This special final edition includes multiple readings for some signs. The signs with more than one reading will have arrows on the left and right of the Scope to navigate between the different readings. You can also use the dots on the bottom of each Scope to navigate between multiple writers. If there are no dots or arrows, there is only one writer for that sign.
This special edition may be harder to read on your phone since it will be bigger and have more scopes than all the previous ones.

Hi. If we haven’t met, my name’s Siobhan. For years I read tarot and created these tarotscopes. Some of you may remember my writing at littleredtarot.
I loved making these collaborative tarotscopes over the years. You can tell by how many times I changed them, even though each change meant a ton of work, also by how long they lasted. It makes me tear up to know that y’all loved them as much as I did so thank you for letting me know.
I am, and have always been a writer. Even though I may not read tarot publicly, I do plan to keep writing. Sign up for my newsletter to keep in touch.
This is the last chance to show your love for these Scopes.
As usual, use the links below to read your sun, moon, and rising sign tarotscopes and check out the Info Page to learn more about this unique project.
Thank you
for reading!
Dust II Onyx by Courtney Alexander
CARDS FOR ARIES • 8 of Staffs • 6 of Blades • 3 of Coins
HERBAL ALLIES • Saffron • Vervain • Gentian
« There is psychological pleasure in this takeoff, too, for the swiftness of the plane’s ascent is an exemplary symbol of transformation. The display of power can inspire us to imagine analogous, decisive shifts in our own lives, to imagine that we, too, might one day surge above much that now looms over us. » ~ Alain de Botton
30 August is an incredibly auspicious day with a New Moon in Virgo conjunct Venus and Mars, and trine Saturn and Uranus. Now that both Saturn and Jupiter have ended their Retrograde cycles, there is perhaps no better day and following couple of weeks to initiate new courses of action, to bring something new into our lives, and to turn all of our attention, focus and energy towards priority plans and goals related to long range thinking, planning, strategising. This New Moon and her aspects offer up the most fertile ground of the year for planting dreams to come true in the future. All systems are GO, and the wind is at our back to propel us forward.
Additionally, the first couple of weeks of September find seven planets in earth signs. Attention to details, organisation, planning and structure are likely to take deep root, establishing a strong foundation to not only support our vision, but to also hold the capability for expanding the potential of the manifestation for our vision and goals over time. FutureProof – build, establish, organise, structure and plan with the long term future in mind rather than being too focused on merely accommodating immediate needs and goals.
Mercury and Venus slide into Libra mid-month. Mercury in Libra means reaching out from mid-September to mid-October to those who can help, inform, consult is key and will pay off in big ways, so get those critical and important meetings, conversations, appointments scheduled during that time. Venus in Libra gives an extra boost to love and relationships of all kinds, so be visible and partner up.
It’s oyster time, baby, because every one you open this month is going to hold a most beautifully developed pearl … of wisdom, of career opportunity, of life goals and projects, of abundance and prosperity.
Things are likely going to be really taking off and picking up speed. If you’ve been planning accordingly and done the work to be ready, then you’ll feel like the astronaut who’s been training for years and is now blasting off into new, grand adventures where only the Universe full of stars is the limit. Without the proper preparation, training, groundwork, you may find things steamrolling ahead, if not over you, barely able to keep up and being run ragged in the process.
Travel is highlighted and encouraged this month. Pay attention to who you meet, information you discover, opportunities that come up while travelling, as a result of travelling (including people you meet who are travelling), or that involve travel (looking for or saying yes to work possibilities that relate to travel, for example).
Nothing can hold you back, and nothing is going to stop you now, Aries. You may be feeling the need for speed, just make sure to watch where you’re going (distractions right now can be disastrous) and that you’re not running over others in the process of getting to where you want to be.
Non, je ne regrette rien … we carry the experiences of the past with us. But we can’t let ourselves get bogged down by them, defined and stuck in place by mistakes, wrong choices, bad experiences, broken hearts, loss. This is a time to tell ourselves that we keep moving forward, that we learn from the past in order not to repeat it (or to know what worked before that perhaps we need to revisit and reshape for the present and to accommodate the future.
Aries are perhaps infamous for their « only child syndrome ». But I’m here to tell ya, there’s something else … this month brings you the support, assistance, guidance that you need … all you have to do is reach out and ask. Just release the ego’s need to prove itself and how independent it is and needs to be (a big ask for an Aries, I realise 😉) and allow yourself to enter into partnership, intimacy, letting someone else take your hand and say, « Come this way. » You’ll be all the better for it, and more successful and independent as a result.
Teamwork and collaboration can pay off for you big time this month. Seek out opportunities to be part of a group effort, be a team player, bring your strengths to the table while being totally okay with your weaknesses (a big ask for an Aries, I realise 😉). A big theme for this month is the sum is greater than the parts. Recognise and fulfil to the utmost of your ability your part, but that greatness will only be achieved through interdependence.
You’ll likely look back at this month and see that it’s when everything seemed to start coming together. A portal is opening for heightened and accelerated growth, progress, advancement. 6 months from now, you may not even recognise where you were or who you were six months prior, especially with a huge, heaping dollop of astrological magic dust that gets sprinkled on everything in December.
[Tweet “Dear #Aries, You’ll feel like the astronaut after training for years and is now blasting off into new, grand adventures where only the Universe full of stars is the limit. #tarotscopes by @tarotbyHiC”]
Offering Information • Insight • Empowerment • Enlightenment, HiC is a Tarot Conversationalist, Coach, and Ritual & Magic Consultant who has been working with the Tarot for over 16 years. His readings have been described as “a tarot reading, therapy session and life coaching session all in one.” He offers his services using the Tarot combined with healthy doses of numerology and astrology, a splash of i-Ching, a taste of Feng Shui, and practical application. Along with a heaping spoonful of magic and ritual, HiC assists you in crafting what can enhance and manifest your life in the fullest, most beneficial and blessed way possible by discovering practical, useful information that can be used to change your life for the better. HiC’s approach to readings is creating a space that
The Voyager Tarot, Wanless, Fair Winds Press 2017
Virgo Season Theme | The Star
How to handle it | The Hermit
So you’re ready to dream bigger, are you? These cards tell us that Virgo season is coming for you with a goal on the edges of what you feel you can handle. And that’s unlike you. You like big goals and naturally expand. What edges!?! You normally leap before having time to notice the distance might be a bit much. Later for fretting. You’d just as well leave that for lesser beings to sort through in your wake.
But even you Aries, usually so steeped in the get-up-and-go, can sense the gravitas of the task ahead of you. It’s heavy because what you’re working for is bigger than you… and you know it. Your themes for this season are bigger than any one decision you make in the next few weeks, bigger than what’s projected on you, bigger than any one person that might help or any one hurdle that may slow you. And maybe that’s overwhelming at times. And maybe it feels safer to be confused or stand still. Who knows what you should do anyway, right?
Dare. Do what you do best, Aries and you will gather the people around your vision. You get to play with the glue that holds groups together, families, chosen families, communities. If any part of you resists that you have innovative ideas that a community would benefit from, you’ll get to explore, question, and hopefully doubt, these parts.
Sounds exciting doesn’t it? Easy, almost. As if all you need to do is show up and be the axis around which lots of complicated stuff falls in place. Hell, it could be, technically. But it won’t feel “easy” even if it’s natural to you.
You’re best at “bold” but you’re also best at confrontation. This will come in handy as the recommendation for how to handle this season comes from Mercury by way of the Hermit card and involves things that you may not be the best at, depending on your chart. The Hermit suggests that people will come to you for answers. What does it mean to be the person who has those answers? What do you need to do to have them? Or how can you find the one who does?
We think of the Hermit in terms of who they’re with, usually no one. But if we contextualize this card by its astrological association, Virgo, and its ruler planet, Mercury, we would pay more attention to why the Hermit chooses to be alone or why a student might seek a Hermit.
The Hermit has cut out distraction and distilled from the cacophony of life only the most relevant data. The Hermit relies on a discerning hyperfocus. As alienating as it can be to do this kind of work, because it takes time and dedication, it usually leads to discoveries that have the capacity to serve a great many people. This is how the Hermit becomes someone we might turn to for answers. This card is recommending an intense examination of details, the kind that would require a person to stop leaping, slow down, become patient and also disciplined af.
The earth energy of the Hermit is at war with the air energy of the Star, who wants to blast off into space just as badly as you do as a fire sign. The Hermit recommends we keep our own council and take time to ourselves, the Star recommends we draw close to our community so that we can easily solve the problems of the collective. Depending on the scope of your current project, this “war” might feel anywhere from confounding to invigorating.
With Mars as your ruling planet, you’re more keyed into what you want and what stands in the way of it. And if you were supported in your youth that means you might be willing to step to challenges that others would baulk at.
Community is important to you now. Sync up with the discerning energy of this Virgo season by being selective in who’s council you keep. Are you outsourcing your wisdom? Being connected to many people means encountering many ideas about the future. What role do you want in community or in your life? Are you the one with the answers? Whose answers are governing your decisions? Now’s the time to face your relationship to discernment.
[Tweet “Dare. Do what you do best, #Aries and you will gather the people around your vision. #tarotscopes by @siobhansmirror”]

Siobhan is a NYC-born writer, spiritual ally, and pro tarot reader living in central Texas. Her facilitative style is the blended result of over 15 years of tarot study as well as communication styles, shamanic ritual, sacred sexuality, and alternative relationships. She is the creator of these monthly ‘Scopes – the first ever collaborative tarotscopes.
Melanated Classic Tarot by Julia Goolsby and Oubria Tronshaw 2019
Cards: 8 of Wands, The Fool (inverted) and The World
My Brilliant Bulls:
The main theme for this reading is to get out of your own way and breathe! You have come so far and allowed yourself so much room for growth over the years – good job! That go-getter mentality has seen you through some pretty dark periods while giving you the courage to plan on a grander playing board. Your ability to plan and coordinate is beautiful, but don’t let it get the best of you. Don’t create problems in your mind that don’t yet exist in the physical. Be kind to those willing to offer help at the moment, for they are not viewing as weak but rather worthy of the aid. Now is truly the time for reconciliation with loved ones with whom you have lost touch and try not to allow pride to get in the way of apologizing should you be at fault. Holding on to grudges will always detract from your bottom line emotionally, spiritually, fiscally and mentally. View reconciliations as an opportunity to level-up and grow in astonishing ways, for learning this allows your humility to shine and serve as a new cornerstone in the court of public opinion. The other side of this is letting go of regrets you’ll never be able to remedy. What regrets? The opportunities you didn’t follow-up on, that love interest you were just too shy to approach, that investment idea that fell through, that trip you didn’t take/plan in the first place, that idea that didn’t get written…sounding familiar?
[Tweet “#Taurus, Your ability to plan and coordinate is beautiful, but don’t let it get the best of you. You may not have been ready then – but you for DAMNED SURE are now. #tarotscopes by @choseneyes9”]
ChosenEyes is a teacher, creator, and truth-teller. Organizing and executing such courses as Magikal Ethics, and Learning Tarot for Beginners. Along with her passions in teaching, ChosenEyes completed her Doctorate in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine at Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine with research interests in burn rehabilitation, because “The healing process is NEVER pretty, but it is always BEAUTIFUL.” ChosenEyes works diligently to transcend the negative stereotypes surrounding black witches in the mainstream media, and society at large, by speaking openly about her gifts, sharing her powers with those who seek answers, and inspiring other young women to pursue their passions unapologetically.
@choseneyes9 at IG and Twitter
photo: @tierra.dennae
Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards. Gray. Moses. Hay House, 2018
The Nature-Speak Oracle. Andrews. Jackson, Dragonhawk Publishing, 2006
The Wild Wood Tarot. Ryan. Matthews. Worthington. Sterling Ethos/Sterling Publishing, 2011
Oracle Cards: Broken Arrow | Embrace the energy of peace + Lady | Enjoy growth and reap rewards + Willow | Veils parting
Energy of Virgo Season: 0 – The Wanderer
Way Forward: 2 of Wands | Decision
Happy Virgo Season, Taurus <3<3 This has been an intense year with Uranus’ transit into your sign, causing so much turbulence and upheaval in the realm of your personal comfort! Indeed, many of your major structures are being rearranged, and now that Uranus is Retrograde until January 1. You’re ready to restabilize a bit, to regain your trust in both your efforts and the grander support of the Universe, to make moves to help yourself move forward and build up your inner strength for the times to come. Uranus in Taurus is an 8-year transit, so know that more will change, absolutely – this needs to be a time of bolstering your strength, tending to your emotional wounds, and doing the healing that will strengthen your inner foundations so that the forces of the outside world can be seen with balanced perspective <3<3
Yes, you have entered a whole new chapter, where the releases you’ve made leave you feeling lighter and thus better equipped for the road ahead! Opportunities to fully embrace and make use of what you already have are coming, and you will be pleased to find that you have exactly what you need to make everything work. Change is difficult for you but you are leaning
[Tweet “#Taurus, Yes, you have entered a whole new chapter, where the releases you’ve made leave you feeling lighter #tarotscopes by @tarotscopemim”]
Miriam is a Pisces/Scorpio Rising, a Tarot Reader and an Astrologer from Southeastern New Brunswick, Canada. With a spunky Scorpio/Aries Rising daughter, a sunny little charmer of a Libra/Leo Rising son, and three big yellow cats, she merrily
Prisma Visions Tarot by James R. Eads 2017
Virgo Season Theme | Eight Wands reversed
How to handle it | Knight of Chalices
This season you flirt with small changes. If only it were the maelstrom you want though. If we’re going to be honest, chaos more often than not, can be like home to you. You appreciate the cacophony. In its own way, chaos can be predictable. It demands a consistent amount of adaptability from you. And since this is more interesting, you prefer it.
In the absence of the incredibly large amount of new data that you crave, what is required of you? What’s there to do then? Such are the themes for Virgo season and you probably want nothing to do with this halting pace.
The recommendation for how to work with this energy might annoy or delight you depending on your relationship with, well um, relationships. This Knight of Chalices invites a meandering pace, being swept away on whimsical journeys, or getting lost in the stories your imagination can create about the mundane. The theme with this card is vulnerability. It hardly seems worth it to you to go toward vulnerability unless it’ll be worthwhile. Why gamble your heart for less than an epic adventure?
Except this combo of cards doesn’t suggest the epic stories but the understated ones; frank discussions with strangers that seem like they won’t matter; difficult conversations with loved ones that seem destined to fail; the unspeakable truths that creep up in subtle synchronicities. Vulnerability is the invitation with the knight. Even if you aren’t sure if it’ll be fruitful.
Be mindful though as you proceed. Be mindful of the love stories, the fantasies, the mysteries. Listen for what’s actually happening and for your feelings about what’s happening and then be willing to talk with concerned parties especially when tempted to generate chaos for the sake of change. You can’t force change even if you can sense the time for it drawing near.
These two cards are a bit awkward, the stunted fire of change in the eight wands extinguished by the grand dreams of the knight.
Tense flow. Stuck traveling. Small fun. Simple vulnerabilities.
For now this is your playing field. Later for the forward motion. Now is the less glamorous chop-wood-carry-water part of the story.
[Tweet “#Gemini, Listen for what’s actually happening and for your feelings about what’s happening and then be willing to talk with concerned parties. #tarotscopes by @tarotscopemim”]
Siobhan is
Japaridze Tarot © US Games Systems, 2014
Dearest Cancer, for our last scope with the Radical Tarotscopes, I wanted to give you a little extra information. This is both a leaving
We begin with you, right this moment. The Jester of Tides is a playful figure, viewing the glass they hold as both half-full and half-empty. This encapsulates so much of the Cancerian viewpoint, it’s a little funny. We Cancers are able to see things as they are, to draw boundaries where necessary, to find joy in exploring possibilities while still keeping a cool-ish head. The Jester of Tides is here to remind us to be playful, even as we seek new forms of support.
Crossing us, or
What do you want: The 8 of Fire. When I look at this card, especially in this deck, I get a sense of an artist about to explode in creativity. There is something brewing that is now finally ready to make it to the surface. Fire represents our vocation, our passion in life. Whether that is the new business you’ve been building behind the scenes, that novel you’ve finished and are now editing, or that relationship that you’re ready to take a leap on – you are craving that moment of making things public.
How do we get there? Two cards: The Tower and the High Priestess. The Tower is so often a “scary” card, but here it serves as an essential reminder to you, Cancer. You have to be brave enough to tear down the foundations and preconceived notions that hold you back. The Tower signifies chaos and destruction. Virgo season might have you thinking that you need to control every aspect of your life, but it’s actually more important for you right now to release control. Let things get messy. Destroy your perception of the “right” way to get your work out there. Tear down the internal barriers you’ve put up that tell you you’re not good enough. Sometimes this card can also signify literal chaos – a sudden move, break ups, losing your job. If this is you this season, Cancer, know that this is a critical phase in your next step.
Finally, before you can fully embrace that 8 of Fire moment, you need to step into the role of High Priestess in your own life. Look deep inside yourself for the kernel of inspiration, that creative seed that only you can bring forward into the world. This is about once again getting right with yourself. After the dust has settled from the Tower, build yourself back up – but make sure that you are rebuilding in honor of your faith, your creativity, your intuition. Don’t let things back in that you had to let go. This is the wisdom of Virgo season: keep a clean house so that the magic can flow. If you are able to do this, you will be able to access that deep well of inspiration and bring what you’ve been doing behind the scenes to the foreground.
Good luck, Cancer. You’ve got this.
[Tweet “#Cancer, Look deep inside yourself for the kernel of inspiration, that creative seed that only you can bring forward into the world. #tarotscopes by @northlightwitch”]
Abbie is a radical queer witch practicing modern heathenry, reading runes and tarot, and learning herbalism. Abbie is the writer of the Heathen’s Journey column, an avid reader, and teacher of witchcraft. She reads tarot and runes to empower others to step into their purpose and build the life they want. A reading with Abbie is compassionate, deep, and full of magic. She has been running her own witchy business, Northern Lights Witch, since 2016. She is also the founder of Seethe Witch Press, a micro Occult publisher. Their first project is the Radical Witchcraft Zine, coming in
When she’s NOT being a professional witch, you can find her listening to
Abbie provides tarot readings and sells spell kits at her shop: northernlightswitch.org/shop.
To connect with Abbie, follow her on Instagram @northern.lights.witch, Twitter (@northlightwitch) and check out her website northernlightswitch.org.
Glitter Oracle
Apparition (2018) deck by Spirit Speak
Dear Leo,
Fresh on the heels of YOUR season, I believe we find you feeling somewhat stressed. You’re overwhelmed with ideas & potential new schemes, but the invitation of this month is to take gentle care of your body and soul and make no sudden movements. This is because the prisms you are getting lost in may not constitute the truth, and risk becoming a hall of trick mirrors.
Sit thoughtfully with your current plans, and at the New Moon in Virgo (Friday 30th), plant the seeds of those which seem most viable. How can you align the growing clarity of your thinking with a desirable external paradigm shift this month? What would you like to be reaping the results of this time next year? Be selective, and remember that you are capable of anything – but not everything at once.
However, try not to feel intimidated by the importance of this time of year. The cards are suggesting that you slow down. The way to fructify the juices of your summer exertions & lazy daydreams is not to rush forward. In the Lie Fallow position we find the Knight of Wands. This card here signifies that it’s actually in your best interest to shelve major travel plans and rein in your energy. You don’t need to give your full dynamism and va-va-voom to every invitation that comes your way just now. You have a big and generous heart & tend to dazzle everyone you meet, but you need to conserve your focus for the projects that really matter to you & will serve your interests in the long run.
The appearance of the Knight of Cups in the Grow position contrasts with the Knight of Wands, suggesting that it may be time to try a different approach in getting things done. Instead of being brazen and direct, try charm and seduction. This card clues us into a way through the mental maze: getting back in touch with your feels. Have you been neglecting your own artistic practice and the emotional pleasures of life to be found in an intimate evening with friends in favour of work and big picture plans? Make time in your schedule for your poetry, art, music and theatrical endeavours this month, Leo. Also, be open to any offers of romance which might come your way. Either a crush-worthy babe reciprocates your attraction, or you are being nudged to declare your tender feelings to a person of interest. Romantically-inclined or not, make time for intimate moments and artistic pursuits – they will help put you back in touch with what is true, and nourish your soul.
Now you are harvesting the results of the self-care you have been showing yourself over the last six months. Temperance here indicates that either you have been practising sober living, clean eating and regular meditation, or that doing so would significantly benefit you at this time. Leo, I can hear the collective sigh of ‘bo-RING’ from you, larger-than-life characters that you are, but you know it will make such a big difference in your day-to-day. With Saturn and Pluto remaining locked together in your 6th house of health and wellbeing – reaching a climax in January – you can’t afford to dice around with the basics anymore. Save the theatrics for your grand plan. In the meantime, use your newfound peace and stability to act as a beacon of wisdom and calm for your community, work environment and interpersonal relationships. Your conflict mediation skills are at their peak.
Lastly, the card at the centre of this spread, in the Take Heart position, is the Four of Swords. You may feel strapped for time, resources, and energy. You may worry about the viability of the future. But everything will look better on the other side of some deep rest. You are exactly where you are supposed to be right now. The urgent drumbeat of Mars in Virgo actually pushes for prudence, rather than action. Self-care is NOT indulgent, even at this moment of climate fear: as Audre Lorde wrote, ‘caring for myself is an act of political warfare’. Everything will become clear once you have taken the time to set some good routines in place, reconnected with your emotions and woken up to the simple solutions right in front of you, enabling you to realign the Tetris of your mind.
[Tweet “#Leo, the invitation of this month is to take gentle care of your body and soul. #tarotscopes by @franca_liszt”]
Francesca Lisette, aka the Glitter Oracle, is a poet, astrologer, artist and Gemini. They have been studying astrology & tarot for eleven years and started reading professionally in 2015. Francesca’s reading style combines spiritual insight with psychological acuity, a pinch of millennial realism, and lashings of Neptunian empathy, and they aim to facilitate a magical, fun and empowering space of exchange and inquiry. Francesca teaches a course on astrology and creativity entitled Draw Down the Stars, which will run again in Autumn 2019. Their writing on astrology and tarot can be found in the magical Ignota Diary & Sascha Akhtar’s forthcoming poetry collection Astra Inclinant. Francesca has also published two books of poetry, most recently sub rosa: The Book of Metaphysics (Boiler House Press, 2018), and regularly performs their work.
Find out more at glitteroracle.tumblr.com, follow them on Twitter @franca_liszt, Instagram @glitteroracle, Facebook @glitteroraclereadings, & Patreon @glitteroracle.
The Wild Unknown, created in 2012 by Kim Krans, www.thewildunknown.com
Virgo season comes as a welcome period of meditation and reflection, especially after such an intense summer of transformation, inspiration, and planetary movement. As we shift from Leo’s adventurous and confident fire into Virgo’s earthy structure and desire for organization, the lessons of the Hermit are clear and necessary: this is a chance to process all of the change and growth that’s been building over the last few months, to spend time with ourselves and get to know this new person that we have become. The Hermit is an archetype of introspection, internal exploration, digging through all the hidden corners and secret shadows that we carry within and understanding how we move through the world we inhabit. And while this isn’t always a comfortable process, it’s a deeply necessary one, a chance to consider where we’ve been and where we’re going, to find our motivations and passions, to connect with ourselves on a deep and powerful level.
Our main card for this season is the two of cups, a card of connection, new love, and understanding. And while this is often a card of romance and attraction, when we combine it with the Hermit we find themes of self-love, internal balance, and passion for the person we are. There are so many ways that love can be discovered, explored, and expressed, and when we limit it simply
The Empress brings additional clarification, encouraging us to embrace abundance, to explore creation, to be willing to give to those we care for as well as celebrating ourselves. If Leo season provided inspiration and creativity, giving you new ideas and a sense of powerful adventure, Virgo season asks you to put those visions into the world and embrace a spirit of manifestation. New ideas and insights are beautiful and magical, but when we take the extra step to put them out into the world, to share them with others, to build on that initial first spark, we can transform our reality. Leave behind ideas of perfection and instead embrace the process, discovering how self-love can help you create new, incredible possibilities.
Have a beautiful Virgo season!
[Tweet “#Virgo, Broaden your understandings of love and attachment this season, and give yourself space to explore all of the magic and power that you hold within yourself. #tarotscopes by @megjoneswall”]
Tarot of Little Secrets, 2018. Self-published by Laura Stamper & Sam Lofgren
It’s your season, my dearest Virgo, and you’ve got a choice: do you follow your dream, or do you let yourself continue to be subject to the outside pressure that would constrain you to the stereotypes?
The Two of Swords holds their arms tight across their heart, and cannot see their world – that defensive posture does more harm than good, dear one. Take a moment to sink deeply into your body’s wisdom, and breathe into that sense of yourself at the bottom of your gut. You know which choice is right here – in many ways, you’ve already made it – but can you trust it to be imperfect and still valuable?
The Knight of Cups reminds you that it isn’t a race to the dream. Moreover, there is no amount of gold stars will let you escape the depth of your emotions. Calm waters run deep, like wellsprings in the Earth. Enjoy the productivity, but schedule time on the regular to dream and play. No “if I have time,” or “once this project is done.” No judgment for scheduled spontaneity.
Take yourself on a date to get that ice cream you’ve been craving; hold a potluck and let someone else handle the menu. Autumn is upon us soon, and for you, that means planning ahead for the coming winter. But where, in that plan, is the present? Will you miss the beauty of the changing leaves if you focus on the need to collect and color code them?
Page of Pentacles reversed encourages you to shepherd your own instincts – including your very real need for control. There’s a world of difference between being selfish and putting your own needs first, dear Virgo. It isn’t just semantics. That low-key shade you’ve got for other people because they don’t meet the nigh-impossible standard? It’s usually internalized fear that you don’t meet it either.
Who set that standard, anyway? Take some time to dig into those external pressures you’re feeling – whose voices are they in? Do you even like those voices? If not, show them to the door. Gracefully, and with gratitude for all they’ve done to keep you to
Remember, my earthy friend, to feel deeply this season. Don’t let the stereotype of the neurotic get you worked up into making it true. Instead, breathe in and remember that you can stop to watch a sunset and make sure the details get handled. They’ll still be there after nightfall… but do your best to not let them keep you up too late.
[Tweet “#Virgo, Enjoy the productivity, but schedule time on the regular to dream and play. #tarotscopes by
Sam Lofgren (they/them) is a reader, activist, maker, and educator who specializes in practical shadow work and radical compassion for times of transition. Decades of simultaneous study and practice in divination,
The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne Donnelly www.chris-anne.com
“Whatever grows will grow,
Whatever dies will die
Whatever works will work
Whatever flies will fly,
Whatever fails will fail|
What’s meant to soar will soar,
I am planting seeds nothing more”
– Planting Seeds: A Song of Life by Nimo featuring Daniel Nahmod
Libra, your affirmation for this month is, “I transcend self-judgment and choose to plant the seeds of my highest potential in the world.”
Dear Libra, Libra, you are on the precipice of a rebirth. A free-spirited, authentic and joyous part of you that has long been asleep is ready to take flight. Virgo season will ask you to notice the ways that you’ve kept your identity contained and acceptable to others and make a bold choice to break out of outmoded expectations. It’s time to not only spread your wings. It’s time to allow your new Self to set down some roots.
Your allies this month are Judgement, the Seven of Cups, and the Ace of Pentacles.
What is your true self anyway? It’s the uncensored, honest, and most self-trusting bold statement of who you are. It is the YOU that never needs to compromise your truth and self-expression. It is the You that feels affirmed, accepted, and embraced, just as you are. Maybe you’ve noticed that your true self has been like a chameleon, yielding to others expectations of you. Indecision has been a handy camouflage, revealing some parts of you but concealing more of you.
The Seven of Cups mirrors indecision through too many options. Yes, there are multiple possibilities and personalities that you can “try on.” But you know deep down that there is one right path and identity for you. All of the options in front of you will offer something useful. Your task is to answer which one will ground your truest self in the world. To answer that question, you have to pause and get present. Drop into your body and ask, “Who am I?” Listen to your soul speak. Ask yourself, “What has held me back from knowing my true Self?” Listen again to the sound of your soul. Then ask, “What will it take to resurrect the highest expression of my self?” Once you have the answer, it’s time to make a firm decision to set down some roots.
The Ace of Pentacles shows you that the YOU that
Libra, it is time to transcend self-judgment and make a firm choice. Say yes to planting the seeds of your highest potential in the world! Invest in yourself!
[Tweet “#Libra, it is time to transcend self-judgment and make a firm choice. Say yes to planting the seeds of your highest potential in the world! Invest in yourself!#tarotscopes by @EmbodiedTarot”]
Jennifer has 30 years of mastery working with the tarot and nearly two decades of experience facilitating somatic movement and body wisdom with people of all ages and abilities. She is the creator of ArcanaDance™, a transformative somatic divination practice that brings the tarot to life through the oracle of the body. Each of us is a living archetype, in ArcanaDance™, you access your own wisdom via the intelligence of your body. Jennifer’s goal is to support you in living a more self-aware and self-determined present and future. While she hails from the boogie down
Website: www.jenniferluceroearle.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EmbodiedTarot
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tarotandmovewithjennifer/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmbodiedTarot/
Thoth. Harris & Crowley. Herbcrafters. Colbert & Guthrie
libra, it is time to release the psychic and emotional ties you have to the relationships of the past. release yourself from the muck! you have every right to grieve losses and transitions. but do not let yourself become stagnant. remember the excitement of the future; remember that you will find the emotional sustenance you are searching for. reflect upon the past: how has it lead you here and how did it meet your needs? as you reflect, also commit yourself to open-mindedly exploring the next phase. don’t hold yourself back from the journey that is next. you are on the cusp of a discovery, even if your heart feels heavy right now.
[which archetype + plant wants to be my ally during
your reading is full of 8s! you are ready to build, collect, and share abundance. your ally right now is self-sufficiency within the physical world. the reality you see around you is there to support your growth and exploration. experimentation is favored at this time. do so in your work and your community. trade in emotional indulgence for material abundance. turn the passion burning in your heart into wellness projects for yourself and others. start many small projects and finish them to completion. use your hands and interact with the natural world. turmeric is a generous plant, allowing us to continue extracting abundance from its bright, cheery roots. notice how turmeric is a master at staining its surroundings — your presence is as permeating and abundant as the color of turmeric. take up space, nourish your senses, and continue taking steps toward internal and external satisfaction.
[Tweet “#Libra, you are on the cusp of a discovery. #tarotscopes by
mack budd is a writer, educator, ponderer, and listener. using astrology, cartomancy, and herbalism as mediums, mack aims to increase accessibility for those looking to understand symbology & receive potently-timed messages. currently, mack offers an eclectic newsletter for each new & full moon. click here to subscribe or find mack on instagram.
The Thoth Deck by Aleister Crowley
Virgo season starts out fierce for our formidable Scorpions. The Queen of Swords represents where we’re coming from, and, let’s be real, it hasn’t been the
[Tweet “#Scorpio, Virgo season starts out fierce for our formidable Scorpions. #tarotscopes by @lauracampagna1”]
The Wednesday Witch, Laura Campagna, is a queer writer, astrologer, tarot reader, and energy healer based out of Boston, MA. Her readings are intuitively crafted for each individual and informed by her knowledge of astrological mythology. She is especially interested in the intersection between divination, healing, and social justice.
IG: https://www.instagram.com/lauracampagna.astrology/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lauracampagna1
Website: https://campagnahealingenergy.com/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/lauracampagnaastrology/
Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards. Gray. Moses. Hay House, 2018
The Nature-Speak Oracle. Andrews. Jackson, Dragonhawk Publishing, 2006
The Wild Wood Tarot. Ryan. Matthews. Worthington. Sterling Ethos/Sterling Publishing, 2011
Oracle Cards: Broken Arrow | Embrace the energy of peace + Lady | Enjoy growth and reap rewards + Willow | Veils parting
Energy of Virgo Season: 0 – The Wanderer
Way Forward: 2 of Wands | Decision
Happy Virgo Season, Taurus <3<3 This has been an intense year with Uranus’ transit into your sign, causing so much turbulence and upheaval in the realm of your personal comfort! Indeed, many of your major structures are being rearranged, and now that Uranus is Retrograde until January 1. You’re ready to restabilize a bit, to regain your trust in both your efforts and the grander support of the Universe, to make moves to help yourself move forward and build up your inner strength for the times to come. Uranus in Taurus is an 8-year transit, so know that more will change, absolutely – this needs to be a time of bolstering your strength, tending to your emotional wounds, and doing the healing that will strengthen your inner foundations so that the forces of the outside world can be seen with balanced perspective <3<3
Yes, you have entered a whole new chapter, where the releases you’ve made leave you feeling lighter and thus better equipped for the road ahead! Opportunities to fully embrace and make use of what you already have are coming, and you will be pleased to find that you have exactly what you need to make everything work. Change is difficult for you but you are leaning
[Tweet “#Taurus, Yes, you have entered a whole new chapter, where the releases you’ve made leave you feeling lighter #tarotscopes by @tarotscopemim”]
Miriam is a Pisces/Scorpio Rising, a Tarot Reader and an Astrologer from Southeastern New Brunswick, Canada. With a spunky Scorpio/Aries Rising daughter, a sunny little charmer of a Libra/Leo Rising son, and three big yellow cats, she merrily
Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards. Gray. Moses. Hay House, 2018
The Nature-Speak Oracle. Andrews. Jackson, Dragonhawk Publishing, 2006
The Wild Wood Tarot. Ryan. Matthews. Worthington. Sterling Ethos/Sterling Publishing, 2011
Oracle Cards: Broken Arrow | Embrace the energy of peace + Lady | Enjoy growth and reap rewards + Willow | Veils parting
Energy of Virgo Season: 0 – The Wanderer
Way Forward: 2 of Wands | Decision
Happy Virgo Season, Taurus <3<3 This has been an intense year with Uranus’ transit into your sign, causing so much turbulence and upheaval in the realm of your personal comfort! Indeed, many of your major structures are being rearranged, and now that Uranus is Retrograde until January 1. You’re ready to restabilize a bit, to regain your trust in both your efforts and the grander support of the Universe, to make moves to help yourself move forward and build up your inner strength for the times to come. Uranus in Taurus is an 8-year transit, so know that more will change, absolutely – this needs to be a time of bolstering your strength, tending to your emotional wounds, and doing the healing that will strengthen your inner foundations so that the forces of the outside world can be seen with balanced perspective <3<3
Yes, you have entered a whole new chapter, where the releases you’ve made leave you feeling lighter and thus better equipped for the road ahead! Opportunities to fully embrace and make use of what you already have are coming, and you will be pleased to find that you have exactly what you need to make everything work. Change is difficult for you but you are leaning
[Tweet “#Taurus, Yes, you have entered a whole new chapter, where the releases you’ve made leave you feeling lighter #tarotscopes by @tarotscopemim”]
Miriam is a Pisces/Scorpio Rising, a Tarot Reader and an Astrologer from Southeastern New Brunswick, Canada. With a spunky Scorpio/Aries Rising daughter, a sunny little charmer of a Libra/Leo Rising son, and three big yellow cats, she merrily
Apparition Tarot Deck by Spirit Speak, 2018, spirit-speak.com
This is shaping up to be a pivotal time for you, dear Sagittarius – one that’s calling on all your gumption and verve to complete a long-planned project. You’re coming into Virgo season with an important dream that’s been in the works for a while now. Maybe you held this close to your chest at first, treasuring its promise and excitement. Now, however, it’s time for this idea to take shape, evolve, and enter further into the real world.
The thing is, you’ve been doing a great deal of planning, and all that work is ready to be set into motion. The key issue here is trusting that your plan is sound and that you have the skills to navigate whatever comes your way.
There may be a sliver of nervousness around the follow-through, too. What happens when you’ve achieved your goal? What does it feel like to be on the other side with something you can truly be proud of?
Your restless nature can chafe at the bit frequently, and although it’s strange to think that success might feel constricting or risky, this is likely to come up in the days to come. Stay alert for patterns of self-sabotage or the desire to undervalue what you’re doing. And, in case your fiery nature wasn’t obvious yet, you may also find yourself getting caught up in the frenzy of
The wonderful news? The abundance of the Ten of Pentacles is waiting for you on the other side. It may take a lot of energy to get there, but you’ve done the preliminary work. Now’s the time to execute your plan and see just how much you can do.
I also think that the Ten of Pentacles has a wonderful message for an authentic spirit such as yourself: success is what you make of it, and who says it can’t be weird, expressive, and aligned with your need for freedom?
You have a huge reserve of determination to draw on and now’s the time to use it fully because what you’re doing is well worth the effort and you are more than ready to shine.
[Tweet “#Sagittarius, You have a huge reserve of determination to draw on and now’s the time to use it because what you’re doing is well worth the effort and you are more than ready to shine. #tarotscopes by @inctarot”]
Gina Wisotzky is a tarot reader and natural perfumer based in Durham, North Carolina. She offers warm and insightful readings at www.incandescenttarot.com. With fourteen years’ experience reading cards, her goal and passion are connecting others to their inner wisdom through tarot. You connect with her via Twitter @inctarot and Instagram @incandescenttarot.
The ten of discs aka The Lord of Wealth, astro correspondence Mercury in Virgo, sits at the
Consider this spread as a timeline.
Question: have you been over-thinking it? Too many stats, too much info, too much
Sag is the great quester of the zodiac, seeking meaning, adventure, purpose. Question: what manner of wealth do you quest for Sagittarius?
Has your love experience been keeping you awake at night with the old “
Or is it a project that has ripened and is it now the time to take it to the world? Another possibility is that the world will now come to you in the guise of new ventures. There are new tastes to
As usual with those of the centaur, there are more questions than there could possibly be answers, but Virgo squares and Gemini opposes your Sun, each aspect offers growth and the challenge is to be authentically yourself in Virgo season. Whatever that may be and wherever it may take you.
[Tweet “What manner of wealth do you quest for #Sagittarius? #tarotscopes by @McPhillamy”]
Colin McPhillamy has a day-job as an actor. Visit him at
Bitter Water
Next World Tarot, 2017, Cristy C. Road/Croadcore
Capricorn, it’s Virgo season. As we slide into late summer, it’s time to take a step back and assess what you want to take into the next cycle and what you need to leave behind. I pulled three cards to help you navigate these changes.
Something to let go
This card is about waiting. You’ve been suspending your disbelief, a decision, your feelings, you’re looking at everything from all angles, it’s all very evolved and disciplined. Look at you up there in your cute striped leg warmers! You’re being very fair! You’re putting others first! You can wait! You’ll just wait right here! But consider another kind of stillness…
Something to invite in: Four of Cups
The Four of Cups is also still, but they aren’t waiting. This friend is nope made flesh. They are going to sit on this dock in their fuzzy slippers with their boob out and paint their nails until they are good and the heck ready to be done. What happens when you stop
Guide card: The World
The World is the end of a cycle–graduation day. As you leave your Suspension waiting and sit in your Four of Cups nope-ness, what cycle are you completing? What is
Capricorn, think about how you can make space for all these feelings and the complexity of the space you are in right now. Feel the ending, feel the space
[Tweet “#Capricorn, What parts of your heart do you need to keep just for you? #tarotscopes by @hearthtarot”]
Bitter Water is white, fat, femme, extremely gay, massively genderqueer, and Jewish. Their reading style is intuitive, collaborative, and direct.
Tarot of Little Secrets, 2018. Self-published by Laura Stamper & Sam Lofgren
In need of a new perspective on your compassionate heart when building your legacy, Capricorn? I’ve got good news: this season is a wonderful time to find out.
The Hanged Man is here to let you know that perspective matters, Cap. The peace on their face is more about acceptance than it is about sacrifice, since you know all about that tune already. Consider your internal monologue – is it really worth that constant soundtrack of how you just need to keep at it to win? You rarely let yourself off the hook, but the Hanged Man is literally locked there. Is the victory worth the burnout, or can you relax into the long haul by slowing it down and surrendering to the process? Don’t let that earthy energy keep your head down in your work all the time.
We know you’ve got the grit to succeed when you decide to, but Strength is here to remind you of your sensitive side and your ability to be graceful in your personal magic. Lounge a bit after Leo season, and relish the sensation of all that gorgeous fur. There’s no need to control all that fire anymore or reign it in; rather, you can just be confident in your own niche. That good heart will get you the world, if you let it be the center of your ambition. Let go of the ashes of what burned, and be for a moment.
One of the best ways to reground is with family – especially those you’ve chosen. It’s not easy to be brought closely into that protected world of yours. The Ten of Pentacles celebrates your legacy living on through your impact on those closest to you, and their loyalty is something you can relax into this season. Please do so, for your sake and for theirs. You’ve nurtured them all so much, and there’s zero shame in asking them to vouch for that.
There’s big energies afoot for you, Capricorn. But they aren’t about the grind; they’re a matter of tenderness and enjoying the stability you’ve worked so hard to maintain. It’s no good to have put in the effort of building a beautiful life if you never enjoy it.
[Tweet “#Capricorn, One of the best ways to reground is with family – especially those you’ve chosen. #tarotscopes by
Sam Lofgren (they/them) is a reader, activist, maker, and educator who specializes in practical shadow work and radical compassion for times of transition. Decades of simultaneous study and practice in divination,
Find out more at CompanionInShadow.com, or on IG: @companioninshadow.
Crystal Wisdom Healing Oracle. Hall. Watkins Publishing, 2016.
Revelations Tarot. Wong. Llewellyn 2005.
Oracle Cards: 4. Simplicity + 38. Brandenberg Amethyst | The Perfect Blueprint
Energy of Virgo Season: 0 – The Fool
Way Forward: 3 of Swords reversed
Phew, Aquarius – you made it through Leo Season, bringing with you the exact realizations you needed to make in order to fully move forward into the life you know has been waiting for you. That period of feeling like you were falling was an important one, connecting you with the exact type of strange magic that helped you see how you could make things right for yourself – you’ve identified what was ready to go, and now that the release is underway, you are ready to dance forth unfettered to make such cool use of your new plan! Indeed, you’ve been taking major action to sweep out the obstacles that have kept you stuck for so long, and this clean sweep is allowing you to finally get back to basics. You’re ready to draft the future of your dreams, free from the fear that things could go wrong – not this time, as you can feel something huge and important awakening within you. You’re ready to trust yourself again, and as a result, you are rising up to meet and maximize your true potential.
You have become so empowered as a result of deciding to take control, to make a decision, to not let the past hold you back any longer <3<3 That couldn’t have happened without the shifts that have and are still occurring – keep riding the waves, knowing you are continuing to empower yourself simply by choosing to keep pushing forward, choosing to keep bettering yourself, your environment, your circumstances, choosing to lighten your load in favour of refilling it with that which to you, feel weightless <3<3 Aquarius, you have opened yourself to embracing the structures you know you need, and as a result, your visionary nature is ready to shine with such bright vibrancy – allow yourself to continue to hear and follow the whispers growing louder form deep in your soul, knowing there is so much more to the guidance you are receiving!
[Tweet “#Aquarius, allow yourself to continue to hear and follow the whispers growing louder form deep in your soul. #tarotscopes by @tarotscopemim”]
Miriam is a Pisces/Scorpio Rising, a Tarot Reader and an Astrologer from Southeastern New Brunswick, Canada. With a spunky Scorpio/Aries Rising daughter, a sunny little charmer of a Libra/Leo Rising son, and three big yellow cats, she merrily
Chosen Eyes
Melanated Classic Tarot, Goolsby Tronshaw 2019
Cards: 6 of Swords, 2 of Swords and King of Wands (all inverted)
My Aquarian Stars:
Don’t be so sure about leaving situations that may feel unfordable at the moment. It may feel as if the time to move on is now, but revisit the moments that made you become more patient with yourself. Reviewing the tape seems to be the theme of this season for you, lovebugs. As a fellow pouring of the jug, I sympathize with this notion of feeling as if 2018-2019 has been a weird sorta “groundhog’s day”, lol. BUT! FEAR NOT! By the end of
[Tweet “#Aquarius, TAKE YOUR TIME! DON’T RUSH! #tarotscopes by @choseneyes9”]
ChosenEyes is a teacher, creator, and truth-teller. Organizing and executing such courses as Magikal Ethics, and Learning Tarot for Beginners. Along with her passions in teaching, ChosenEyes completed her Doctorate in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine at Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine with research interests in burn rehabilitation, because “The healing process is NEVER pretty, but it is always BEAUTIFUL.” ChosenEyes works diligently to transcend the negative stereotypes surrounding black witches in the mainstream media, and society at large, by speaking openly about her gifts, sharing her powers with those who seek answers, and inspiring other young women to pursue their passions unapologetically.
@choseneyes9 at IG and Twitter
photo: @tierra.dennae
Overview: The Chariot
Life in the fast lane has been the story of this summer. Challenges energize and motivate you. There’s nothing you can’t solve with your Piscean blend of compassion and deep vision. Travel is favored at this time.
What’s working for you: Judgment
Pisces’ connection with all things spiritual means that in matters of judgment, you are blessed with the ability to intuit the choice that will serve the highest good of all. You’ll be plunged into situations that may give you a sense of deja vu. No need to fear
Possible obstacles: The Fool
With so much on your plate these days, the temptation is to tune out and veg out. But for that Chariot to keep rolling, you need to keep your eye on the bigger picture. Resist the urge to dream away your days. Scheduling and prioritization is a
What needs doing now: Two of Cups
Time to choose your partners in work, friendship
What needs to be let go: The Star
Just as the Fool warns against losing focus, the Star is here to remind you to let go of those dreams that, for now,
[Tweet “#Pisces, Follow through and shine forth! #tarotscopes by @savakayoga”]
Phoebe Tsang is a musician and wordsmith whose work with the tarot makes its way into all facets of her creative life. Listen to her music, read her poetry, or book a reading with her
Black Moon Astrology Cards. Sheppard. Marin. Llewellyn, 2018.
Creative Whack Pack. Roger von Oech. U.S. Games Systems, 1989.
Wrozba Z Kart Tarot. Jasniak. Galuszka. 1998.
Oracle Cards: 12. Lilith | Mystery + 1. Give Yourself a Whack on the Side of the Head
Energy of Virgo Season: 4 of Swords reversed
Way Forward: XVIII – The Moon reversed + Queen of Pentacles
Oh Pisces <3<3 I feel it too – this has been a heavy summer, one where you’ve had to do a lot of reality-checking and facing the truth – your illusions only got you so far, but you are ready to wake up to what can be done to help you fully process and truly begin to heal the past pain that has been swirling around your consciousness lately. Know that all that has been coming up so that you will see it, so that you can see the way through it at last – it’s been a restless time, but you are beginning to focus on releasing fear and opening your heart again, putting you in a beautiful position to be able to identify the opportunities you may have missed otherwise. You’re coming up on a time where you really start to make use of and actually benefit from your skills and talents!
Yes, you are consciously switching gears back into “hope” mode, after a long period of feeling like your various spiritual leads weren’t doing much to carry you forward – you are steering back around to trust in the Universe, towards listening to your soul’s truth and choosing to see yourself as someone special and unique, not someone overlookable at all. Indeed, the main knots you are untying are deceptions you’ve been fed and kept feeding on your own surrounding your self-worth – the Virgo Sun will soon oppose your own Natal Pisces Sun, throwing a bright light on the very ways that you can find balance and bring much-needed structure to your amazing creative vision. You are so ready to step up and receive the recognition
[Tweet “#Taurus, Yes, you have entered a whole new chapter, where the releases you’ve made leave you feeling lighter #tarotscopes by @tarotscopemim”]
Miriam is a Pisces/Scorpio Rising, a Tarot Reader and an Astrologer from Southeastern New Brunswick, Canada. With a spunky Scorpio/Aries Rising daughter, a sunny little charmer of a Libra/Leo Rising son, and three big yellow cats, she merrily
Black Moon Astrology Cards. Sheppard. Marin. Llewellyn, 2018.
Creative Whack Pack. Roger von Oech. U.S. Games Systems, 1989.
Wrozba Z Kart Tarot. Jasniak. Galuszka. 1998.
hello, pisces! virgo season is your “opposite season.” for those of you who are pisces rising, during virgo season, the sun moves across your descendant. this brings you a time that illuminates your one-on-one relationships and the ways in which you balance your+another’s needs. for those of you who are pisces sun or pisces moon, during virgo season, the sun travels through the sign across from yours. this creates awareness about how you balance personal+collective wellness and service. i have created a personalized spread for pisces rising/sun/moon folks to help you reflect on the theme of relational wellness + how to integrate healing energy into your+others lives. for some extra virgo season magick, herbal recommendations are included. please do your own research before using these plants in their physical forms.
[during virgo season, how can i balance personal wellness with collective service?]
pisces, you may be knocking some walls down this virgo season. your own stories may need to be destroyed to make way for their new life. egos were made to be dismantled and reborn. let yourself renew without getting stuck in your older versions. your personal health and spiritual practices are asking for change and release. the way in which you show up for others is asking for change and release. every version of yourself has served a purpose but they need not stay forever. sometimes we do not have control over when and where our egos release. be patient with yourself. you are going through a powerful transition. remain present in the darkness before the dawn.
[which archetype + plant wants to be my ally during virgo season?]
this energy is fiery and powerful. your ally for this season is fire magick. you are to flit between extremes of banishment and invitation; fire transforms the outdated and welcomes the pleasureful. activation is called for. you have deep reserves of strength and magick. you have the power of transformation on your side and you need not fear its power. a curandera is a seasoned healer of latinx heritage. elders and wise ones may be of service to you now. the revered plant on this card is an aphrodisiac. damiana is an aromatic plant that may be used to invoke pleasure, desire, and passion. it causes our hearts to simmer and energizes our creative instincts. let yourself initiate your own power, basking yourself+others in gratification and enjoyment. surround yourself with pastel pinks and yellows, flowers, scents, beauty, and libations. lighten up to enjoy the harvest season and encourage others to do the same.
[Tweet “#Pisces, pisces, you have deep reserves of strength and magick. #tarotscopes by sibylofthesky”]
mack budd is a writer, educator, ponderer, and listener. using astrology, cartomancy, and herbalism as mediums, mack aims to increase accessibility for those looking to understand symbology & receive potently-timed messages. currently, mack offers an eclectic newsletter for each new & full moon. click here to subscribe or find mack on instagram.
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[…] My tarotscope – the very last one, since they’re not happening anymore – over at Radical Tarot made a point of reminding me (and all the other Scorpios) that, despite (housing) worries and money […]