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The Voyager Tarot, Wanless, Fair Winds Press 2017
In this card pull Aries share a theme card. But each of the three kinds of Aries, those born at the first decan or the first ten degrees of the sign, sorta like the first ten days, those born at the second ten and the third each have a card for how to work with this theme. Don’t know what decan you are? Here’s a decan calculator.
Pisces Season Theme | 7 of Wands
Fierce ones, your theme for Pisces season is seven of Wands. Seven is a number that gets that things don’t always come easy. Seven speaks of the meeting of peoples and their inevitable clash. This seven speaks of a trial that teaches what it takes for you to feel sovereign and to triumph.
Aries know a little something about the launch, that initial persistence and generating momentum; you know a little something about leading the rest. The staying power of your fire sign cousin, the Leo, and the grand conclusions of the Sagittarian elude you. Y’all would just as well start another new thing than actually finish. And that’s fine, wily ones. Do you.
You are the one constant in your endeavors. Your values are the lynchpin that hold it all together. This month will crystallize your sense of self.
First decan Aries fam, this ace of Worlds is telling us of a shift in your material space. You already feel that itch at work, the new money thing, the new body ritual thing, the new place to live thing. Something in your physical world needs fresh eyes and luckily this is what you do best and what you love.
The world is on your side should you choose to pursue the new physical thing. Go for it. You triumph when you center your practical needs at this time.
Second decan Aries, this nine of Wands is a warning. That stuff you got weighing on you? The thoughts that are, no doubt, already circling? They grow this season. Do not plan on rest, space, slowness, or stillness to magically befall you. They will not. You will need these things. Alot. But, you will trend toward the kind of chaos that wears you down more than lifts up your battle-ready instincts.
Yes you COULD do this season the hard way. Yes we all know. But you need to remember that you are always at choice. Don’t be the lamb mindlessly trotting to the slaughter out of pride. Say no. Say no and rest your head. End the idea that you need to do it all and alone. End the idea that you are the only one who can be responsible for it. Your ego will run you ragged if you let it and you’ll tell yourself it’s someone else’s fault. Your triumph is in owning what you choose.
Third decan Aries friends, this man of Wands has cast you as the powerful agent of change that you love to play on the world’s stage. Are you ready to be seen? Are you comfortable being the focus? Or maybe you are too used to it? What does it mean when folks look away from you? Why do you need to matter so much?
When you come from such a powerful place, when you have so much of the world’s attention and blessing, it would behoove you not to confuse privilege with glory. One you earn and one anyone could be born with. Are you an agent of change or just an agent, leaving the status quo exactly as it is and never questioning the deep well of pride within? Is your pride about you or the labels you inhabit? Your triumph is in listening to the audience. Only then can all that power be put to the highest use.
Aries, it’s true; power and charisma are your birthright. And self-discovery, your calling. This season is overrun with potential for you to burst through into deeper knowledge of self. Awareness is not guaranteed. It’s not just about showing up. And we know you like to be the first. It’s also about who you show up for.
[Tweet “#Aries, Awareness is not guaranteed. It’s not all about just showing up. It’s about who you show up for. #tarotscopes by @siobhansmirror”]
Siobhan is a NYC-born writer, spiritual ally, and pro tarot reader living in central Texas. Her facilitative style is the blended result of over 15 years of tarot study as well as communication styles, shamanic ritual, sacred sexuality, and alternative relationships. She is the creator of these monthly ‘Scopes – the first ever collaborative tarotscopes.
Like this ‘Scope? Join her membership area. Members have access to personalized Ultimate ‘Scopes created from their birth charts all year round.
Circo Tarot 2016
Pisces season is shaping up to be one of immense creativity and expansion. What’s more, it’s all driven by and centered around you. What makes your heart sing? What possible futures set your heart aflutter? This is not a time to be pragmatic and practical above else. Underneath your creative inspiration is the first step to a wonderful and important journey.
With that being said, don’t worry about perfection or overplanning. These aren’t in The Fool’s wheelhouse. Rather, now is a time to trust that the path will reveal itself to you one step at a time. Your job is to follow it when it arises and enjoy the journey.
Speaking of enjoyment, that is your guiding principle in the weeks to come. Does it feel good? If the answer is yes, then go for it. And I don’t mean good in the instant gratification sense. I’m not telling you to go around knocking over mailboxes because it’s fun in the moment, plus I know that’s not up your alley to begin with. Know that your joy doesn’t come at the expense of others and that your good intentions and mindful actions speak for themselves.
Looking at The Fool tells us that this is an important time for your to uncover the natural feedback the world is giving you. It all starts in the body where elation, excitement, and gratitude begin, as do nervousness, unease, and discomfort. Pay attention to these messages as well as the importance of following your own path. Your feelings can help you find your footing and growth, joy, and self-expression are well worth cultivating.
There’s an almost immediate response to your first steps along The Fool’s journey this Pisces season, and it’s the Ace of Wands. Accept and hold up this beautiful offering from the universe! Once again, you’ll know this because it feels good and, I’ll guess, exciting and elating. If something is inspiring you to action, trust it and have fun.
Like the baton in The Fool’s hand, this wand can help balance all the change and growth you’re undergoing with lighthearted action and creativity. Towards the end of the season, you’re coming into a period ruled by the Seven of Cups. There are so many opportunities in front of you, some more practical than others, and this may be a bit overwhelming. What’s key here is you don’t have to do anything about it just yet. Look around, test things out, and congratulate yourself for being so open and visionary. Look to The Fool to remind yourself of your unique and beautiful path and know that you only have to take one step at a time to move forward.
[Tweet “#Taurus, Underneath your creative inspiration is the first step to a wonderful and important journey. #tarotscopes by @inctarot”]
Gina Wisotzky is a tarot reader and natural perfumer based in Durham, North Carolina. She offers warm and insightful readings at With fourteen years’ experience reading cards, her goal and passion are connecting others to their inner wisdom through tarot. You connect with her via Twitter @inctarot and Instagram @incandescenttarot.
Nefertari’s Tarot, Lo Scarabeo, 2000
2 of Chalices
7 of Pentacles
The High Priestess (inverted)
To My Tantalizing Twins:
Today is the day you decide to choose you! What do I mean by this? Your hopes, your dreams, your aspirations, your risks, your projects, your solitude, your way of thinking and doing things (noticing a theme here?)… this season is all about you! You have spent the greater part of 2018 (albeit begrudgingly in some cases, lol) being selfless in ways that weren’t always the healthiest, or that weren’t appreciated. 2019 is a chance for you to bridge the gab between your inner humanitarian and your inner hustle – ya know, the whole “the game is to be sold ‘n not told” vibe? It’s cool to want to do for others and to want more for them, but NEVER forget that they have to want for themselves! You can’t want something so badly for someone else that you deplete yourself in the process. In 2019, you’ll be setting boundaries that make will force people to earn your affections and dedication (Amel Larrieux has a beautiful song entitled as such if you’re interested) for when you so choose you are one of the most dedicated of the bunch. Your dreams and needs require fuel that at this time only you can provide. If you continue to allow it to be misplaced in a multitude of directions other than yourself you will find that not only will your garden wither and die, but that you will remain apathetic and lose interest in even striving for more out of life. In short: the only person standing in your way right now is you, sweet love. Remember that you are magickal, beautiful and powerful, and that you have all the tools within to see anything through – you’ve just gotta believe you’re worth it… and indeed YOU ARE! Be clear with your intentions with yourself and others and know that the cultivations will yield a most beautiful and bountiful harvest. Know that like most things spiritual that require leveling up that those closest to know may not be able to go with you, but trust that indeed you will have those needed to accomplish the goals you’re meant to achieve. Fall in love with you and the rest will, too.
[Tweet “#Gemini, Fall in love with you and the rest will, too. #tarotscopes by @choseneyes9”]
ChosenEyes is a teacher, creator, and truth-teller. Organizing and executing such courses as Magikal Ethics, and Learning Tarot for Beginners. Along with her passions in teaching, ChosenEyes completed her Doctorate in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine at Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine with research interests in burn rehabilitation, because “The healing process is NEVER pretty, but it is always BEAUTIFUL.” ChosenEyes works diligently to transcend the negative stereotypes surrounding black witches in the mainstream media, and society at large, by speaking openly about her gifts, sharing her powers with those who seek answers, and inspiring other young women to pursue their passions unapologetically.
@choseneyes9 at IG and Twitter
photo: @tierra.dennae
“Me gusta encontrar que existe en la vida esa posibilidad
De que todo se de vuelta cuando no esperaba ya novedad
Ah, llego bien luego se va
Pero me pongo a dudar me confundo y no distingo
Si esta bien o si esta mal
I like to find that there exists in this life that possibility
That everything takes a turn when I didn’t expect anything new,
ahhhhh…It arrived well then it goes away
But I start to doubt, I get confused and I can’t tell
whether it’s good or it’s bad”
– Julieta Venegas, Bien o Mal
Cancer, your affirmation for this month is, “I am ready to blast into the arena.”
Dear Cancer, Pisces season brings an inner restlessness to the surface. It arrives with intensity and urgency. This month is a turning point. In your desire for a new experience, you’ve created been diligently collecting ideas and resources for this “new reality.” Along with this accumulation have been some doubt, confusion, hesitation, and push back. Whatever inner conflicts have been brewing, they are ripe for change. You are ready to stare down and break any cycles of inner and outer sabotage.
Your allies this month are The Tower, Five of Wands and Seven of Cups.
Not everyone welcomes the foundation-shaking uprooting revelations that The Tower brings. But Cancer, you have been waiting for a perspective shake-up and its time has come. You are no longer willing to ignore indecisive, indirect, passive, evasive and noncommittal energy. This month you are ready to blast into clarity.
The Five of Wands and Seven of Cups arrive to coax you into a confrontation. This pairing seems to indicate that you’ve been in an interesting space of “to commit or not commit” when it comes to a matter of the heart. This matter can be a relationship, a goal or a long-held desire. Whatever it is, it’s been elusive and has been dragging you through a push and pull dance.
The Seven of Cups indicates that, in your active imagination, you’ve developed an elaborate fantasy with lots of possibilities. I love this decks portrayal of this card. An ancient pyramid balanced above a fully packed and stacked vehicle resting atop a fancy bed resting on a magic carpet. You’ve clearly worked out every detail of this fantasy, including a plan B, C, D, etc. The problem is…this is all happening in one single realm – in your mind. There’s no real world action happening and that’s where the 5 of Wands and The Tower come in.
The 5 of Wands asks you to approach your hesitation and procrastination like your survival depends on it. Notice how these energies are a disservice, how they conflict with your desire to take action, break out and breakthrough to the other side of fantasy into reality. How are you sabotaging yourself? You must be willing to go head to head with the parts of you that disagree with each other. The same stands true for the naysayers in your life. You must be willing to be defiant. Stand up and fight for what you believe in. Your fantasy is only out of reach because you haven’t broken the lid that keeps it under tight cover.
The Tower stands ready to usher in the breakthrough that will lift your magic carpet up and out into the world. The time is now. Grab a copy of “Daring Greatly” by Brené Brown and use it as to encourage your foray into the arena from fantasy to manifested reality. “When we spend our lives waiting until we’re perfect or bulletproof before we walk into the arena, we ultimately sacrifice relationships and opportunities that may not be recoverable, we squander our precious time, and we turn our backs on our gifts, those unique contributions that only we can make…” – Brené Brown. Stop waiting. The time is now. Uproot and out you go!
[Tweet “#Cancer, Stand up and fight for what you believe in. Your fantasy is only out of reach because you haven’t broken the lid that keeps it under tight cover. #tarotscopes by @embodiedtarot”]
Jennifer has 30 years of mastery working with the tarot and nearly two decades of experience facilitating somatic movement and body wisdom with people of all ages and abilities. She is the creatrix of ArcanaDance, a transformative somatic divination practice that brings the tarot to life through the oracle of the body. Each of us is a living archetype, in ArcanaDance, you access your own wisdom via the intelligence of your body. Jennifer’s goal is to support you in living a more self-aware and self-determined present and future. While she hails from the boogie down Bronx, she currently lives in Southern California. Jennifer reads for clients and facilitates ArcanaDance experiences all over the country and soon, guided by her birth card, the world!
Twitter: @EmbodiedTarot
Instagram: @tarotandmovewithjennifer
Prisma Visions Tarot by James R. Eads 2017
In this card pull Leos share a theme card. But each of the three kinds of Leo, those born at the first decan or the first ten degrees of the sign, sorta like the first ten days, those born at the second ten and the third each have a card for how to work with this theme. Don’t know what decan you are? Here’s a decan calculator.
Pisces Season Theme | Strength
Wild Leos, your theme for Pisces season is Strength. Obviously, you are feeling “Extra.” So much love; so much wow; so much change. Extra from all directions and for all three decans. This is a season worthy of you, the super stars, the ones who crave big dramatic energy. You’ll get some for sure.
Not that you’ll necessarily be comfortable mind you. You tend to gravitate toward what spooks you, though. The edge is scary even as it’s worth exploring and you know this well. This card asks, what’s worthy of you? The answer is passion. It takes different forms depending what kind of Leo you are but this is the common thread.
First decan Leo fam, this two of Chalices is whimsical. I always feel little silly saying “you may meet someone new…” in response to a tarot pull. Silly like a blind date. Like a goofy grin when you think about someone. Still, I need to report this whimsy. This lifting of the spirits. This recognition. These butterflies. It’s not only meeting new people that does this. Art does this. Community does this.
For you this season, new relationships are worthy. They bring the passion. They crack you open. They pump you up. Seek them. Shape them. Relish in them. And while this kind of stuff is exciting, try not to lose yourself in the sauce.
Second decan Leo, The Death card heralds big shifts for y’all. You may already know what’s coming. Even still, it’s going to take you time to fully process what it means. How are you with the unknown? How are you about endings? Are you the one to usher in a new scene with exuberance and renewed sense of purpose? Or do you hang at the edges of the stage looking off into the dark and pondering what could have been?
I’m sensing a resistance to lingering. A hunger for what’s next. A relief about closure. It’s perfectly ok to be ready to move on to the next thing. Life is ready for you. Passion is in transition. Change is worth it.
Third decan Leo friends, This ace of Wands is a fiery beacon blasting into the future. It’s a maypole in a desert. It’s a mystery in the stars and the launchpad that will get you there. Take the red pill, the dare, the walkabout. How often are you called to explore in just the way you love to explore? It will feel as natural as breathing to change directions this season.
Go where your new passion leads you. The journey will be worth it.
Leo, this season is one you can sink your teeth into. It’s lush, fluid, and new. You’ve been craving movement and move you shall.
[Tweet “#Leo, this season is one you can sink your teeth into. It’s lush, fluid, and new. #tarotscopes by @siobhansmirror”]
Siobhan is a NYC-born writer, spiritual ally, and pro tarot reader living in central Texas. Her facilitative style is the blended result of over 15 years of tarot study as well as communication styles, shamanic ritual, sacred sexuality, and alternative relationships. She is the creator of these monthly ‘Scopes – the first ever collaborative tarotscopes.
Like this ‘Scope? Join her membership area. Members have access to personalized Ultimate ‘Scopes created from their birth charts all year round.
The Next World Tarot by Chrissy Roads (c) 2017
The Oracle of Oddities by Claire Goodchild Charity Edition (c) 2017
Your theme for Pisces season is deception, dear Virgo. You are on opposite sides of the Astrological wheel, which can mean that communication between you and our deep-diving Piscean friends is difficult. You often go after the same things, but from very different angles. You like to lay things out nicely, to bring order to your space, your projects, to get stuff done. Pisces challenges you to take it deeper – to not just figure out the best how of doing something, but also the best why.
The Deception you’re experiencing this season stems from a 6 of Swords situation. You have been doing the work to confront some difficult truths about yourself, the life situation you are in, and you are working to cut through limiting beliefs and toxic attachments. But a part of this process can also mean that you don’t trust your intuition. One of the ways that our toxic attachments control us is through an inability to trust our intuition, or setting our intuition off kilter. This is true of toxic relationships, harmful self-talk, and even our state as people who live in a capitalist, white supremacist, hetero-patriarchal society.
Pisces season is here to teach you to reconnect with your intuition. Logic has taught you to deceive yourself, dear Virgo, and now you must learn to tune in to your mystic self.
But you still need to ground yourself. You will never feel comfortable unless you keep one foot firmly planted. Your ally for grounding is the Queen of Pentacles. Remember to return to your sanctuary. Chances are, you’ve built self-care habits and rituals that thoroughly ground you. Do something kind to yourself every day, and allow that kindness to ripple outwards. Your external routines for self-care will help you to shake up your internal routines of toxic thought-patterns.
Finally, another word of wisdom for you this season: Temperence. All things in moderation is the only way that you will be able to make it through the waves of self-consciousness and shadow work you need to do. The good news? As foreign as Pisces’ deep well of emotions may feel to you, there is actually a deep kindness here. You will thrive in Pisces season by tuning into your body, its lessons and memories, and being kind to yourself. Don’t try to rewrite your thoughts all in one go – you’ll mess up and that’s ok. Try to find an equilibrium between pushing yourself and giving yourself grace.
[Tweet “#Virgos, reconnect with your intuition. Logic has taught you to deceive yourself, dear Virgo. Learn to tune in to your mystic self.#tarotscopes by @northlightwitch”]
Abbie (she/her/hers) has been a practicing witch for almost 15 years, and has been studying and reading tarot for 12. She finds solace in story, and loves to connect one on one with clients. Abbie sees tarot and witchcraft as a way to make our lives better, to bring justice to the every day. She uses magical tools as a way to help people reach within themselves to find a new, beautiful way of being.
Abbie provides tarot readings and sells spell kits at her shop:
To connect with Abbie, follow her on Instagram @northern.lights.witch, Twitter (@northlightwitch) and check out her website
RWS Tarot (Pamela Colman Smith), Copyright 2018, Lo Scarabeo
Dear Libra, you may be beating yourself up for slacking off from the goals you set in January. For this Pisces season, the cards ask you to resist that temptation as you could move yourself into a useless overcorrection. The Seven of Swords, the Three of Cups and the Six of Cups give more insight.
Perhaps those plans you made sounded good, but they’ve now become murky. You’re like a Pisces fish swimming in a dark pond. There may now be a tendency to say “screw it” and return to unwanted behavior or dropping your goal. The Seven of Swords reflects this and the possible guilt connected to the situation. It’s a cycle. So how can you break it?
The Three of Cups suggests that if you see yourself slacking off, say something to a close friend or two. Ask them to help bring you back to alignment your goals. No, they shouldn’t police you, but perhaps they could, for example, ask “How’s that thesis going?” or suggest a nice tea room in the area (instead of going to the bar after work if you’re trying to reduce your alcohol intake). The Three of Cups is about togetherness, camaraderie and friendship. Use this energy to stay on track with your goals.
The Six of Cups has another tip: Think about why you set that goal. Come up from the murky depths and catch some air. Here’s an example: Imagine when you were a child, you wanted to grow up to be an artist. After working your butt off in art school, you’ve determined that this year is *your* year. Your goal is to land representation with a large gallery, but it’s harder than you thought. Not only do you have to deal with building your portfolio, contacting galleries and building a website, you also have to deal with the art world politics. You’ve lost sight of your original, pure goal: being an artist. The Six of Cups invites you to block out some time in your calendar, take a pencil and paper, and simply draw. Get the feeling of being an artist back in your hands, your cells. Again, the art aspect is just an example. You can apply this method to any goal you have.
So, for Pisces season dear Libra, The Seven of Swords says don’t beat yourself up if you’ve lost sight of your resolutions or goals. To help stay on track, the Three of Cups asks you to consider getting a friend or two to help. And the Six of Cups suggests taking time to think about the desire that planted the seed for that goal. Go back to the source and get back your strength. Good luck!
[Tweet “#Libras, resist temptation as you could move yourself into a useless overcorrection. #tarotscopes by @staywoketarot”]
Rash is an African-American immigrant living in Zurich. Her website is
Slow Holler deck + the Oracle of Oddities (c) 2017
The theme for you this Pisces season is Earth. As two water signs, the bringing your energy into Pisces season can feel like wading into a deep ocean. Pisces is always a bit detached from reality (in the best way), but the thing you need most this season is Earth. Get grounded, take time every day to meditate, if you live somewhere warm – go outside and feel the ground beneath your feet. If you live somewhere cold – try to get outside and feel the sunshine on your face. This is a good month to bring earth into your self-care practices. Get some new houseplants for your home, do earth-based meditations, carry grounding crystals.
Self-care for your MIND this month is The Oracle. This card invites you deeper, into your inner self to discover your own mysteries. The Oracle is led by intuition, they trust themselves deeply. In some decks, this archetype can be a bit cold, but I love the sleepy warmth that emanates from them in this deck. The Oracle is here to support you. Interrupt your obsessive thoughts with kindness and compassion. Take up a daily meditation practice and get still in your mind. A major theme of your reading in general is connection to your body. The Oracle is here to tell you that there’s so much more to you than the internal barriers you set up: it’s time to step beyond the veil. This is both self-care and a deepening of your spiritual path.
Self-care for your BODY this season is the Two of Knives. This is a card that is all about boundaries. The Two of Knives understands that vulnerability is essential to growth, but that sometimes you need to be strategic and strict about who gets access to your soft underbelly. But this is a card that shows up in the physical realm – meaning that it has more repercussions for boundaries having to do with your body. Healing your relationship with your body this month is going to look like seeing and recognizing the things that aren’t good for you, the ways that you talk to yourself that aren’t supportive. For example, if you’ve been meaning to cut back on your alcohol intake, this is a very good season for that. But be careful that you don’t go too far with restriction – that’s not what this is about. This is about leaning in to your intuition and really listening to your gut about what kind of boundaries you might need. It may be that you’ve been too restrictive and need to be gentler with yourself.
Finally, self-care for your SOUL this season is The Star. You’re having a very introspective season, Scorpio. The Star comes as time to rest after a major upset in your life. It’s about turning inward and finally getting the chance to collect yourself. This is a time of healing, and in this deck in particular, the star is about returning to yourself and allowing you to place yourself and healing at the center of the world. I also connect this card to burnout cycles – so for all the Scorpios reading who have been feeling burnout, take some time to practice active self care. Your soul needs it.
[Tweet “#Scorpio, Healing your relationship with your body looks like recognizing the things that aren’t good for you…Interrupt your own toxic cycles. #tarotscopes by @northlightwitch”]
Abbie (she/her/hers) has been a practicing witch for almost 15 years, and has been studying and reading tarot for 12. She finds solace in story, and loves to connect one on one with clients. Abbie sees tarot and witchcraft as a way to make our lives better, to bring justice to the every day. She uses magical tools as a way to help people reach within themselves to find a new, beautiful way of being.
Abbie provides tarot readings and sells spell kits at her shop:
To connect with Abbie, follow her on Instagram @northern.lights.witch, Twitter (@northlightwitch) and check out her website
The theme for you this month, Sagittarius, is FIRE. Pisces season comes at the end of a cycle – and if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, we are deep in the throes of winter. This is a time when a lot of people either get restless or sink into depression. But the Oracle of Oddities is here to tell you that now is a good time to tap into your inner fire. Sagittarians can often be mistaken as flighty, but really Sagittarius is all about philosophy and expanding your own universe. Pisces season is all about going deep within ourselves, and that may not feel very comfortable for you. The biggest opportunity you have for self-care right now is to keep it interesting, to explore your own inner passions and desires.
But Pisces season is also about endings. What are you letting go of? The Five of Swords. This card is a loss: competition and struggle have led to some difficulty. One thing that is important to remember is that contraction often comes before expansion. The universe is forcing you to take a critical look at what you’ve been doing up until this point, to integrate and learn the lessons you need to learn in order to do better. This card also points to deception. Sometimes the deception comes from the people around you. Swords relates to thoughts and communication, and also conflict, so it may be that you are in conflict with others. But sometimes, the deception the Five of Swords points toward is a self-deception. “I’m in control of this situation.” “I’m not upset.” This Pisces season, let these things go. Whether the conflict is internal or external, step away from it so that you can process the conflict in peace and quiet.
The cycle coming into your life is The Hermit. Sagittarians are often known as being outgoing, as wanting to travel and expand ever outward – and so it may seem like The Hermit is another uncomfortable card for you. But remember that fiery core, the energy that you are channeling this season. The Hermit is actually a very necessary energy for anyone who is interested in exploration. Without taking time to process that exploration, what good is the travel? You have messages that you need to integrate and thoughts you need to gather. You could become a teacher, but in order to do that you need a bit of space. The most important image for you on this card is the lantern the Hermit carries. Even in the dark, even when you’re shut away to learn and study, there is a fire lighting your way.
So we return to fire. I always think of fire as an “external” element, but here it is inviting you to explore your inner spark. Build your own hearth this season, Sagittarius. Figure out how you want to apply your considerable studies.
[Tweet “#Sagittarius, The biggest opportunity you have for self-care right now is to keep it interesting, to explore your own inner passions and desires. #tarotscopes by @Northlightwitch”]
Abbie (she/her/hers) has been a practicing witch for almost 15 years, and has been studying and reading tarot for 12. She finds solace in story, and loves to connect one on one with clients. Abbie sees tarot and witchcraft as a way to make our lives better, to bring justice to the every day. She uses magical tools as a way to help people reach within themselves to find a new, beautiful way of being.
Abbie provides tarot readings and sells spell kits at her shop:
To connect with Abbie, follow her on Instagram @northern.lights.witch, Twitter (@northlightwitch) and check out her website
Dust II Onyx Tarot by Courtney Alexander
In this card pull Capricorns share a theme card. But each of the three kinds of Capricorn, those born at the first decan or the first ten degrees of the sign, sorta like the first ten days, those born at the second ten and the third each have a card for how to work with this theme. Don’t know what decan you are? Here’s a decan calculator.
Pisces season Theme | 10 of Coins
For the GOATs, the pragmatists, and get-it-done folks, your theme for Pisces season is ten of Coins. As the sun marches into the sign of Pisces you are deep in the physical particulars of the last few months. What are your fists full of of? What are you reaping?
Most know this card as the pot of gold at the end, the culmination of months of goal-setting and hard work. The kind of returns one only sees when you hustle for a good long while. If this is you, if this is even close to being you right now, you deserve a ton of credit. You brought your own spring with you. At a time when darkness ruled supreme, you went to the gym, you cooked the food, you went to work, you said no to the things that weren’t for you, and focused. You earned it.
If this doesn’t feel like you at all, listen closely. This comes straight from my Cap moon to you; from the morning without a reason to get out of bed; from that voice that says you aren’t enough; from despair; from comparison – you need to be nurtured right now. You need soft fabrics, nutrient-dense food. You might need to get laid. Do what you need to feel secure in the knowledge that you did your best. Because you did, right? I bet you did. Bet your peace on it and soften. Spring is coming for you too.
First decan Capricorn fam, this five of Gourds, together with the theme card, is telling of a person who feels best when burning that candle on both ends. Careful that you don’t let the hustle be the vacation from your unchecked, or unresolved, internal strife. It’s tempting isn’t it? To hide behind success. To hide behind the name that you’re making for yourself.
Grow your bounty out of your past emotional upheaval if you can. Maybe this month offers you a look at a softness inside that you have forgotten. There’s potential for healing here. If you are willing to sit with, call out, and share the kind of feelings that you’d usually just as well bury or brush over. The pot o’ gold is at your emotional edge.
Fellow Second decan Capricorn, this young Blade has something important to say. Even if they don’t yet have the words; the need is valid; the voice is valid. Yours. The ugly duckling phase is that much more awkward when we learn enough to see our flaws and trace the edges of our beginner minds. Doubly so when we operate and a solid foundation with powerful examples all around us. Shouldn’t we already know more than this and have it all together?
Honor your voice. Whatever it is you currently ready to say. It’s worthy. Keep on keepin’ on if you already have been. It might feel awkward, slow, or out of sorts. Don’t confuse this for a sign of error. The pot o’ gold is in that nervous feeling that comes with new beginnings.
Third decan Capricorn friends, This eight of Coins looks back on everything contained in this month for sea goats – the emotional integration (5 Gourds), the call to express/expand (young Blade), and physical completion (10 Coins) – all of this lies in the past for you. Past experience is the foundation of your wisdom.
It’s easier to stick with things when we know the big why and it feels like it’s a part of us, when we know who we are. If in doubt, look at past goals, values, skills you harvested. It’s all there. The pot o’ gold is in your staying power, your focus.
Capricorns, Pisces season sees your in your element, chopping wood and carrying water. Spring is already in your bones. In case of winter weariness, remember your roots and that they need watering.
[Tweet “#Capricorn, remember your roots and that they need watering, spring is coming for you… #tarotscopes by @siobhansmirror”]
Siobhan is a NYC-born writer, spiritual ally, and pro tarot reader living in central Texas. Her facilitative style is the blended result of over 15 years of tarot study as well as communication styles, shamanic ritual, sacred sexuality, and alternative relationships. She is the creator of these monthly ‘Scopes – the first ever collaborative tarotscopes.
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• How would it be of benefit to pause and catch my breath before rushing into a decision or action ?
• How and where do I need to slow down ?
• Can I keep my eye on the prize rather than fretting and worrying about momentary frustrations ?
• How can I walk with grace through life and in the world more ?
« We’re not just in the Milky Way galaxy, but rather we have been invoked into life by it. » ~ Brian Swimme
URANUS MOVES INTO TAURUS (March 2019 ~ July 2025)
Uranus moving into Taurus on 6 March signals a climax or release point around things we’ve been working with for the past eight years (Uranus has been in Aries since March 2011). As a transpersonal planet, this is likely to open us to novel insights, intuitive ideas, and awakenings in consciousness which can manifest through unexpected and powerful breakthroughs in awareness. On a more personal level, look at your natal astrology chart to see where the last degree of Aries is located. The house where we find that degree represents the area of life likely to experience insights, surprising changes, forward motion, and even eruptions — if a certain amount of force is needed to move us forward
MARS IN TAURUS (14 February ~ 31 March)
Mars moved into Taurus on 14 February and will remain there until the last day of March. Mars in Taurus asks us to slow down and moderate the pace a bit, especially around anything that has been rushing ahead since the beginning of the year. Uranus also being in Taurus may mean that there will be fits and starts, lurches forward that practically catapult something ahead. But this reiterates the importance of knowing how to channel and manage our energy properly in order to capitalise on those moments successfully by being more grounded and less scattered in our efforts. Just be careful not to be bullheaded and try to ramrod through a viewpoint or be completely resistant to alternate perspectives and suggestions. The best measure for when, where and how to act (and not react) is by making sure that our actions align with what we most value. Stay adaptable while not compromising core values.
The tendency to lose focus peaks during this time. We may tend to stare off into space and ponder life’s “what ifs” instead of facing reality. We can’t rely on facts as logic and detail seem to just evaporate. However, an exceptional sense of intuition balances things out. Answers are likely to just pop into our head seemingly out of nowhere. So listen intently and pay attention strongly to that intuition. The benefits of daydreaming have been proven in many studies … so when the mind wanders, see where it takes you rather than trying to rein it back … insights, creative solutions, surprising ideas, clarity are all likely to follow.
No hurry, no worry.
We need to be the embodiment of unhurried grace throughout this month.
Wherever there is tension or conflict, within ourselves or related to the external world, we are being called into the position of moderator, the one who leaves a trail of tension release and a coming together rather than being at odds with one another in our wake.
All things in moderation is key this month. Unintended consequences, unsavoury repercussions, surprising, if not difficult, outcomes are likely to follow if we rush, react, rebel.
When feeling confused, afraid, upset, unsure, unstable, stop, relax, and return to the milk of the Great Mother by going outside and looking to the stars, the nourishing milk of Hathor being the Milky Way. Gain a broader perspective. And be reminded that when we look up and keep our gaze focused beyond ourselves rather than looking down and missing all that’s around us because we’re lost in shoe-gazing self-absorption.
Leave the drama behind by surrendering to consciousness rather than defaulting to intensity and suffering.
Make it a priority to fill the month with music, laughter, intoxication (not to numb or escape, but getting lost in those things that bring you the greatest joy … dancing the night away, painting for hours, making love from dusk ’til dawn … and then again at noon). This is a month that begs us to indulge the senses, to be in love with Love in all its many splendoured forms of giving and receiving and giving some more.
Create beauty wherever you go, flowers blooming in your footsteps, magic dust sprinkled on everything you touch.
Pursuits, studies and activities related to alchemy, magic, shamanism, Medicine (as it relates to the Medicine Woman that Hathor is) are all highlighted and encouraged this month. Be prepared, by doing so, for astounding, awesome and fairytale like healing, manifestations, results and connections to take form. Or perhaps this is a most auspicious time for you to seek out the Medicine (Wo)man that can aid you in your journey of healing, guide you into the next phase, the next level of your Being in this world (be it a shaman for your soul, or a career coach to help you move to level up).
[Tweet “#Aquarius, We’re not just in the Milky Way galaxy, but rather we have been invoked into life by it. #tarotscopes by @tarotbyHiC”]
Offering Information • Insight • Empowerment • Enlightenment, HiC is a Tarot Conversationalist, Coach, and Ritual & Magic Consultant who has been working with the Tarot for over 16 years. His readings have been described as “a tarot reading, therapy session and life coaching session all in one.” He offers his services using the Tarot combined with healthy doses of numerology and astrology, a splash of i-Ching, a taste of Feng Shui, and practical application. Along with a heaping spoonful of magic and ritual, HiC assists you in crafting what can enhance and manifest your life in the fullest, most beneficial and blessed way possible by discovering practical, useful information that can be used to change your life for the better. HiC’s approach to readings is creating a space that honours the person and allows them to open the door to, ultimately, have a conversation with him- or herself. Find out more about HiC’s offerings and how to contact him for a private session at
Divine Feminine Oracle, Watterson, Cheever-Gessaman. Hay House, 2018.
Oracle of the Mermaids. Cavendish, Fenech. Blue Angel Pusblishing, 2014.
Dame Darcy’s Mermaid Tarot, Gold Edition. Dame Darcy, 2018.
9. Magic of the Cohellen Druith reversed + Miao Shan | Princess of Mercy + 5 of Cups reversed
Happy Birthday Season, Pisces!! It’s about time you were feeling fully able to embrace yourself; the past few months have been a wild whirlwind of transformation, with not much of it feeling particularly easy. One way or another, you’ve learned what you’re made of, and you are ready to take further steps towards the great big dreams you’ve always known are waiting for you <3<3<3
Truly, this is the point where your main focus needs to be forgiveness. Have mercy on yourself for the mistakes you’ve made, because you wouldn’t have gotten this far or learned this much about yourself if they hadn’t been made! Have mercy on others for misunderstanding the full extent of your sensitivities, for underestimating how much you really do care, for being unable to see with the same rose-coloured glasses you so love to wear; those are your strengths, and you are learning to make adjustments in order to protect your overall energy from those who only serve to drain you.
Indeed, you are ready to start a new chapter, ready to reflect on all that’s transpired, from a different perspective this time – you are able to see now how necessary your past pains were to your overall journey up to this point, and you are integrating them and empowering yourself in ways you’ve not been able to achieve until Now. And Now, here you are, breaking free, realizing the boundaries that need to be set and setting them so that you will be safe to come out of your grotto – you are ready to rejoin the Real World, and you are ready to bring your unique magic to make the whole entire party that much softer, that much sweeter, that much more beautiful <3<3<3 If you’ve learned anything, lovely Pisces, it’s Who You Really Are, and oh, how very much the world needs you thriving, creating, and playing <3<3<3
[Tweet “Happy Birthday Season, #Pisces!! It’s about time you were feeling fully able to embrace yourself; #tarotscopes by @tarotscopemim”]
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