Which kind of ‘Scopes lover are you? – A call for support

The monthly Radical Tarotscopes have been going on 3 (or 4?!!) years now. They always land right where we need and ground us as a collective. Tarot fans, pro readers, and people who know nothing about tarot, all of us read them. This project has grown in ways I couldn’t have anticipated and there’s no disputing their
Which kind of ‘Scopes lover are you?
Are you someone who always wanted to write a Scope?
Maybe you didn’t have your site up yet. Maybe you don’t have a site. Maybe my submission form creeped you out. Whatever your reason, now is the time to tell me you want in. I need no less than 6 contributors for the next season. That means as of right now, those six signs won’t get written.
If you are one of the first six people to respond to this post saying “I want in” then you have a spot in the next ‘Scope. If you are the 7th person, I will have a spot for you the month after. The deadline for the next ‘Scope is March 12th. Respond with your email* in the next few days and I’ll send you the sign I need and the guidelines. (*Don’t comment with your email publicly, let’s keep your info private. Instead, click the link.)
If I cannot fill the spots, we will do something we’ve never tried before, we’ll skip next season. We’ll also think together about what new form the ‘Scopes could take or if they should continue. If you don’t read tarot but want to help with this, share this post with your friends who read tarot encourage them to reach out to me.
If you want to talk more about this, I’m opening up a forum in my member’s area (which is now free of charge) for anyone who wants to discuss. Do you have an idea I haven’t mentioned here about how to keep these going? That forum will be the perfect place to share it.
Are you someone who loves to read the Scopes and want to know how else to support them?
Donate. If everyone who read the ‘Scopes donated $ 5.00 I could more than afford to pay the
Something else on your mind about all this?
Let me know in the comments.

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I’d love to learn to read tarot cards. Perhaps there is a way for those of us unskilled to gain skills and then contribite.
That would take a bit of time. But maybe doable one day. When I get the forum up people be able to trade readings and practice that way and you know from experiencing that circle with me how effective new readers can be with guidance. 🙂
Hi Darline! There are many books and online resources for learning to read, but a great way is to get a deck or tarot app with a guide that reveals the meanings of the cards and start a practice of drawing a card a day, looking up the meaning, and journaling or meditating on it. I did this for about a year before I tried reading for others or started reading and studying more and that practice taught me as much as any book, I think!
Donated. I love these. Past contributor who LOVES seeing the new-to=me voices and faces.
I appreciate you, Arwen. <3
I’m interested in writing some! New to your blog but I absolutely love it. I hope you’re able to find plenty of others.
I’m ready to write a Scope! I’m a reader for about five years now but just starting to read for people who aren’t me. Also, willing to do what it takes to keep Radical Tarot Scopes going, and flow with however Scopes undergoes its next transformation. I appreciate this opportunity
I’d love to do a scope! Tarot is my jam more than astrology, but I find the scopes valuable and would like to keep them going.
[…] Revamped the ‘Scopes (They almost ended…) […]
I would love to be involved in writing the tarotscopes. Just sent you an email! 🙂
I am blown away by the responses here and in my inbox. Thank you for stepping up. For your patience as I respond. And for hearing and supporting me (and this project). Hard to say if we’re out of the woods but I can say, thanks to those who responded, that Aries and Taurus season look really likely and maybe even beyond.
If you are reading this thinking it’s too late, it’s not. Help me make the Scopes! No samples needed. You don’t need a website. Tell me here: https://radicaltarot.com/tarotscope-submissions/ or tell me anywhere. Thank you for reading/writing/loving these Scopes!!!
just donated and i’m emailing you now about contributing! i really love your work and these ‘scopes, and i write tarotscopes for autostraddle so this seems like it could be a great fit. thanks for all of your work!
Thank you so much for jumping in!!! If I’m right about which scopes you mean at Autrostraddle, I’ve read and loved them and that’s super cool!!
I’m happy to see all the support here! Also interested in writing a scope. I’ll check out your submission link.