the Page of Cups here with a gift of exploration and magic! The Page reminds you of your sea-parts. Peel your hands open and feel the sky between your fingers. Turns out, you don’t have to reach above you to touch it. The sky is all around you. It’s touching you. It has been all along.
It’s that time of year again and everything is different, as it always is. Open hands, Sea Goat.
[Tweet “#Capricorn, Spring is here; the release impending…Open hands, Sea Goat. #tarotscopes by proudmandible”]

Amanda Holston is an educator, healer, & artist based in Philadelphia. Amanda teaches emotional intelligence & communication skills using play-based experiencing to deepen people’s connection with themselves and others. Amanda also offers healing art in the form of Shiatsu bodywork and intuitive Tarot insight. Her background as a theatre artist is the heartbeat of her work. Visit @proudmandible on Instagram and for more.
Glitter Oracle
Dame Darcy’s Mermaid Tarot, Gold edition, Dame Darcy, 2018.
At what point is refusing to change a form of vanity, Aquarius? The cards’ key message for you this month is about learning to accept help. Although Aries season marks a fresh beginning of the astrological year, you’re already weary. Suspended between various points of transition, having recently departed a scenario which was taking its toll on you, you are now struggling to complete a major
This is an opportunity to grow in maturity, self-awareness, and patience. Your current position might be frustrating, but planning your next escape route won’t work. If you surrender to the present, you will begin to see what you couldn’t whilst you were suffering. You will start to heal. But it is only by accepting the reality of where you are that healing can begin.
Your subconscious is nudging you out of old patterns this month. Why are you so often dismissive of offers of help which could build a bridge or make things easier? Is it possible that you are afraid to say yes and risk disappointment in long-held dreams? Uranus, Saturn & Pluto are toiling in ancestral and transpersonal corners of your horoscope now and bringing buried stories to your attention.
If an opportunity arises this month, consider saying yes. Yes even though it isn’t perfect, yes even though it’s not exactly what you would have chosen. It will help you get to where you want to be and build your ability to trust sincere offers.
But before this month’s dazzling changes & celebrations: GET HELP! You can’t actually go into Aries season a lone warrior, Aquarius. This project is your baby, so finishing it means a lot to you. It’s wonderful to care so much, but you’re a creature of Air, and detachment is your sign’s gift. Find space to breathe and permission to be unencumbered. If you’re soldiering on through recent trauma, please seek professional support. You will not prove anything by going through this alone, and you don’t have to.
Luscious rewards appear when you are brave enough to make positive choices. The vision you hold in your heart can and will be
[Tweet “#Aquarius, It is only by accepting the reality of where you are that healing can begin. #tarotscopes by @franca_liszt”]

Francesca Lisette, aka the Glitter Oracle, is a poet, astrologer, artist, crystal freak and Gemini. They have been studying astrology & tarot for eleven years and started reading professionally in 2015. Francesca’s reading style combines spiritual insight with psychological acuity, a pinch of millennial realism and waves of Neptunian empathy, and they love facilitating a magical energetic space of exchange and inquiry in sessions with clients. Francesca has also published two books of poetry, most recently sub rosa: The Book of Metaphysics (Boiler House Press, 2018). Find out more at, follow them on Twitter @franca_liszt, Instagram @glitteroracle, Facebook @glitteroraclereadings, & Patreon @glitteroracle.
The Mermaid Tarot by Robertson and Dillon. Publisher: Llewellyn
Checking to see where my head has been
Some bridges I needed to mend
Getting my body out the line, oh
I’m gonna be super fine And I been lettin’
Been lettin’ some old ideas go
I’m making room for my life to grow
I just wanna be prepared, yeah”
– Jill Scott, Prepared
Pisces, your affirmation for this month is, “Magic emerges from me when I give my mind time and space to soar.”
Dear Pisces, Aries season will usher in a time of withdrawal for you. As the season turns and all living things become more active, you are feeling pulled inward. This time of aloneness and solitude will be critical for you to access the focus necessary to create magic in the second quarter of the year. In this case, the magic you want to create stems from clarity, focus, and melding your inner and outer resources together to bring something into form. It’s possible that the first quarter of the year was demanding and pulled you away from your own goals and intentions. As we enter Aries season, you are emboldened by the Aries warrior spirit to prioritize yourself.
Your allies this month are the Queen of Pentacles, The Hermit and The Magician.
Your first order of business is unapologetic self-care. The Queen of Pentacles rises up from the sea holding a golden coin at the crown of her head. Pisces, you must fortify your body so that the inspiration that comes to your mind can direct itself through your physical body and out into the world. What does your body need to support your goals? Do you need greater nourishment through food? Rest? Physical strength? Flexibility? Agility? Rhythm? Breathing space? Endurance? Look at your goals from the perspective of how your body needs to prepare to meet them. Now is the time to train not just your brain, but also your body. If you want to move through life like a boss, you’ve got to have the inner and outer strength, endurance and posture of someone leading with a tall crown. Walk like you’ve got a golden coin emerging from the top of your head!
At the center and the most essential order of business is finding time and space to retreat, regularly. Step away from all people and activities. Grab your journal, hang up a “do not disturb” sign and find a nook somewhere just for you. Aloneness will allow you to focus on yourself. If you’ve been exuding a lot of your own light and energy to others, the Hermit gives you permission to dim the light and cease all giving and activity. Use this time in solitude for self-reflection. How can you make
If you take the time during Aries season for self-care and self-reflection, the gift that waits is a pair of magic wings that will give flight to your goals and intentions. When you are tired and unfocused, you can’t always see that you have everything you need to make a vision possible. But with a little bit of rest and distance (Queen of Pentacles and the Hermit), you will begin to see that you’ve had the magic all along. By the end of Aries season, you will have the energy to manifest your goals and the clarity to put a plan into action. Your hands are ready to summon the seed that’s been planted in your mind. Make magic, Pisces. Now is your time.
[Tweet “#Pisces, When you create space to quiet your mind, clarity, and inspiration will come. #tarotscopes by @embodiedtarot”]

Jennifer has 30 years of mastery working with the tarot and nearly two decades of experience facilitating somatic movement and body wisdom with people of all ages and abilities. She is the creatrix of ArcanaDance™, a transformative somatic divination practice that brings the tarot to life through the oracle of the body. Each of us is a living archetype, in ArcanaDance, you access your own wisdom via the intelligence of your body. Jennifer’s goal is to support you in living a more self-aware and self-determined present and future. While she hails from the boogie down Bronx, she currently lives in Southern California. Jennifer reads for clients and facilitates ArcanaDance experiences all over the country and soon, guided by her birth card, the world!
Twitter: @EmbodiedTarot
Instagram: @tarotandmovewithjennifer
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