‘Scopes Interview Series – Ariel, Light and Spirit Catalyst

This post is part of a series of interviews of ‘Scopes contributors.
I found Ariel of MavenUnmasked on Instagram.
It was long enough ago that I’m not sure how it happened. I might have been consciously seeking out tarot reader’s of color, I like to center them whenever I can, or maybe I was drawn to that smile of hers. There’s something really encouraging about a person who smiles as wide as I do. You see Ariel, and you get a sense that no part of her means you harm.
She’s a gentle and encouraging soul, and it doesn’t take long watching a video of hers to know that about her. I’m sure the effect intensifies while working with her or face to face. Ariel’s way of being reminds you of the best parts of yourself. Her work is an invitation to expand, transcend, and ascend. It’s no wonder that spirits would use her to convey their messages.
Ariel is a woman of her word. She shows up in exactly the way she says she will and is clear with her intentions. Her words remind you of a trusted (and wise) friend. You know the one, that one you go to when you need to know that it’s going to be OK.
Read on to learn more about this amazing ‘Scopes contributor.
What’s the most exciting project that you’ve recently worked on?
For the last 6 months, I have been student teaching a 3 level mediumship development course. It has probably been the most rewarding of all of my recent endeavors. Seeing the students grow, support each other, and really become more confident in themselves and their abilities is just beautiful to watch. We have become a soul family. It has been a growing experience for myself as well. Learning to navigate teaching such an in depth and rigorous course while being a full time reader and caregiver has been challenging to say the least! I am a perpetual student and this journey has been no different for me.
In addition, I am finally bringing my classes online! My How to Read Oracle Cards class is 3 weeks long and starts July 11th. Keep your eyes peeled for when I offer a class like this again.
I am also working on creating a product line. No release date has been set yet as I am still in the infancy stages with it, but I am very excited to see what it becomes.
What’s something you’ve learned since hanging your tarot reading shingle?
Maven is officially 3 years old this month! Yes, she’s a Cancer lol. She is emotional, intuitive, receptive, and feels like home. I have really learned so much about myself, setting boundaries, and the importance of speaking your truth in your business. Maven has truly grown with me. I have changed so much since her birth and so has she. We are one. I guess that’s the most important thing I’ve learned – you are your business. If you’re not right whether that be energetically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, or physically, your business won’t be either.
I also feel that if you constantly are comparing yourself to others in the business that you will drown. Comparison is a confidence killer and the thief of joy. You have to stay in your own lane. Follow your own path. Don’t try to be somebody else. Just be you. You never know where it may lead you and how many people you can heal just be having the guts to be yourself and share your journey. If everyone wanted to be a butterfly because no one had the guts to be a flower, would either cease to exist? If we all wanted to be rose quartz, we would miss out on the magic of moonstone. I think you catch my drift.
You do a monthly Lightworker Evolution Reading series on YouTube. How did you come to that name? What does Lightworker Evolution mean to you?
Spirit gave me the name actually. The series was previously called ‘Reflections + Intentions’ and looked back on the happenings of the past month while setting energetic intentions for the next. At a certain point, the name didn’t feel quite right anymore. It felt more like a journey of growth, self-awareness, and evolution from month to month that I was witnessing in myself and reading in feedback from my viewers.
To me, Lightworker Evolution is about evolving into who your soul truly came here to be. Honoring the goodness, the light, and the purity of your soul. Healing the trauma and grief within. Navigating the harsh truths and realities of the world in which you live. Lighting a path for those struggling in darkness or just trying to make a way for themselves. Reflecting on self so that you can be of better service to others, all while developing a deeper sense of your own spiritual truth.
Your practice is ALL about contact with spirit. How did you come to incorporate spirits and angels in your work? What do you think is the ideal relationship with the spirit realm?
I believe that they have always been there. I grew up with a very confident and deep sense of spirituality. I attended Catholic school from preschool until I graduated. Saints, angels, Mother Mary, and the like were a part of my everyday life. My beliefs have changed since then however, I still carry those lessons, the reverence for Spirit, with me. I believe the ideal relationship with the spirit realm is one of unity, respect, honor, and trust. It is knowing how to quiet your mind and listen to their guidance.
I started this journey because of Spirit and the calling of my soul that they urged me to hear – my vocation. It is really like living your life in a constant state of prayer and intuitive awareness. Even before I was able to identify which Spirit was working with me, I would always call upon them anyway. I wanted to develop that deeper relationship with them and what better way to do it than incorporating them into my work! It is because of Spirit and my connection to the spirit world that I am able to do this work. I am just a conduit for their love and messages. I can’t think of a time when spirits, angels, ancestors, ascended masters, spirit guides, spirit animals, etc. weren’t involved in my work because my work is me and Spirit has always been a part of who I am.
Happy (business) anniversary, Ariel! And thank you for your time!
Check out Ariel’s bio below to learn more or read the ‘Scopes to see Ariel’s style for yourself.
Check out the rest of the ‘Scopes Interview Series to get to know more of the contributors!

Ariel is a Certified Psychic Medium and Tarot Reader in the greater Annapolis, MD area who has been practicing since 2014. She uses her psychic ability and intuition to guide her in her readings, providing loving, healing guidance to others. As the creator of Maven Unmasked, she encourages others to take off their mask and allow their innermost wisdom to shine through in a true, authentic expression of themselves. Ariel offers high vibe guidance, readings, videos, & blogging with a focus on healing, spiritual growth + development, creativity, and empowerment – all from her soul to yours.
site: https://www.mavenunmasked.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/mavenunmasked
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mavenunmasked
Instagram: @mavenunmasked