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AKA The request box. The desire box. The THIS-WOULD-BE-AWESOME space. Also the that-thing-is-totally-not-working area.


Go wild. You’re covered from two angles.


I’m good at saying no when I need so you never have to worry that you’ll overwhelm me. And, due to either my natal moon in Capricorn, my 6th house of service, or some other nebulous feature of my upbringing, I really like saying yes and keeping my word. 


You could suggest topics for blog posts, blogcasts (a short podcast), videos, virtual meetups. You could suggest design stuff, like if something’s hard to see. You could suggest scheduling changes, like if you can NEVER book with me because of the times available. You could suggest something I haven’t thought of at all. For references, here are all the topics I’ve seen so far, the things I may already be working on.


If you’re bold, throw your suggestions in the comments.
If you’re super secretive, give ’em anonymously
If you’re medium secretive contact me privately and put “suggestion box” in the message, so I know what it’s about.


Thank you for letting me see you, helping me fix things, practice healthy open-hearted no’s, and letting me give you things.


If it seems I’ve let something slip through the cracks, call me on it. While I’m about integrity, I’m also human at times. If you know my work, tho, you kno I can be slow. Hang in there and send reminders! They work. =D


Featured image: Hash Milhan